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Posts posted by lonestar

  1. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='517811' date='Jun 18 2009, 08:43 PM']There are certain bass parts that seem quite easy to play, but when you actually learn them they just don't sound right, no matter how long you study them. For me, a prime example is 'Sex Machine'. A few simple notes, but you try to make it sound and feel like Bootsy...impossible. Another one is Steely Dan's 'Kid Charlemagne'. I've been playing this song for 12 years, and I've studied it note for note, but I can't for the life of me get it dead right. The feel is unbelievable - funk/reggae. Chuck Rainey freely admits it's probably his finest moment.

    Anyone else have an example of this phenomenom?[/quote]

    I couldn't agree more on this
    We recorded Kid Charlemagne as part of a little project with a guitard friend.
    It wasn't too bad until the fantastic guitar solo; the bass part took me ages and was really hard, never felt that confident with the rest of the song either if I'm honest.

  2. [quote name='The Funk' post='506003' date='Jun 5 2009, 12:32 AM']Guys, thanks for rushing to my defence but it's not necessary. It was just a one line joke not intended to distract from the discussion.[/quote]

    I thought it was funny, if a little obvious!

  3. I've been listening to lot's of stuff with this guy playing.

    My favourite bass player, for this week any way.

    Anyone know any more about him?

  4. [quote name='steve-soar' post='461476' date='Apr 13 2009, 07:56 PM']Makes sense to me but there are so many different intervals to use on passing notes. 6ths, minor 7ths, oh no, Jazz has just started to secreet from my pores...NURSE!!! :)[/quote]

    Surely you mean Niiice!!!
    Good point though

  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='461336' date='Apr 13 2009, 05:15 PM']Not my band but good luck.
    I find it quite easy now to play it in A with the 5 string. Before i had to play it differently to how it should go but now i can just transpose it down from C.

    This thread has opened my eyes a bit and made me realise i was missing out on something. Ive now been making more of an effort to use the 5th string more and so far i like it.
    Its been dependent on the gig though. some of them have been a bit boomy and i find playing E-A on the B string can sound a bit muffled but at some of the gigs ive had such a nice, clear and punchy sound using the higher notes has been a pleasure.[/quote]

    It's been a useful discussion hasn't it?
    I think that on reflection tend to use the 5th string around the bottom end fairly sparingly to to punctuate lines with 4ths or 5ths, sometimes as almost passing notes, and play root notes and bass lines from up past the 5th fret onwards if that makes any kind of sense.

  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='357251' date='Dec 17 2008, 08:05 PM']What? You preferred it to the Freeman's catalogue with Lulu?[/quote]

    That's a good point. Of course the above and the Brian Mills catalogue figured highly in my emotional development

  7. [quote name='Prosebass' post='453900' date='Apr 4 2009, 10:01 AM']I'm still buying up old copies of International Musician from the 70's and 80's. Best magazine there has ever been to give a full spectrum of players , gear and the industry as it was back then.
    My new years resolution was not to buy any new magazines and I must admit I don't feel like I am missing anything.[/quote]

    Yep I liked that and Beat International

  8. +1 the sad demise of Bassist and it's subsequent incororation and disappearance into Guitardist Magazine

    I rarely buy music mags now but always found the American ones more player/music orientated with good stuff to learn and mess about with and the UK ones obsessed with equipment reviews but featuring yet another Deep Purple/Floyd/ Zep transcription. Yawn!

  9. [quote name='Rich' post='449204' date='Mar 30 2009, 08:36 AM']I use the big mooring cable all the time now, I'd be lost without it. When I first started playing fives, I had to change my playing style to suit and it took a bit of work. Now I find that when I pick up a four, I have to change my playing style to suit :)[/quote]

    Me too.
    It may be the nature of my 5string, a Peavey TL5, but I find that it doesn't respond as well to "digging in" as my Jazz 4 string. It sounds great with a lighter touch though.

  10. [quote name='captain black' post='449161' date='Mar 30 2009, 01:41 AM']I've noticed a proliferation in the numbers of 'Dads Bands' around at the minute. :)
    You can see them all over. They're young.
    Their dads ferry them to 'gigs' and set the gear up for them while they stand around looking vaguely interested.
    They spend the whole night playing power chords learnt from Tab off the internet while adoring jailbait looks on.
    The dads stand at the back nodding all the way through and then pack up the gear at the end.
    The upshot?
    It's all done for them!
    They haven't had to do it for themselves.
    As a kid I had to bus 6 miles to practices then carry my amp and bass about a mile (stopping for many rests) so that by the time I got there I could hardly play.
    When you learnt your favourite songs you had to LISTEN to the Record ...NO REALLY LISTEN and work out what was going on.
    You learnt the subtleties. You learnt your trade. You couldn't just google it.
    So I think your answer lies in the fact that the future generation of bands are missing out on the 'serving your time' part.
    Also the standard of affordable guitars and basses you learnt on back then, or should I say Planks (hondo etc.), was pretty poor in comparison to what young 'uns have today (not that Dad hasn't bought them a Les Paul anyway).
    Anyway....Rant over.

    Ps. Apologies to anyone who helps out with their son's band but you get my point.[/quote]

    Oh dear. I wish that I could disagree with this but you are so right.
    It probably removes the those that can't really be bothered to make some effort filter so that anyone can do it in a half as*ed manner and pretend to be a musician.

  11. I think that I do but often when playing songs originally recorded on a 4 string around F G or C it kind of sounds right to me played up near the nut as we do quite a few soul and Motown covers.
    I like the choice though of starting from the middle of the neck and it certainly works well on newer material . We play killer by seal in Eb; couldn't get away with that on my 4 string.

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