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William James Easton

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Posts posted by William James Easton

  1. cat naps whenever you can. i've never played in europe but good friends have told me stuck in a small van with 7 people, crate of euro boooze and bags of quality wing wang ends up in a very disrupted sleep. Get your head down for 30 mins whenever and where ever you can.

    plus - take in a 'show'. or you'll burst form sexual tension :)

  2. [quote name='lowdown' post='453857' date='Apr 4 2009, 08:56 AM']It has been around for a while,
    But i was not sure it had been posted here at Basschat.
    Yer it is good stuff.
    I love the [b]Red indian[/b] bits..
    It must have been a real pi**er for all those who did a bit, [ 100's i believe ]
    but did not make the final cut.


    native americans, slap your wrists.

  3. [quote name='YouMa' post='452199' date='Apr 2 2009, 10:28 AM']Whats an ironing board?[/quote]

    something to do with the kitchen im lead to believe*

    [i]*im my wifes words.[/i]

  4. I [i]think[/i] i want to trade my Jaguar for a P bass. Not into selling or i'd just end up without a bass, and that my friends would be bad ju ju.

    the reasons ([s]best bass i've ever owned, only selling due to money, wife say's it has to go [/s]FREE ZONE)

    -Due to my medical conditions* I am realy finding it to play in the style i have been accoustumed to over the past 15 years. Therefore I wish to try a new (but old) bass. I.E back to the P for me. Weak maybe, but in my had it may it's a valid reason.

    -But main reason is it has a full range of tones that i just dont use. Honest guv the bass is as good as the guitar version when it comes to tone options. I dont use them. I like to play volume up, tone up, passive, plug in, play show, sweat, go home.

    She really is a beaut.

    What i'm looking for is a P bass to the value of my lovely Tina (with j bridge pick up?) and as image is 90% of everyones bass purchase (come on, you know it is) i want one in black with plack plate or *crosses fingers* natrual/butterscotch blonde with black plate.

    I know it's a long shot but hey ho lets give it a go.

    Photos will be taken this week. bass is v.good apart form small chip in lacquer above 1st fret that was there when i purchased it of Artisan and a tiny scuff on end of head stock.


    *[i]by medical conditions i mean im a fat fanny with a poor diet.[/i] - idea for discussion

  5. today i am loving to jeff ament. A- because i have an unhealthy obsession with him and b- i got the TEN box set...and wow that album now sounds like it should of always sounded!

    but can any give me an idea of what this bass is he has been playinfg in recent years?

    Some sort of custom jag type thing? has given me an idea for my perfect bass i'll never build.

  6. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='440044' date='Mar 20 2009, 09:55 AM']On another note, I enjoyed watching Tina Weymouth's bass technique. Left hand thumb over the top, right hand using the thumb on the E string and fingers for the others. It just goes to show that "bad" technique is no hindrance to success.


    i'm due for huge success then!

  7. one minute im going tofgive up the next my friend decides he wants to re live our youth! hurrah i say and we dream up the following....

    A grunge band (early grunge pre '91 ala mudhoney, TAD) where the guitar and bass are on a constant fuzz!
    excellent we think, however insane/genius thios idea is i'm worried that playing a constant fuzz bass is going to get lost in the sound.
    We have only got it on in the bedroom (OOOH!) so far so not played in a practice room with drummer, so havent been able to try out yet.
    At the moment im playing with a boss odb-3 and mxr DI (a lovely distortion on its own.)
    [/list]Shoul I try 'dial' in these 2 pedals to give fuzz without loosing bottom end? (tried in my sucky band but just cant seem to manage it)
    [/list]Should i try another pedal?
    [/list]Should a go through 2 amps, keeping one clean and one distorted? (say my laney 210 combo and me new ampeg 115 cab and head - sent back as its not working)

    fuzz hurts my brain.

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