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Everything posted by sk8

  1. sk8

    pocket pod line6

    Hmmm - might have to get one
  2. thanks for the quick reply Dave
  3. small clone is good and i'm selling one.........................! I'm only getting rid of mine as i've bought a stereo electric mistress and can get similar sounds out of it
  4. Dave Just wondered how the Fuzzy Feeling worked on bass? Does it retain low end or is it a guitar pedal? Thanks
  5. here you go [attachment=4788:11012008015.jpg] [attachment=4787:11012008018.jpg]
  6. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Line-6-Bass-POD-XT-PRO-FBV-SHORTBOARD_W0QQitemZ300189366761QQihZ020QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Line-6-Bass-POD-XT-P...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] is this price realistic?
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  9. unfortunately for you, no You a one man band
  10. [quote name='cockbongo' post='116156' date='Jan 8 2008, 12:43 PM']You know, you don't hear sentences like that often enough...[/quote]ha ha
  11. I've sold my muff and want a blowtorch so this will have to go It’s a Daphon pedal, built like a tank with a strong metal housing and is a great overdrive. This twist is it has had a monte alums mod (check out his website) so it is now more akin to a TS808 tubescreamer for basically no money. Most importantly it now has a blue LED and we all know these are the best It is really smooth and has great response across its range. I’m after £30 inc P&P which for a Tubescreamer is no money If you want to try some dirt this is agood option
  12. well i have had a reasonable play now and i have to say i'm impressed
  13. forgot to say that the clone comes with a power adaptor lead
  14. Compressor sold pending the usual
  15. Happy new year people. Probably not the best time to flog gear after Xmas but we'll give it a go as i fancy some different pedals First up EHX Big Muff PI American reissue. Less than six months old and in excellent condition. Included is the original box and instructions plus a power adapter lead that was bought separately so the pedal can be powered off a daisy chain boss style power connector. SOLD Second EHX Small Clone Chorus. Good condition, less than six months old with original box and instructions. Also included a power adapter lead that was bought separately so the pedal can be powered off a daisy chain boss style power connector. Great simple chorus but since the purchase of a Stereo electric Mistress a bit redundant hence the sale. £35 inc P&P Last Daphon E20CM compressor. Built like a tank to last and i believe it is based on the Ibanez CP-5 circuit. A great gentle compressor but i fancy something else now. Daphon is the best budget make out there; i still have an OD and only sold my flanger because i bought the Electric Mistress. SOLD
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