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Posts posted by dmccombe7

  1. Whow ! some impressive collections. +1 on the SB1000 GIRYA32
    Here's mine.

    [b]Columbus Jazz copy (1976)[/b] - learned how to play on this.
    [b]Shergold twin neck 8 & 4 strings (1978)[/b] - Shergolds 1st 8 string as far as i know - too heavy for an 18 yr old 9 stone teenager.
    [b]Aria SB1000 (1980)[/b] - got into Jack Bruce at this point, great bass to play and what a sound.
    [b]Fender Precision fretless (1981)[/b] - my first bash at fretless - bit limited but great fun.
    [b]WAL custom fretless (1982)[/b] - one of my fav basses. killer sound ang fantastic playability.
    [b]Aria SB900 (1983)[/b] - needed a fretted along with my WAL fretless. OK but limited EQ.
    [b]Rickenbacker 4003 (1984)[/b] - great playability, very limited EQ. Couldn't take to it.
    [b]Fender Jazz (1985)[/b] - great bass. One of my all time favs.
    [b]Ibanez Musician (1987)[/b] - fell in love with the neck on this plus great variety of EQ. Very heavy bass though.

    [b]Yamaha BX-1 (1988)[/b] - opposite of Ibanez with regards weight and what a neck. Passive too.
    [b]Warwick Thumb (1989)[/b] - the love of my life after my wife obviously. what is there not to like. ?
    [b]Warwick Rockbass (2008)[/b] - a cheapie on loan to my brother who was trying to learn bass for a few yrs.
    [b]Fender Jazz (2009)[/b] - Geddy Lee signature. OK but not as good as my original 80's. Still a great bass though.
    [b]Overwater Progress 6 custom fretless (2010)[/b] - my wife bought me this for my 50th. Needed a new challenge. Incredible bass.

    Still have the last 5 although the BX-1 has been defretted as a project because it wasn't worth selling. :)

    I think that's about it and not sure if they are exactly in order. Memory a bit vague mid 80's :)


  2. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1264889' date='Jun 11 2011, 01:39 PM']What Skank said.
    If you just want to make use of what you have, you`ll need to get another amp.
    Nothing flash, just 200watts of something cheap and small with the right ohmage to suit your 210.
    Run this from the power-amp/line out, from your main amp and adjust the volume on it accordingly.
    You can then balance either cab with it`s own level and eq.
    The smaller setup may also make a nice rehearsal/home rig.
    I know it`s more cash and more to carry, but I can`t think of any other solution.

    Yep agree with this.
    Have used this kind of set up with multiple amps and cabs when power amps were smaller and works well. Similar to how PA systems operate with each amp driving a set of cabs. You can then adjust volume to each pair of cabs to suit each venue. Gives a touch more flexibility. i.e. bass, mid, horn volumes if that makes sense.

    One question though is WHY ? Surely the SWR is more than loud enough on stage anyways. At 600W that is by far pretty loud.
    If you can't hear yourself with current set up is there something amiss with your EQ.

    Now curious as to final solution / outcome ?? :)


  3. Lot of good advice so far.

    Learn some basic 12 bar blues.
    Visit venue and get a feel for the event.
    Let organisers know your preferances and limits.

    One Jam session i used to attend started with full bands doing their spot for 1 or 2 tracks and handing over to another band.
    That let everyone settle in, relax and from there it was mix & match.
    Everyone new some basic tracks some of which were mentioned earlier like Alright Now, Johnny B Good, ZZ Top, AC/DC even some Floyd. All very well known tracks at the time.
    Regularly get different versions of same song - simply done with a different feel and taking a ZZ Top track and giving it a Reggae feel was always good for a laugh amongst the hard rock fans.

    Before I went on I always got a feel for the event and who and what was being played. Our events were a regular occurence usually a Sat afternoon which ran onto 5 or 6 pm and the band hosting the gig that night would then play their set from circa 8 or 9 pm.
    The most important part is to remember you are there to enjoy yourself.
    Don't be over critical of others and realise that we are all at different stages of learning and will continue learning thereafter.
    If the event is done well it will be a good night and everyone will come away with a positive and happy feeling.

