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Marky L

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Posts posted by Marky L

  1. On 20/05/2024 at 23:13, steantval said:

    Tried to start a Motley Crue tribute band up several years ago, we really were trying to replicate them musically and visually, after lots of auditions for the drummer, Tommy Lee, we had to give up as none of them had a really large penis 😄


    As opposed to Vince Neil who is a really large penis 😁

    • Haha 1
  2. On 20/05/2024 at 09:38, Cat Burrito said:

    Over the last few years I have been part of a gothic duo that can certainly share some experience here. We operate on two levels; there is the electric band with original material that can generally slot in to any indie or rock bill on that circuit, no issues. I say no issues, getting regular slots is a constant challenge but this seems to be standard with 50yr olds playing original material. 


    Then there is the acoustic duo that does songs by The Cure, Joy Division, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus etc and that goes out on the covers circuit. It's not been without challenges and the answer varies from venue to venue. Worst scenario was clearing an entire village pub opening with Joy Division's "New Dawn Fades" once (damn our belligerence but we have usually opened with it every time since to prove a point!). However, there is an appetite for this sort of music. We've found some venues book us, like us but don't want us to rebook us too soon. There have been a few festivals where I see the same old bands (friends of ours) are playing to an often lesser standard but they are playing all the well trodden favourites. I get it and accept it. At the weekend there was a massive beer festival and we looked like we'd been deliberately side stepped. I joke that we are like the weird cousin in the attic that nobody dares to mention. 


    I think our strength is that 1) we mean it and genuinely care about the music we play, and 2) we use a lot of gentle humour, sometimes self-mocking, between songs which always goes down well. The other strength is that we stand out locally because there is nobody else doing what we do. That said, I've noticed a few of the more upbeat Cure songs have slipped into the sets of some of the other local bands since we started. There's a big difference between banging out Friday I'm in Love compared to Cold from Seventeen Seconds. 


    Acoustic Bauhaus? Sign me up!

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    • Haha 1
  3. I have a  Les Paul style short scale Retrovibe. If I remember, it was a one off, put together to try out the style. I think David does this every now and again.


    I love it. It has a chunky neck and is fitted with their hi-gain RIC style pick ups which gives it a fantastic sound with roundwounds fitted. 


    (Apologies for it looking rather grubby, but I have been playing it recently and it does need a clean!)


    Retrovibe LP.png

    • Like 5
  4. 48 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Agreed. We should do one last year and then give it up. For our last entry, the song should be called "Yeah We Get It, You All Hate Us".


    And to spite everyone, it would of course win.

    • Haha 3
  5. Not had a chance to watch this yet, but certainly will.


    As I understand, right at the moment, AI is churning out derivative, cheesy nonsense that has no depth or staying power.. but isn't that what "the kids" are happy to absorb these days? But then, pop has always been a bit throw away, except there are a lot of classic "bangers" we still love from the wonderful charts of the 60's, 70's and 80's. Will there be any AI future classics?

  6. On 29/04/2024 at 12:03, RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE said:

    I haven't flown with Ryan Air . Might develop sore arm syndrome . 
    Having said that , if I did I think they'd be on the list here as the boss comes across as an arrogant tw@t!

    He reminds me of Louis Walsh . 


    There's a book about him..


    cnut 2.jpg

  7. 17 hours ago, Dad3353 said:


    I sincerely hope for your health and safety's sake that your bandmate drummer has a lot more patience and restraint than I. A pedagogic approach of this nature would, at a minimum, be met by me with a deft drumstick through the offending metronome, and a fair few Anglo-Saxon words and phrases that would make my displeasure clear to all around. Still, if it works for you both... ^_^


    And my bass would be around his head! 

    It's just a frustration that I am dweling on too much, but it could be a quick and easy fix.

    Obviously I did employ a little artistic licence for comedic effect. I would just hold it close enough so he was aware and could act upon it.

  8. 3 hours ago, Acebassmusic said:


    I think having 1 person in the band to count in all songs can give a bit of consistency to start tempo. The number of times I've played in bands where another musician (usually the guitarist) would start the song at a totally different speed due to nerves / adrenalin / last song played / they just feel like it! 🤣


    In my band we try not to leave much space between songs and use the drummer as the focal point. They're queing up the next tempo whilst the guitarist checks tuning or someones changing patches etc. Everyone knows who does the count in and should there be any technical problems they can signal to the drummer to hold off. It seems quicker and pretty efficient.


    I agree that it's everyones responsibility to keep time together but it's the drummers role to provide the pulse that we keep time to. If the drummer can't keep to the rehearsed beat then you've got problems...... I'm in the house band for a local jam (so no real pressure on getting things right) and we regularly play "Le Grange" which on the record is about 160bpm. The guitarist always starts it off about 170bpm and by the end of the song we've achieved 190+bpm :facepalm: Our drummer is usualy solid but for whatever reason on that one, goes astray 🤣


    Well ours would start at 190 and it would end at 140. 🙄

    • Haha 1
  9. I'm sure it would have been mentioned already but I'm not trawling through previous posts..


    That appalling barsteward Chris De Burgggghhhhhaaah and Lady In Red. I will instantly boot my radio out of the window should that dare to be played over the airwaves.

    • Haha 2
  10. I particularly can't abide that faux Irish twaddle that Ed Sheeran plopped out.. Galway Girl?


    "Oh I had a little fiddle with an Irish man,

    in the back of his Transit van.

    He said "I'll do it to you everyway I can".

    then hit me round the head with a frying pan."

    • Haha 5
  11. Many, many, many.


    I do loathe Layla (as already mention above), it just goes on and on. And also in the same vein, Hotel California. The end is on continual repeat to the point I imagine the studio crew there whilst recording it were close to topping themselves after the 2nd listen through.

    • Haha 1
  12. 14 hours ago, tauzero said:

    Yes. An acrylic bass, 5-string with LEDs. One of the LEDs at the 24th fret didn't work so they sent me out a replacement neck. That was Music Zoo. Quality was good, fretwork well finished. It's a passive bass so no issues with preamp. I'll be replacing the strings at some point but they're usable.


    Ooh! Post a pic please 🙂

  13. So sorry to read your news Ray. 

    I would totally recommend making Basschat your first port of call for selling. It's a fantastically supportive community of like minded people. A much better experience than the wild west that is eBay and FB Marketplace.


    Very best wishes.

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