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Posts posted by thebrig

  1. I know this is one of the simpler bass lines out there, but can anyone tell me how it really goes?

    I hear it staying on bottom EE D E (octave) when the chords shift to A, and after watching Paul Wolfe's tutorial on his How To Play Bass channel, and one or two other versions on YouTube, they seem to confirm this, but when we played it for the first time tonight at rehearsal, everyone to a man said I was playing it wrong, BTW, I'm quite happy to shift to A if that's what they want.

    So how do you guys play it?

  2. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1468354267' post='3090409']
    Sorted, sack the vocalist (lightweight) and let the drummer take over the vocals.
    One less to pay and more gig money for the rest of you.
    [/quote]He's a great frontman who also plays blues harp which really gives our band the sound we need, he's also a decent bloke too.

    Our drummer did a great job on the night, but we did miss the harp because we are an old school R&B band playing lots of Dr Feelgood, Nine Below Zero type of material.

    We have thought about getting another set of songs together that don't need harp, and songs our drummer would be more comfortable with so that we can go out with confidence should this happen again. :)

  3. Well we did the gig last night and it went down really well, our drummer was amazing, and the good thing to come from it is that we now know that we have TWO excellent vocalists in our band, which means we are very versatile and should be able to fulfil most gigs barring the whole band going down with something all at once. :)

  4. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1468084255' post='3088546']
    I've never had a run of bad luck like you, but if your singer does have a viral throat infection, what else can he/she do but blow out the gig? 'Crying off' seems a little unfair!
    [/quote]When I say "cry off" I meant it as a loose term for not being able to fulfil the gig/rehearsal, I didn't mean they are faking it on anything like that, and I did say that if they really are suffering, then there's not much they can do about it.

    I'm really asking the question in a light-hearted manner, it's not meant to have a real dig at singers. ;)

  5. [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Our frontman has cried off from [/color][/font][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]our gig tonight[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] with a viral throat infection, rather than cancel, our drummer who normally does backing vocals is going to take on the lead vocals,[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] he is a decent singer and can drum at the same time, but he's had no time to prepare so we will just have to do our best, I've contacted the venue and they are fine with it, they are just glad the show can go ahead.[/font][/color]

    [size=4][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]But what is it with singers/vocalists crying off with sore throats, I've played in about ten bands over the years, and I think I can honestly say that every single frontman in those bands has cried off at least once from a gig with a sore throat, obviously we have to take their word for it, but I do sometimes think that it could be their version of the "bad back" that some people use when they want a day off work.[/font][/color][/size]

    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Of course if they really do have a sore throat, then I do realise that they can't really do anything other than cry off, but there's also been countless times when we've had a text from the singer about an hour before rehearsal to say he/she won't be there due to a tickly throat, they seem to have more sore throats than the rest of band put [/color][/font][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]together.[/color][/font]

    [size=4][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Am I being a bit harsh, or have I just been [/color][/font][/size][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]unlucky with singers? :mellow:[/color][/font]

  6. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1468073885' post='3088455']
    you know I think maybe I should get a music stand, our singer (a complete hypochondriac) is always saying he won't get through the gig because of a bad throat, one of these days he might not, so I might finish up on vocals, then I would need a music stand fot the lyrics
    [/quote]You know what, I was thinking of starting a thread on the very subject of singers/vocalists crying off with sore throats, I've played in about ten bands, and I think I can honestly say that every single frontman in those bands has cried off at least once with a sore throat, obviously we have to take their word for it, but I do sometimes think that it's their version of a bad back that some people use when they want a day off work. <_<

  7. OP here, trust me to put the mockers on my band's gig tonight by starting this thread on music stands.

    Our frontman has cried of with a viral throat infection, so rather than cancel the gig, our drummer is going to take on the vocals, but as he's had no time to prepare, we are going to have to allow him to have the dreaded music stand for the lyrics, but I suppose there are special exeptions and this is one of them.

    And we are lucky that he is a decent singer and can drum at the same time. :)

  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1467970072' post='3087608']
    It's because guitarists aren't proper musicians. ;)

    Seriously though, I don't mind musicians having stands in front of them if needed [i]per se[/i], but I don't do it myself. Having to sort bits of paper out at gigs is one more chore on the list I don't need, as far as I'm concerned.

    What really gets on my tater tots is when singers have a music stand in front of them - because they haven't bothered to learn the lyrics. Worse is when they read the lyrics from a phone or tablet. And have to wear their reading glasses to peer myopically at the words. How crap does that look? It's insulting to the audience in my opinion. The punters bothered to turn up and listen to you, the least you can do is learn the bloody material properly!! Amateurs!
    In my last band our vocalist/guitarist/frontman who was probably the best guitarist I have ever played with insisted on using an iPad attached to his mic stand, admittedly, it looked a lot better than a full-blown music stand, but the problem was when he got to the bottom of the page, he would stop playing for a second or two to flick to the next page, it looked and sounded so unprofessional as his guitar dropped out of the mix, after the gig, punters would say things like, great guitarist, decent vocalist, but he didn't look at the audience all night.