    Have a good one

    All the very best


  4. [quote name='ZMech' post='1263724' date='Jun 10 2011, 11:03 AM']Looking forwards to my summer starting, just six days till my last exam :) I'm quite glad it hasn't been overly sunny yet, revision's bad enough without the knowledge that some of your friends are sitting with a few beers in the park.[/quote]

    Aaaah exams. I remember them - vaguely, very very vaguely. :)
    Good luck with them.


  5. [quote name='sweeneyjimbob' post='1263236' date='Jun 9 2011, 08:42 PM']Some of you may or may not know but im in aband called Polo Lounge, last night we were booked to support Mona at the kasbah in Coventry.
    For those who haven't heard of Mona, they are currently playing with Kings Of Leon at there uk shows.
    This may not be a big deal for some people but im super chuffed about it, it our first big show with a big band. :lol:

    Any midlands dwellers out their its on the 28th of june at the Kasbah. only £5 a ticket. COME![/quote]

    Nice one mate.
    Good luck and let us know how it went.

    Sorry I'm not in the Midlands and probably a bit old for your gigs anyways. :) :)
    Doesn't stop me liking the music though.

    Cheers and all the best with gig


  6. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1261320' date='Jun 8 2011, 03:28 PM']Of course free of charge, I've sent two already, by carrier pigeon, you should receibve them any day. :lol:[/quote]

    They haven't arrived.
    Damn those birds - bet they've started their own band again.
    Last time it was Lieutenant Pigeon

    :) :) :lol:

    PS in Scotland your word is your bond - legally so you owe me big time now :D :P :lol:

    All best and thanks for making me laugh tonight after a 12 hr day and 4 hr drive home.
    Brill !!!


  7. [quote name='Graham56' post='1261162' date='Jun 8 2011, 01:27 PM']Sure did! Our singer was one of the organisers so it was a 'home' crowd. They liked us. They liked the music. They were sober and friendly. Compared to some of the pub gigs we do it was great fun.



    And you'll remember it in yrs to come as a good gig.


  8. [quote name='Graham56' post='1259960' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:25 PM']Summer?

    We played an outdoor street party on Saturday afternoon in south London. And it poured down.

    We were crammed on the pavement under two gazebo things, trying to keep power leads and gear out of the rain. I ended up doing a Bill Wyman impression, with bass vertical, trying not to spear guitarist or singer with the headstock.

    The crowd were really enthusiastic, although they ended up huddled under other canopies and umbrellas

    Yeah, I know, we needed the rain - but not right then OK?



    Bet you still enjoyed it !!!


  9. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1260885' date='Jun 8 2011, 10:40 AM']To be honest, i am starting to run out of room, if i need the space, i'll send you all my surplus basses!! :)

    Thanks for the comment.[/quote]

    Free of charge i hope
    I'm a Scot. What did you expect. Payment :)


  10. AGREE !!

    Just keep it. You should never sell a treasured bass only to regret the rest of your days.

    Good luck no matter what you decide.

    More Droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooools


  11. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1259846' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:01 PM']Only 14 o's in "drooooooooooooool"?? I thought they might be more with this bass. :) :) :lol: :D :P[/quote]

    And you actually counted them.
    How sad.
    Still a nice bass.



  12. Whatever you do don't lose the drive to play live.
    I left a band and decided on learning theory and chilling out on my own only to find family life, work and other general nuisance items got in the way.
    Everyone got used to me not playing live in bands and before you know it, that was the norm.
    Takes a very understanding wife to let you get back into it and give the commitment a band deserves.

    Just don't take too long a gap.

    Set a limit on how long you want to stay away ie 1mth, 6mths, a year etc.

    Hope all gets back on track soon.


  13. I decided to try 6 string bass approx 18mths - 2 yrs ago and bought a 16mm spacing sixer..
    Being used to 18mm i found my right hand was catching other strings and was "out of sync" with my left hand.
    Took me a little while to understand what was going on.
    Then tried an 18mm sixer and lo and behold it fealt right.
    Maybe there was more to it than that - who knows ?

    Fact is the spacing made a difference to me with 6 string bass.

    I have never over 35yrs noticed this issue with any 4 string bass for some odd reason.
    Had everything from Fender P & J, Rick's, Shergolds, WAL, Ibanez, Yamaha, Warwick, Aria's and some I've probably forgotten.
    So maybe it was simply the fact i was trying something new with the 6 stringers. ?


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