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William James Easton

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Posts posted by William James Easton

  1. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='432947' date='Mar 12 2009, 10:12 PM']Get yerself up to the Tap'n'Spile jam night on a Thursday about 10pm. Even for just half an hour, talk to people and let them know you want to play in a band; there are a few musos turn up. Mark the guy that runs it is a decent bloke.

    Jon, i am going to pop down in the near future.

    I almost knocked you off your bike last week. You blended in with all the bright yellow tress and houses i see :)

  2. [quote name='budget bassist' post='432900' date='Mar 12 2009, 09:20 PM']That's a bit defeatist. You're the one that wants to be in a band, if you can't be arsed to try and find some more band members then who's fault is that?[/quote]


  3. boo to the booers hurrah to the posi crew.
    Think im just letting my insomnia and stress take the better of me on my 'fun' level too. (don't send me back to the dark place) think the ferrett was right about both bands, keep me busy but creative aswell.

  4. [quote name='The Funk' post='433094' date='Mar 13 2009, 12:25 AM']Without wanting [[size=3]b]to get too Kate Bush on you[/b], [/size]don't give up. I was so sickened after a band I was in fell apart that I stopped playing for 2 years. This was 19-21. And I've never practised like I did before. But I'm a much better player now and the band I'm in now is so much better than the one that fell apart.

    I got into writing, playing guitar, playing drums, playing keys, producing, put a band together (which again fell apart) and then put this one together. It's just a long-arse, depressing journey at times. But the playing's a part of who you are. You can try to deny it but you'll just end up acting weird in the rest of your life.[/quote]

    i find that statement a little arousing! is that wrong? - the kate bush bit!

  5. [quote name='budget bassist' post='432873' date='Mar 12 2009, 08:59 PM']Don't give up matey, you can always find new musicians that want to do your thing with you, it's difficult but it's worth it.[/quote]

    i cant find anyone else. bassists are easy to find coz basses are easy to play! :)

  6. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='432862' date='Mar 12 2009, 08:56 PM']why give up? even if its just messing around occasionally, its still a hobby.[/quote]

    i want to play, i want to create with people and for people. always have done. im not in to this bedroom hero crap.

  7. Today is a bad day. After 3 and a bit years with out playing. I finally get back into it. buy some new gear and put all my free time into brushing up my skills. Then after a year of writing and jamming it seems that 2 of the members of my so called band decide they don't have time to do it. I am gutted. I've worked so hard picking myself up after a very bad patch and have focused on playing original music again. and now, even though i have more on my plate then ever, i am the one being let down by people who i thought where going to get that spring back in my musical step.
    Do i think "forget it" sell up and give up or should i just hold out for a pub covers band to turn up just for the sake of playing?

    some one please slap me and point me in the right direction.

    respectfully yours
    Will '08457 90 90 90' Easton

  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='426438' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:54 PM']You could buy one great 1x15" that can do the job of a cheap 1x15" and a cheap 4x10" for similar cost to the pair, whilst taking up less space in your house, being easier to move and sounding better. Lateral thinking! :)


    ecky thump everytime i post it ends in barefaced GAS! 175w @ 8ohms whats that going to do for me?

  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='426434' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:53 PM']"Where did you get it from, dear?"
    "A friend of mine from my bass forums made it in his spare time"

    (See, it's the half-truths which make it sound plausible)[/quote]

    you've done this before haven't you?, yer sly dog!

  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='426438' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:54 PM']You could buy one great 1x15" that can do the job of a cheap 1x15" and a cheap 4x10" for similar cost to the pair, whilst taking up less space in your house, being easier to move and sounding better. Lateral thinking! :)


    IF i can save up the money i will comming your way.

  11. [quote name='The Funk' post='426407' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:40 PM']... doesn't need to know the true cost.

    "Did it cost £200?"
    "Yes, dear." (and the rest!)[/quote]

    are you assuming all women are dumb? sexist :)

  12. [quote name='The Funk' post='426387' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:32 PM']Ah. Not sure what to recommend then. I was going to recommend the Barefaced cab as well. I have one and it sounds great![/quote]

    would love one. the wife on the other hand.....

  13. [quote name='sk8' post='426317' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:56 PM']+1 to that. Got one on the way

    or what about a 210 if you like your 410?[/quote]

    playing 2x10 at the moment. just dosent 'push the air' like i want it. Fair enough its only a cheap laney cab but i'm all about thr 'feel' of the gear, needs to melt where 2x10 i feel get a little lost in a band enviroment. yer kow? feck i sound like a hippy!

  14. [quote name='johnnylager' post='426262' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:17 PM']Try [url="http://barefacedbass.com/thecompact.html"]this.[/url] It'll do both. And fits in the boot.[/quote]

    I should have mentioned im looking second hand, missed out on the one yesterday.

    Budget £150-£250

  15. I'm looking at a numebr of options for playing through my B1RE (300w @ 4 ohms, 175w @ 8 ohms). However as things seem to be panning out i may be playing in different enviroments for different projects and thought aswell as getting a 4x10 for 'rocking it out i will look into getting a 1x15 for smaller gigs, pratices, jamming ( i hate that word) and for a quick chuck it in the boot kind of sollution
    any ideas what i should look for?

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