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Posts posted by nig

  1. [quote name='thepurpleblob' date='Nov 5 2008, 12:51 PM' post='322603']
    Mmmm.... Not 100% sure as it doesn't have the "proper" G&L pickups, but... Black and Maple StingRay 4 string, perhaps? Couple of years old excellent condition! Where are you?

    I think I'd rather swap for the L2500, though :)

    Hi, im in essex im afraid, way down the country, its tones are more amazing than the L2500, of which I own one that is set up for high c instead of low b, these are still very nice basses even without the MFD pups and score that emg sound, as for a black ray with a maple board, well what can I say, perfect.

  2. +1 on usps too,dont forget customs and handling, just used dhl, the 3rd partys choice in my purchase from the usa, really fast, then dhl sent me the wrong dutys, then whilst sorting it out sent me a bailiffs letter, then finally credited me, a nightmare that went on for 3 months, usps forward to parcel force and seem well competant, ive never had any agg.

  3. [quote name='Stickman' post='288355' date='Sep 21 2008, 02:57 AM']Yep, I play a 10-string. Despite the forum name I've tended to have an on/off relationship with it over the years with time restraints meaning it take second place to my bass playing. It's always the tone that grabs me though.

    Although he's changed from Stick to ERB this guy is inspiring me a lot at the moment: [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=265314514"]05Ric[/url][/quote]

    Hi Stickman, Rick is a mate of mine, we worked together for 2 years and he left to do his own extended bass stuff, found gavin harrison on myspace and has done a great album called 'drop' check him out. he plays a crimson guitar.

  4. Im about 2 months into playing mine and its great, you can use a standard sb8 as a touch or tap bass but the extended range allows for chord or melody playing, the biggest problem is the 8 strings are in 4th's from the low b all the way across the neck which is very wide for small hands, but 10 and 12 string sticks and reworked 8 string sticks are in interior reciprocal tuning where the bass strings are in the centre going out in 4th's and the melody strings in 5th's going the other way from the centre allowing greater ease, check out rob martino on you tube he plays some great prog and rock classics on his.

  5. @ sixshooter, if its a maple board, I may be interested, as for the history lesson on g&l's, thats spot on noelk27, as far as I know the L5k had a big p bass pup and is fairly scarse, the L5500 was a stop gap 5 built without 5 string MFD pups being available, so emg's were installed, the bass was dropped in favour of the L2500, i think this puts the jigsaw/time line together, there was a L1500 too, gg jaguar is the man to google for g&l history, he's always spot on.

  6. Ive got to be honest, im not sure the going rate, but, I kinda know what I would say yes to and what I would say no to, if you like big neck 5's this is the bass for you, wide at the nut but not fat in profile, the emg's punch thru anything.Sadly im not a warwick fan, maybe im a bit one track minded, rays and g&l's kinda have the same pedigree.

  7. dub_junkie, did you move your asat on ? as I saw you mention my l5500 in another thread, thought oh yeah still got that on the stand in the livingroom, was searching for the thread and saw that sweet asat...bump for your bass if its still for sale mate.

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