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Posts posted by lonestar

  1. Me too. ca 1975-78
    Awayday ticket to Charing Cross for 25p. burger from Wimpy and cruise up and down Shaftesbury Avenue/ Tottenham Court Rd and Denmark St.
    I remember all the shops you mention plus the sheet music/ songbook shop upstairs on Shaftesbury avenue.
    I used to go with my mate Ian who was also 14/15 years old and was never treated snottily or refused a go whether it was a Rick 4001 or a Les Paul. Try that with the clowns that work Tin Pan alley and the B**tard cellar now.
    I really liked Macaris who I think had 2 shops at one time?
    I bought my HH VS amp there and sold it back to them several years later for the £100 I paid for it.
    Aah nostalgia.....It ain't wot it used to be.


  2. [quote name='northstreet' post='353274' date='Dec 12 2008, 11:48 PM']Thanks for all the advise. I'll be keeping the Ibanez. Re the amp, I've decided on a Behringer 1x15" cab (I know the quality may not be the best but there's not too much to go wrong with a cab) and a Peavey Tour 450. That will give me 300W and should be loud enough. I need more volume I can throw a cheap 2x10" cab into the mix and get the full 450W.


    Hartke will give you a lot of watts for your buck. I haven't tried Behringer backline kit but there other stuff is cheap and not necessarily that well thought of in the industry.
    What I've seen of their products when photographing them for a magazine is a bit cheap and nasty.
    I spent £60 fitting a Celestion driver to an Ashdown Mag 1x15 a few years ago and it transformed the sound and output. That could be another route for you.

  3. I went to see him at a clinic a while ago and he used a EBS Multicomp and an Octaver. I can't remember the make but you may be able to find out from his site.
    I asked him how he got the Sledgehammer bass sound, as we do it in my band, and he said
    That he played it on a fretless with a pick and an octaver and compressor I think.
    Lovely guy and great player.
    He seemed not too hung up on make of effects and use whatever he's given!
    Also look at thishttp://www.talkbass.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-411600.html.


  4. [quote name='gary mac' post='350736' date='Dec 10 2008, 02:07 PM']A good set list and one I would enjoy as a player or as part of the audience. Nice.

    It's also reminded me that I keep meaning to put it to the band i'm in, to learn long train running. Just love that era of doobies music.

    Cheers, Gary.[/quote]

    We used to do China road and listen to the music too. Really nice bass parts

  5. Thanks Bilbo.
    I'm sure you are loved here. In a strictly male platonic non funny stuff kind of way of course.
    I'm going to see if I can persuade Mrs C to add this to my rapidly increasing Christmas list
    Having spent most of my adult life trying to read music my 11 year old ,just starting her grade 1 piano, is still better than me. This may be the key.

  6. [quote name='Jono' post='185630' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:51 PM']Circus gig. Pretty surreal experience chatting to the clowns before the gig as they put their 'face' on...[/quote]

    That's a beaytiful little girl playing bass in your avatar Shame about that great big left hand of hers. hopefully she'll grow into it. Great Pic!

  7. OK I've Just found Beedster's Thread.
    P1ss poor show Allen.
    From all that I've read on here and having met Beedster briefly at a bass bash he seems a top bloke. Which makes your shady dealing even worse. I'd lend him my amp!
    This is just not on. Lets hope for a speedy and fair resolution as this, like the jakebass thing, really spoils the whole refreshingly decent ethos of friendship and trust that seems the norm on Basschat.

  8. The fender specs are a good place to start
    especially if you have a Fender.

    None of this stuff is hard if you have the right tools, basic diy skills and really take your time.
    It's very satisfying to learn these skills.

    Regarding the the truss rod make sure you use the correct size allen key/ hex nut adjuster,depending on what make of bass you have. Slacken the strings first IF it needs adjusting. By the way you normally stick a capo on the 1st fret hold down the string at the top fret and measure the clearance at the 7th or 8th fret not the 12th as someone else advised. Check the factory specs for your bass

    If it's really tight or you have any doubts about your confidence to do this don't. Get someone who knows what they're doing to help. I would but I'm a bit to far away!

  9. Nitromors will also attack any glue holding the body sections together.
    if it's a fairly thin finish a cabinet scraper is quite useful but you need to be able to sharpen and file one first!

    Wire wool and sander sound best bet to me. Besides what's the rush?
    Take your time it'll be at thing to love and cherish for ever or until the next one anyway

  10. [quote name='arabassist' post='339001' date='Nov 27 2008, 10:30 PM']Hello,

    Sorry if I'm ranting like an old man. I'm just curious if all Bass-tards (bassists) get slagged off by their smaller, weaker and more feminine cousins: the G-tards (g**tarists).

    People say to me "Oh bass is so easy, only 4 strings...bla bla...you have no sense of melody...". What do most bassists come back with? I generally insult their lack of rhythm, or if i'm really annoyed I insult their lack of manliness. Sometimes, I say to them "two words for ya: slap and pop...you try doing that...." and they immediately shut up.[/quote]

    Short answer: John Paul Jones.

  11. [quote name='Rusty Shackleford' post='339205' date='Nov 28 2008, 08:31 AM']there's no justice like angry mob justice.[/quote]

    Shows what can happen when a bunch of angry basstards start gathering together and sharpening the pitchforks.

    I'm really moved by the level of response help and support by so many fine people on this forum and amused as ever by the good humour too.

    Shockwave you're a star. Definitely several beers due to you at the next bass bash

    "Evil prospers when good men do nothing"? This show what happens when people help each other.

    Now let's move on to fix the economy NHS, middle east, afghanistan.
    No sod it lets look at some more gear porn and swap jokes whilst arguing about jazz.

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