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Posts posted by TRBboy

  1. Hey there! Thanks for the offer of help - I need a sounding board!

    I was going to put an Aguilar OBP2 I've got in the RBX, but I think I'd rather keep it passive now. Gonna replace the pickups but I can't decide what to go for. Don't want to spend silly money - looked at the Kent Armstrongs from WD Music but not sure that they'll hit the spot. I like a nice, full powerful sound, and I'm leaning towards the Dimarzio Model P/Js at the moment. Considered SD quarter pounders too, but I've got them in my jazz so I'd like something different I think.

    Any suggestions?

    I'm gonna strip the wiring out and start again but can't decide whether to go VVT or 3-way toggle. Might depend if I can find a decent toggle with a longer thread!

  2. Hey everybody! I'm new here..........

    Been playing for about 16 years, gigging for about 13 - 14 years. Started off playing metal, but have since covered most other areas (except jazz!). Played in covers bands, original bands, band for professional pantomime at local theatre. Influences are: too many to mention! Inspired by all the greats including: James Jamerson, Flea, Nate Watts, Cass Lewis, Mike Dirnt, etc, etc.

    Current gear:

    Fender USA Jazz (97) Lake Placid Blue
    Yamaha TRB1004NT
    Yamaha TRB1005TRD
    Yamaha RBX270 BK (Project bass - advice needed!)
    Markbass CMD102P 2X10" combo
    Markbass 15" cab
    Radial Bassbone
    Boss ODB-3

    Hope to chat with you soon!

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