  9. Maybe a bit of a stupid/pointless question, but [i][b]why are music stands not acceptable in guitar bands?[/b][/i]

    Just so you all know, I can't read music notation, and I'm one of those who [b][i]doesn't[/i][/b] like music stands in the type of bands that I play in, which are just your normal pub type covers bands.

    What got me thinking was when I read KevB's post in the "TAB vs tab" thread where he posted, "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][i][b]I'm not playing in bands that require sight reading, in fact it would be rather frowned upon in a live situation[/b][/i]", and I know exactly what he means, but when it's the norm for most other forms of live music to see musicians with music stands in front of them, why is it different for us guitar based bands? even a lot of ukulele bands I've seen have stands in front of them.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Is it because most musicians in guitar based bands can't read music, or is it just an image thing, or both? :unsure:[/font][/color]

  10. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1467487921' post='3084111']
    What happened to the light weight cab thread ?
    [/quote][size=4]I think I might have unintentionally started a new one with my comment on the [/size][color=#323232][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i][b]What do you carry your stuff in?[/b][/i] thread.[/font][/color]


  11. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1467492289' post='3084156']
    I use these ebony picks with the hole in the middle.
    Easy to grip. Love em.
    I thought I might try one, they are £4 each and got all the way to check-out, and was amazed to see that the postage is £3.99.

    I happily splash out on all kinds of things, but come on, £3.99 to post one little plectrum which would fit in an envelope? :(

  12. I travel very lightweight, everything fits into a medium size holdall (I still have all the boxes for my pedals etc, so they don't get scratched), my Genz Benz Shuttle 9.2 head fits perfectly into a laptop case along with the mains lead and speaker cables, and I have two very lightweight Genz Benz 2x10 cabs, and my bass is in a soft gig bag.

    I have the least amount of luggage than all the other members of the band, gone are the days of bassists lugging massive great rigs about. :)

  13. I started playing about nine years ago at the age of 55, so my way of thinking is that I can't be all that, and feel like I am the least talented one in the band, but having said that, in that time, I have played with five different drummers who were all very good, and one in particular was from a jazz background and they have all said that I am a good solid bassist who they like playing with, I've also had a few very positive comments at gigs from people.

    Obviously, its nice to be complimented, but in reality, I think that I am just a very basic player who can add the fills etc when necessary, have pretty good timing, and someone who learns the songs properly. :)

  14. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1467010634' post='3080328']
    So why did you struggle to watch it? I found it easier to just not watch it as I don't like coldplay!
    Having said that, all my friends at glastonbury who also don't like coldplay really enjoyed the show. I think maybe they are one of those groups that you have to be there for.
    I like music, which is why I watched it hoping that I would enjoy their performance, but it just didn't happen for me.

    I like watching football too, and some teams I don't like, and sometimes you get boring matches, but I don't switch off because you hope it might turn into a good game. :mellow:

  15. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1467010801' post='3080332']
    I'm not a fan of Coldplay but I just saw, via Facebook, their tribute to Viola Beach - the young band who was lost earlier this year in a tragic accident.
    Fair play to Coldplay, I imagine those boy's families will have loved that:

    Agreed, that was a nice touch.

  16. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1467007539' post='3080314']
    Why does everyone feel the need to prefix criticism by apologising? Everyone is entitled to an opinion, some will agree, some will disagree!

    I watched about 30 seconds and decided it was time for bed (yes, 9.00pm and I'm grown up and everything).

    I just don't get Coldplay and never have. Clearly, they have passion for it (and they're clearly adored) and they all seem to be nice enough guys, but I find them so dull musically that they leave me cold. Same goes with Muse. Same goes a lot of these festival headliners.
    Ok, I won't beat around the bush, I thought Coldplay were just downright boring!!! ;)

  17. I'm no guitarist, so I'm sure people will probably tell me different, but I thought Billy Gibbons noodling guitar solo's when playing with Ronnie Spector were awful, it reminded me of when I first started learning guitar aged about twelve, and I thought, "if that's the best I can do, then I need to find another instrument" :(

    Mind you, I guess some people probably think that I should give up bass too! :huh:

  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1466836906' post='3079198']
    Lasted about 3 songs before getting very bored and switched it off.
    Same here with me and the missus, we both agreed that as tight as they were, the music was monotonous and we switched over to Newsnight midway through the third number.
    Oh dear, we must be getting old! :unsure:

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