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Posts posted by dr.funk

  1. Cheers s_u_y* that was very helpful. Monitoring was one of the reasons I thought about buying the kickback combo, LMII and small cabinet seems a better solution but more expensive. Ive heard good things about the Bull and Gate so thats definitely worth knowing about, thanks :) You have some lovely gear by the way, can I assume your not a student? Ive got an offer to study medicine which I am very pleased about :huh:

  2. I am hopefully going to UCL next year and was wondering what gear you need to bring to gig at uni? The university does have practice rooms and I am going to try and enquire as to whether you can hire backline, but particularly for gigs what do you all rely on? Ovbiously by HA3500 and 2x2x10s aren't going to fit in my room. Do most small venues in the capital have a PA capable of handling the bass? I'm tempted by a hartke kickback combo but a DI box would be perfect if I could get away with it.

    I would just be interested to hear what you guys take and do for gigs/practices.


  3. The pedal is midi so you would need to connect it to the midi in out on your soundcard or buy a separate usb interface. Then you click the midi map button at the top (its near the play button) and then you click on the control you wish to assign and simply turn the controller and it maps to it! You can also map keyboard keys to control functions.

  4. You could look at getting an M Audio card and using Pro Tools M Powered. I have to say I don't know a thing about pro tools though, it may well be that m powered isn't compatible with the other versions.

  5. Glad to hear it worked out Ped. I tried re-wiring the demo of Reason to Live on your advice and it's wicked. It really makes up for lives lack of synths. Have you seen the deal on upgrading live lite to live 7 for £177? I am seriously tempted. Ends at the end of November.

  6. These two squarepusher live videos are incredible, great bass playing!

    Coopers World - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq-BPomrsxo"][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq-BPomrsxo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq-BPomrsxo[/url][/url]

    Beep Street - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZUKBCupZaA"][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZUKBCupZaA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZUKBCupZaA[/url][/url]

  7. Check this out, I find it pretty good but the fact it's free definitely factors into that.
    It's called Free Amp 2

  8. [quote name='lowdown' post='81136' date='Oct 30 2007, 09:05 AM']Also a good idea...is to use a external hard drive for your audio...it takes the load
    of your system drive... and Sequencers like this...you get better performance...

    If your Laptop does not come Audio ready , you might wanna look at this site for tweeking you
    operating system for the best Audio performance... [XP]....


    also Vista does not seem to be upto par at the moment...for Audio..
    Lot of problems with drivers from 3rd party software companies...
    This is assuming you are going the Windows route..and not Mac..


    Thank you Garry! That just saved my FW410 from crashing on my new laptop :) It was glitching when monitoring the input but turning of power management and enabling background services worked a treat.

  9. Turn off the amp simulations and make sure you have the eq set to flat. Are you sure it is not your amp that is being over driven by the digitech? If you turn down the gain on your amp does the distortion go?

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