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Posts posted by dmccombe7

  1. Hi Tom
    They completed mine well within schedule.
    They will also take the time to make sure you're happy with the set up when completed.
    Chris is very fussy to make sure that everything is done to perfection and that's why people keep going back to him.
    If there's anything you're not sure about just ask the guys and they'll give you a straight and honest answer.

    You won't be disappointed.

    All the very best with it when completed.

    Dave :)

  2. [quote name='cetera' post='1094085' date='Jan 18 2011, 05:01 PM']Updated gig list for the first half of 2011:

    28th Camberley ‘Agincourt’
    29th Crewe ‘The Box’

    4th Bilston 'Robin2'
    5th Walthamstow 'Standard'

    4th Lanark 'Agricultural Centre'
    5th Blackburn 'King Georges Hall'

    15th Stourbridge 'River Rooms'
    16th Ipswich 'Manor Ballroom'

    27th Moscow, Russia (Classic Rock Festival)
    28th t.b.c., Russia
    29th t.b.c., Russia[/b][/quote]

    Tickets ordered for the Lanark gig. Looking forward to it. Have even taken the day off to make sure I am not held up at work.
    All the best on the night.


  3. Yep. You won't go wrong with Overwater.
    Best thing I ever did was buy my 6 string Progress fretless.
    Chris, Laurence and Martin were brilliant.
    All very approachable, helpful and understanding.
    If and when i can afford a fretted one I will be straight back to Chris and the team.

    Cannot fault them.

    Still loving every minute of it.



  4. Would your local music shop not value it for you.
    If you take some "for sale" examples to them they should be able / willing to help.

    Is the insurance to cover the bass when gigging. ?
    If its kept at home then your house contents insurance should cover most items without a valuation but always best to double check with them up front.
    If for any reason it gets stolen from house then you can show your insurance company examples of similar aged bass and they should be flexible in their cover.


  5. [quote name='bassface2k10' post='1098923' date='Jan 22 2011, 06:08 PM']Hi Dave

    I'll go and check Sandin Wilson out, as for a few of this guys albums, i purchased " bringing back the funk" and "XII" from amazon, i have to say both really good albums, bringing back the funk is my favorite at the minute

    all the best

    Thanks Chris will check these out first.
    Sandin is the bassist for Gino Vannelli - if you haven't heard Gino then listen to Brother to Brother album with Jimmy Haslip.
    Also Jimmy Haslip is a close friend of Sandin and produced Into My World.
    Sandin is also a really nice down to earth guy who sent me some bits and pieces after contacting him to say album was great.


  6. [quote name='Scooby' post='1098513' date='Jan 22 2011, 11:46 AM']Weekend bump, final calls etc etc...

    Definitely interested in Overwater if you're looking to trade ;o)[/quote]

    Overwater is a one off signature bass for my 50th last year and would never sell a treasured or collectors item - don't think you should either - LOL !!!

    Note :- not 100% sure but don't think the more recent Thumbs have the pearl fret markers on the neck. ?

    Good luck anyroads


  7. [quote name='WarPig' post='1096591' date='Jan 20 2011, 05:25 PM']Cheers for the comments Dave :) Im not giving up bass, but seeing as i work 10-12 hour days fri-tues, cant drive AND live in the middle of no-where, theres not much chance haha. If anything im top of my game right now :)


    Oh BTW im in [b]Marden, Kent. [/b].[/quote]

    10-12 hrs over weekend - that's a pain.
    Considered changing job ??? - LOL !!!

    All best with the sale - as previously pointed out shouldn't last long at this price.


  8. [quote name='WarPig' post='1096568' date='Jan 20 2011, 05:06 PM']Time to realize im not going to be in a band for a long, long time,

    That's a bit of a drastic statement. Are you sure about not playing in a band for a long time.
    We all have our down moments but should always give yourself a bit of time to reflect.

    Other than that this is an excellent price for some classic kit.

    Shame !

    Good luck though whatever you do


  9. Thanks Alan,
    Great collection and brought back memories of Trevor Bolder too.
    Was a big Bowie fan in the Ziggy days and met Trevor when he played with Uriah Heep using a Kramer. Played a great solo at the gig. Great guy too.

