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Posts posted by dr.funk

  1. [quote name='pete.young' post='77204' date='Oct 21 2007, 09:31 AM']I do have one mac, an old MacPlus which has been converted into a fish tank.[/quote]

    Do you have a picture of that?

  2. Yeah I can see how the 2 inputs could become restrictive, thankfully our drummer has a rich friend so band recordings can be done there.

    I'm trying to sort out a laptop at the moment, the macbook looks lovely although I don't think I can really justify the extra cost. Looks like it will be a Lenovo I end up with. Mind you I'm using a 1.5ghz Celeron Toshiba at the moment with Live and it runs a lot better than I expected!

  3. Ahh I think that was when it was bassworld and pre FBI... I'm sure it was him, I remember talking about the digitech whammy with him..

    never mind!

  4. I normally just use an amp without fx with the band. Although these last few weeks I have been using a laptop to process my bass and I have to say that may be making a debut at the next band practice. Just gotta get a suitable midi controller.

  5. I have peds old OLP and although the sound lacks a little bit it is the most comfortable bass I have ever played - it just feels right so I tend to pick it up for noodling on. For some reason it records well and can hold up to a lot of effecting if you know what I meant! Doesn't lose it's character and tracks better on synths than my jazz.. mind you that's likely to be quite a personal thing.

    Definitely good value though :)

  6. I meant to give it a go and may well do in the future but at the moment I'm hooked on Live Lite that came with my M Audio 410..

    Phatmonkey - wicked recordings and good songs for that matter, really well done!

  7. [quote name='ped' post='43380' date='Aug 9 2007, 04:58 PM']Hi mate,

    If you are up for spending about £50 on a M-Audio USB Midi keyboard you get free with it 'Ableton Live Lite 6' which I use, and I really like it. I did have another CD which I got with something else - I sent it to Toasted I think so you can track it down. You might be able to download it from somewhere free though.

    Can you use the midi controller in Lite? I have heard that it doesn't respond to midi control messages..

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