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Posts posted by nig

  1. No Sean, Im a well known meddler with basses in my neighborhood and a mate dropped it in and said 'can you fix this for a mutual friend' so I said ok I'll see what I can do, it had rusty strings on it, looked like a crud ball, so far its cleaned up ok, i'll get a set of strings, feed n clean the fingerboard and if I can rewire it and its ok give it back, I may get a thank you and a few beers. ;)

  2. [quote name='Sean' post='408212' date='Feb 13 2009, 08:39 AM'][url="http://www.status-graphite.com"]http://www.status-graphite.com[/url] - follow the link and your nose to find the double ball end strings - fab strings and brilliant value too.

    I'd suggest contacting Hohner and seeing if they can help. Tell them that that it's an older model with the XLR output.[/quote]

    Thanks Sean.

  3. Hi, A mate dropped in his hohner steinberg B2A for me to 'look at', as he said...your a bassist ! it looks like a heap, I need a lead for double ball end strings and wiring diag as it has at least 4 wires disconnected and the toggle switch was hanging out, any help is most appreciated. thanks all. nigel.

  4. [quote name='Spoombung' post='376006' date='Jan 10 2009, 11:20 AM']I always felt very sorry for Chapman Stick players. I mean... it must be like taking a shed load of maths homework back for the weekend, or something.[/quote]

    Nah, not with the 8 anyway, its just a bass on steroids and as we are all frustrated guitarists ( according to guitarists ! ) it allows for a bit of noodling or bass and a bit of gap filling and melody hunting, theres always the clever git who is a virtuoso, but hey more power to them as it is a mind bender to play one and I think you do need to keep up the practise or you kinda go off the boil. I was more that chuffed to do both parts of dakota by the stereophonics and the bass, that felt good.

  5. If its a cover song, sometimes just playing it in the car and to yourself until you get to know the song/ arrangement from a listner view point and once familiar with the tune you can go back with a more subconcious feel for the song and jam along with it finding meters and passes and keys etc then hone the finer points. I never use tab, playing by ear has been my chosen style to roughly learn a song then put my own interpretation on it.
    regards, nig.

  6. I found mine on craiglist it was also on talkbass, as it was when the dollar was 2 to the pound so cost around 700 plus duty, It came with flight case and soft case, also Emmett Chapman and his family are still hands on and helpful at a personal level, I had to restring it and set it up, which isnt as easy as you think, its not like a bass and mine was well out of sorts when I got it, for more interest go to www.stickist.com/forum

    we should start a self help group as well. I always need help... :)

  7. [quote name='Bassmanc' post='371653' date='Jan 6 2009, 09:43 AM']Thanks for posting the picture, weird having the bass strings closest to you, seems to defeatthe whole concept of the stick (ie that it screwws with your perception of reality every time you pick it up!!)[/quote]

    I had to read that statement twice, then got the point and had a chuckle to myself, as 10's and 12 grande sticks tuning are different to the SB8 and the steinberg hybrid 8 string stick bass, the 8 can be sent back to emmett to be reworked but 4ths from low to high is fine for my head although the span is hard so I do play right hand bass some times, the thing with a stick is...there are no rules, which is kinda hard to get used to but nice. :)

  8. [quote name='XB26354' post='366891' date='Dec 31 2008, 10:23 AM']That would be Mark Plati, sometime band member and producer of the distinctly mediocre [i]Hours...[/i][/quote]
    Just listened to Lodger, now adrian belew strangling a guitar and george murrays near funk style on bass, amazing, but I thought I better listen to hours again and...a bit depressing but a great album none the less. :)

  9. If you find it on dvd let me know please as ie only got it on vhs, so an upgrade would be well handy, on this topic ive gotta say mike garson and sterling campbell play outta their skin in places, a very good gig on so many levels.

    afterthought...I loved the mike garson, gail ann dorsey, zachry alford, reeves gabrels line up, that fookin' rocked big time.

  10. [i]EARL SLICK[/i].. yep, you couldnt make up a better rock guitarist name, jerry leonard of irish band spooky ghost replaced mark plati, as for miss gail ann dorsey....freddy eat your heart out...


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