    I had the fretless WAL in 80's - think everyone was buying them then - LOL !!!

    I still have my original Thumb from 1989 with EMG's which like you found this one had that something extra. I think I tried every bass in Glasgow before going back to this particular Thumb.
    Electronics failed within the first week but Sound Control returned it to Warwick and the repair was completed with a nice package of goodies including Sweatshirt, 3 sets of strings, book, various other smaller items and most importantly an apologetic letter from them in broken English with a German accent. Still have all this to date.
    It was a great response from them.

    I've also had the Rick, Shergold twin neck (4 & 8), Precisions, Jazz, Ibanez, Aria SB1000 & SB900, Yamaha, various Warwicks from cheap to expensive range and all pretty good for money.
    Bought an Overwater 6 string fretless last year to celebrate the big 50 as you can see from pic.

    Thanks for sharing your photos and story. Thoroughly enjoyed.

    Dave :)

  10. The new TC amps now seem to be available at an amazing price for what seems to be a copy of the RH450 without the small casing or LED indicators on the controls.

    Has anyone tried them yet and how does it compare against RH450 / RS cab set up.

    The RH450 seems to be extremely popular with BC's even for guys with several amps this always appears to be "in the collection".

    Not having tried the TC range as yet I can't help but think they must be exceptional amps for so many experienced bassists to have in their arsenal of kit.

    Any thoughts or opinions appreciated.


  11. [quote name='Thurbs' post='1076960' date='Jan 4 2011, 12:25 AM']Balance is something I have been searching out for months!

    Tonight I managed to persuade everyone to go through the PA (including the drummer) and I was amazed at how bad we sounded. I am convinced playing f'king loud has been covering up some major issues with timing.

    What was also interesting was how 'dead' the music sounded without a acoustic drum kit. Hard to describe really but the music just seemed to fall flat on the floor as soon as it came out of the speakers. I guess that is what playing with a electric drum kit gives you, trouble is our drummer doesn’t understand dynamics and just plays f'king loud all the time.

    Back on topic... I use a moulded ear plugs (but used normal headphones previously) with a Samson S-monitor (http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1696) wired system which costs about £35. My guitar is plugged in to the PA, as is the mic, so another wire for IEM is neither here or there. The main driver behind the moulded plugs was not to get rid of a stage amp but get the noise levels to my ear down to something less than 110dB+. With the 26dB claimed isolation (making 84dB) I am just outside of the damage your ears territory.[/quote]

    I'm surprised that drums sounded flat when using the electronic drumkit.
    I played in a 3 piece late 80's early 90's with the drummer using a Simmons kit via the Simmons amp. This was then taken straight to PA.
    We found that you could get a great balance over the PA - far better volume wise where we could play smaller gigs without noise or volume problems. In fact we were asked to do several smaller gigs because we could "turn down" the drummer.
    With regards the sound quality the drummer also used sampling systems which maybe gave the kit a far more realistic and fuller sound than the basic Simmons kit.
    Maybe you need to try experimenting with the kit and what you can add to fatten the sound a bit. Our drummer had been using the Simmons kit long before band formed so was more or less an expert with it.
    We covered everything from Floyd to Rock & Blues incl the old drummers fav Phil Collins "In the Air" sound.
    It was good for a laugh but gets a bit boring after a while.

    He did use an acoustic snare and cymbals etc

    Good luck

  12. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1076282' date='Jan 3 2011, 01:56 PM']I chose the DB series purely because I tested a pair of DB112s at the Bass Merchant and loved the tone.

    GS - Huge bottom end, slightly mid shy (not in a bad sense) and ability to have more vintage or crisp highs. Nice handles and carpet covered.

    DB - Still a large bottom end, but more mid punchy so the mids seems to kick out, (the tone is....with a strange description, 'chewy' thick and warm) and nice sweet highs. I only have the tweeter on about 1/3, or off. Not sure how the high end compares to the GS. Strap handles and very pretty styling.

