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Posts posted by dr.funk

  1. Sad as it is a lot of schools seem to favour a guitar player who can teach bass and guitar as opposed to having a dedicated bass teacher. A real shame although my old schools guitar teacher was a fantastic bass player.

  2. [quote name='Super_Mario_Bass' post='23742' date='Jun 26 2007, 08:58 PM']who else you think flea imitates? im not tryin to argue lol i want to know :)[/quote]

    Larry Graham mainly I would say. Mind you I'm a big fan of both :huh:

    I tried to get a skeleton suit for a fancy dress gig but its hard to find one in a size that fits someone older than 9..

  3. [quote name='Josh' post='23337' date='Jun 26 2007, 01:55 AM']If You Want Me to Stay - Sly & The Family Stone, just a great muted funk line.[/quote]

    Ahh great choice!

    Speaking of endurance the end of Bullet in the head is worthy for that (RATM)

    Billie Jean - Michael Jackson

  4. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='22540' date='Jun 24 2007, 01:28 AM']I will look further into the SE though....


    One of the models has different capsules you can fit, think its the SE3, the review in SOS mentioned they fitted the SE2 mic so by buying an SE2 and SE3 you could get 2 cardoid and one omni.

  5. I wondered where this thread had gone, didn't realise it was at the top. I will definately be coming and can bring any of my gear should anyone wish although I appreciate it is not of the same quality as the rest of you! :)

    Well done Dave for booking it. Regarding the emails I'm not sure that the address is checked that often, when I did my work experience there it wasn't very professional although it is great for what it does. Ive done numerous gigs in the liveroom and I think it sounds pretty good.

  6. Well I was just going to point out that difference. The Corvette has two single coil Jazz pickups which are in different positions to the Streamers lone single coil pickup. The different positions and pickups will give different tones. Roughly jazz vs musicman in sound, although I have no real experience in this matter.

    Might get a better response in bass guitars?

  7. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='18141' date='Jun 15 2007, 11:35 AM']I'd add Andertons in Guildford in Surrey to that too. Lee who runs it is a top bloke and it shows in his store and staff.[/quote]

    I couldn't agree more, they are really helpful and unlike a fair few shops I have been to they are happy to let you try out top of the range models if you are a teenager :)

  8. [quote name='martthebass' post='18522' date='Jun 15 2007, 07:50 PM']Not had much experience with the Rockbass line other than the odd tinker in a shoppe. IMHO the German made ones are completely different and worth finding the extra money for. I moved from a MIM Jazz to an Active Corvette and didn't regret it. Now on a Thumb Bolt On and lovin' it.[/quote]

    I remember mention of the german made warwicks. They are quite expensive now though? Are they actual warwicks or warwick rockbasses that are made in germany? I was under the impression all warwicks were made in germany.

  9. For some silly reason I have always been rather anti-warwick. Anyway I went for a jam at a friends house today and used his bass a Warwick Corvette through an SWR LA10 or 12.

    The sound really surprised me, I think it is the best slap tone I have ever acheieved. It didn't nessecarily sound better than my jazz but much springier, more like a musicman or those clips of peds vigier - surprising for a j configuration.

    Has anyone else had any experience with these basses? Im sorely tempted to get one for mucking about on. How does the warwick corvette compare? Is there much of a difference?


  10. I have to say from a cheap point of view and close proximity backline in guildford seems a good option. I will try and remember to pop in and ask if I am in guildford today :)

  11. Congratulations on getting it sorted..

    Steve have a look at this, its a free pitch to midi vst (not sure if protools supports vst?) but it is great fun triggering synth sounds from the bass. Should track nicely on the high C I should think..[url="http://www.sonicspot.com/synodeia/synodeia.html"]Synodeia[/url]

    I was fooling around with some audio triggered synths earlier in live, they are great fun and make you approach playing in a different way which is always a good thing I think..

  12. I have had a go at using a pitch to midi converter on ableton live. Quite difficult to get it to trigger properly though.. I imagine if you got piezo saddles and split the output for each string (or used the roland system..) you could improve it alot.

    I'm currently saving for some midi gear myself to try with the band based around Live as the controller.

  13. [quote name='Ant' post='5472' date='May 23 2007, 11:24 PM']See, i'm totally covered for pitch shifting at the moment - my whammy does everything i want and i love that digitised whammy sound, i only wanted the ps-2 for the arpeggiator, but now ive started looking at robotalks again...
    DAMN YOU G.A.S!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Can you not control the whammy by midi. If so you might be able to use a simple midi drum machine (assuming you could set the note values) to create an arrpregio which would sync to the tempo by using the tap button. I have been considering trying this with a rack fx unit and ableton live.

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