    Both of the ranges seem to just have lots of articulation. Personally, after testing a lot of high end cabs, Id put the Aguilar cabs up with the top manufacturers.

    Both are great. For me, I found I would always end up using two 12s, so I went for the DB212 as it has large handles, and removable casters built in.

    I still often think about picking up 1 DB112 for small gigs, but I know its just GAS speaking.

    They have the new SL112, VERY lightweight 112s. Check www.aguilaramp.com

    Good description of sound difference between the GS & DB.
    Helps me decide which to go for although I will take the advice from all and TRY before i BUY.
    Sounds like the DB is more what I'm looking for.


  13. [quote name='chris_b' post='1075976' date='Jan 3 2011, 01:32 AM']The GS112 came first and was an instant hit with a great tone from a small cab, but some people thought the tone was mid scooped, ie lacking in mids. The DB112 came next. Everything is the same as the GS112 but the cab is 1 inch deeper and this gives it more mids.

    I owned 2 GS112's and would buy them again if they were lighter. I've never played a DB112 but the reviews are very favourable.[/quote]

    Cheers Chris,
    Its taken me a few attempts on BC to get a decent simple explanation on the differences between these two cabs.
    The 1" depth explains why the DB has more mid punch than GS.

    Once again BC saves the day as I would probably have gone for the GS. I prefer a low - mid sound and DB would fit the bill better.
    I will of course trial both before buying as advised by all.


  14. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1075258' date='Jan 2 2011, 01:16 PM']Hi all and happy new year :lol:

    Having seen another thread about Aguilar cabs, I thought I'd open a new thread rather than hijack the other one. Like many others, I'm a fan of my two GS1x12's. They've always delivered the solid bottom end that I like in my sound when coupled to a Peavey MkIV head, a nice vintage sound that suits my 60's band a treat, with enough versatility to add some highs when needed for more up to date numbers.

    However, I did find them a bit lacking when coupled with a Markbass Sa450 head. The mids are a bit shy on the GS's, which is where a lot of the Sa450 tone shaping seems to live. Folk on other threads have said that the DB's expose more of the mid frequencies, while still keeping the integrity of the lower frequencies.

    I've noticed others complimenting the DB112 and DB112NT combination. Can anyone shed any light on this particular setup and what it offers compared to 2 x DB112 ? Is one pair more friendly to a vintage type sound than another ? does the DB112 and DB112 NT allow more exposure for the tones from the more modern class D amps ?

    Thank you for all your replies BC :D


    Its the SA450 with GS112 set up I was looking at but I'm now a bit concerned that it won't have the low-mid frequency punch that I'm looking for.
    It appears that as always individual taste will determine whether the GS or DB has the mid frequency punch.
    Some say the GS has a mid scoop yet others say not.
    Between this post and the others recently posted I'm getting a little lost with the Aguilar kit.
    I think a trial run is in order before buying as this debate could go on indefinately.

    Appreciate all the comments as it does help - I guess - LOL !!!!!

    Dave : :) :)

  15. Guitar, Guitar in Glasgow had full set of Mesa kit.
    Check their local store in your area.
    Reckon they stock same mfr in all their stores.

    Let me know what you think of it.
    I was looking at the M6 head but haven't decided as yet.

    Good luck

  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='1071558' date='Dec 29 2010, 11:07 AM']Hi, +1 with JTUK for keeping your amp, but you'll need a neo cab for the reduced weight. There are quite a few to choose from, Bergantino, Epifani, Markbass, Genz Benz etc. They all have their own "sound" so you should listen to them if you can and they’re quite expensive, unless you can buy used. The only non neo cab I'd recommend is one of the Aguilar GS112 or DB112 cabs. They sound great

    The lightest, loud and full toned neo cab out there, in my opinion, is the Barefaced Compact at 26lbs. Send a PM to alexclabber and discuss pairing your amp with this cab. This is a great 1 cab solution and it's a sensitive cab so it'll make your 200 watts sound bigger and better than most other cabs.[/quote]

    Out of curiosity whats the difference between the Aguilar GS112 & DB112 apart from cost. I'm interested in buying one or other ?


  17. I took advice from BC readers and bought an OBBM speaker cable and noticed the difference. Changed tone to a more even, smoother sound without changing amp settings. Very surprised as I'm an Instrument Engineer and should know about differences in cabling.

    I used to make my own bass leads many moons ago using twin core, sheathed co-ax instrument cable which lasted a long time until they were pinched by another band.

    I have one remaining which is now 25 yrs old and still going strong.

    I think the twin core gives them that added strength and durability whereas single core co-ax tends to break down more easily with wear and tear.

    Will look at gradually changing all my cables to OBBM over coming year as they are extremely well made and sound better into the bargain.


  18. [quote name='Prosebass' post='1054586' date='Dec 10 2010, 11:06 PM']Marvel Strap Locks £8.00 a pair ebay Papa D's Music Store

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PAIR-HEAVY-DUTY-MARVEL-GUITAR-STRAP-LOCKS-CHROME-/190411952104?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2c556fcfe8"]Marvel [/url][/quote]

    These looked good. Have ordered a set for my Warwick. If as good as they sound will fit to my other basses.

    Thanks for the advice


  19. I've recently put a set of Elixir strings on my Warwick and like the tone and feel of them.
    Very easy to play which I put down to the coating.

    Had a few worries with the coating though which Strings Direct & BC readers have now put my mind at ease as nothing to worry about.

    I've tried the Fender nickels and thought they were pretty good and seemed to last quite a while.
    Liked the elites that came with my Warwick in 1989 - were ok but hard on fingers. (i think they were stainless though ?)
    Tried several Warwicks (red, black, etc) and they were a nightmare and didn't last very long either.

    Because of this thread I'm gonna give the DR's a try soon.

    Good luck.


  20. Yep - I have the Hercules 5 bass stand at home and wouldn't trust in a live situation. Very unstable and nothing to prevent falling forward.

    My Warwick bass has very slight wood tone variation on the neck from previous stand but only noticable from players viewpoint.

    I use an old beer towel I "borrowed" many yrs ago from a bar I used to frequent. Also doubles as a towel for cleaning strings at end of gig.


  21. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1070643' date='Dec 27 2010, 11:32 PM']The biggest issue for rack based effects is the user interface. Lots of scrolling through screens and you need to have an idea in your own mind about how the screens are all linked. This can take a while and some patience to learn. Also, it can give you too many options, which again can be confusing. Also you need to pre-programme every song before you get to the gig although the MPXG2 and the TC Electronics G Major (amongst others) do give you the option of switching individual effects in and out within a patch on the fly using the dedicated remote foot controller. So you can use a patch either for a single sound and switch between patches or you can programme it as an effects pedal bank, depending on how much tap dancing you feel like doing.

    The other thing worth noting is that some of these units (like the MPXG2) can run out of processing power if you are using a number of intense effects together (like, for example, an Akai Unibass type effect with added delays on the shifted part of the signal). To get more processing power, the other option is to use a laptop along with a package like Native Instruments Guitar Rig Kontrol. I've done some insanely complicated set ups with wet and dry splits and then a pitch shifted split on the wet side with phaser, delay, overdrive, and some of the whackier envelope filters. Much more than the MPXG2 could have ever achieved. However you do need to have a hardware profile or even a separate version of windows that is stripped of everything apart from the Guitar rig software. The last thing you need is for a Norton Antivirus notification sound to go out over the PA in the middle of an intense rock ballad.[/quote]

    Hi Crazykiwi,
    Think the laptop idea is a bit too intense for me although I wouldn't mind trying at home. Sounds as though its time consuming which is something I never seem to have enough off these days.
    I'm mainly looking for a good quality reverb / delay effect to add some depth to the fretless. Roland is ok but thought the Lex would have better sound quality.
    The MX200 doesn't appear to have a complex parameter set up from what I've read and for that reason thought it would be easier to use.
    If you have any samples of your own experiences with MPXG2 or laptop set up I would be keen to hear. Sounds as though you've got a firm hand on this kind of gear.


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