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Posts posted by thebrig

  1. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1471805648' post='3116039']
    Which station? Don't think about the potential listeners, when you're playing you'll be in a studio with no one else in there so just treat it as a rehearsal ( with no swearing or messing around ;))
    [/quote]BBC Radio Shropshire, The Colin Young Show, it will be a very relaxed atmosphere in a local pub, I'm looking forward to it, but...

  2. Just by sheer luck, or chance, or being in the right place at the right time, whatever it is, we are actually playing “live” on the radio in a few days’ time, but we are just a pub band and we know we need to get this right first time.

    We have been given the chance to play one song which we know well, but I’m now starting to worry about making mistakes even though I/we have never cocked it up when playing it live before, so calling out to all you FAR more experienced players than us out there, please give me/us some tips to calm the nerves! :huh:

  3. I have the choice of nine precision basses, but I only ever take one to a gig, not much can go wrong with a precision in my opinion, I always check it over before leaving the house, strap pins, tuners etc.. I always have a spare set of strings, although I don't dig in that hard so I don't think I would ever break a string unless there was a flaw in the string itself, and yes, I suppose a wire could come unsoldered, although I don't really see how this could happen if it's soldered properly in the first place, and I do check the wiring on all my basses from time to time.

    I think the most likely thing to break down is the amp, and I'm certainly not carting a spare one to a gig, although I always have a spare valve, and a tool kit just in case. :unsure:

  4. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471446378' post='3113118']
    I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times:

    Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present.
    Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1
    Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2
    Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs
    Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs
    Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs

    At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth.

    Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly
    Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself.
    Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time.
    Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs.
    Get out of there Dude! they might be people you like, but it doesn't look like there's much mileage in the band with this sort of rehearsal history.

    We've always split the cost between the members who turned up and not asked the missing person to pay his share the following rehearsal, mainly because it doesn't happen very often, so when it does, we tend to believe that it is genuine.

    But eight week's ago, we took on a second guitarist who was a friend of the drummer and because we had gigs lined up, we decided to leave the set as it is for a while to give him a chance to get up to speed, anyway, said guitarist failed to turn up for his audition (wife working so he had to look after the kids), he didn't bother telling us, we had to call him to see where he is.

    He turned up the next two weeks, then missed the following rehearsal, again, not telling us in advance, turned up the following week an hour late for a TWO hour rehearsal making out he thought it was 7-9pm instead of 6-8pm which was agreed by all of us the week before, next two rehearsals he just did not show, again, no call to let us know.

    In eight weeks with us, he attended just three and a half rehearsals but actually played FOUR gigs with us and getting an equal share of the fee, not once did he pay his share for the rehearsal room when he didn't show, to make matters worse, the rest of us didn't really need to rehearse because we already know the set well, we were only rehearsing for his benefit.

    During the gigs, he just winged it as he didn't know the songs properly, volume turned down, watching our other guitarist and myself to see what came next etc..

    I guess we should have got rid of him long ago, but after this weekend's gig, we decided enough is enough, and sacked him.

  5. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This arrived lunchtime, and its absolutely beautiful!!![/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Its a [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maruszczyk [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jake, but I asked to have it named "Old Thumper" which was what I named the very first bitsa I put together, its also the name of my favourite beer. [/font][/color] :rolleyes:

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Due to back and neck problems, I chose a medium scale which did feel strange at first, but after playing it for an hour or so, it just felt so right, absolutely perfect balance, and weighs in at 7lb 8oz.[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Maruszczyk pickups are very powerful and being a P bass man, I will probably only use the P pickup most of the time, but its nice to have the humbucker as well to give me more options if needed.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I know its early days, but I think this will be my go to bass from now on.[/font][/color]

    [u][i]Here's the specs:[/i][/u]
    [i]Body:[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] alder with one piece ash veneer front and back, gloss finish[/font][/color]
    [i]Neck:[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] maple with matching headstock, 38mm nut width, white neck binding, MOP block inlays, matte finish[/font][/color]
    [i]Hardware:[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Hipshot ultra light C 3/8 tuner, standard bridge[/font][/color]
    [i]Pickups:[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Maruszczyk P & HB, passive volume, volume, tone[/font][/color]
    [i]Scale:[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Medium 32"[/font][/color]
    [i]Weight:[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] 7lb 8oz[/font][/color]

  6. This arrived lunchtime, and its absolutely beautiful!!!

    Its a Jake, but I asked to have it named "Old Thumper" which was what I named the very first bitsa I put together, its also the name of my favourite beer. :rolleyes:

    Due to back and neck problems, I chose a medium scale which did feel strange at first, but after playing it for an hour or so, it just felt so right, absolutely perfect balance, and weighs in at 7lb 8oz.
    The Maruszczyk pickups are very powerful and being a P bass man, I will probably only use the P pickup most of the time, but its nice to have the humbucker as well to give me more options if needed.

    I know its early days, but I think this will be my go to bass from now on.

    [u][i]Here's the specs:[/i][/u]
    [i]Body:[/i] alder with one piece ash veneer front and back, gloss finish
    [i]Neck:[/i] maple with matching headstock, 38mm nut width, white neck binding, MOP block inlays, matte finish
    [i]Hardware:[/i] Hipshot ultra light C 3/8 tuner, standard bridge
    [i]Pickups:[/i] Maruszczyk P & HB, passive volume, volume, tone
    [i]Scale:[/i] Medium 32"
    [i]Weight:[/i] 7lb 8oz

  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1469693258' post='3100303']
    We need to see the sofa shot, dammit!
    Here it is, 32" scale, matching headstock, and I've called it "Old Thumper" rather than "Jake", which Adrian was happy to do after I sent him the artwork for the logo.

  8. I went to rehearsal last night with the intention of standing up as I usually do, but my back was caning (long term problem), so I spent the evening sitting down on the leather sofa that is conveniently next to the bass amp in the studio. <_<

    But I have to say though, despite the fact I always practise at home sitting, I don't find it too hard to readjust to playing standing up providing I spend a little time on the day of the gig running through a few songs at home standing. :)

  9. In real tearms, it was probably my first bass which was a Burns Sonic which cost the most, I was about 15 and I had to beg my older sister who was earning about £3 a week at the time to lend me the £15 it cost me, and then I had to pay her back so much a week, big money in those days, but now, I have about a dozen basses to choose from which I just take for granted, ranging from £200 to £2,500, I'm not rich, but!


  10. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1468917380' post='3094222']
    I always take youtube tutorials with a pinch of salt, at the end of the day it's going to be their interpretation of the song and it may or may not be "correct".

    For me the recorded version sounds a bit more 'laxed but the live 1 with the changes sounds a bit more pushed along (it is quicker anyway but IMO following the chords amplifies this a little bit).

    So I'd ask the band how they want it to sound or maybe mix the 2, worlds your oyster really! :happy:
    [/quote]I will probably end up changing along with the key if thats what they want, anything to keep the guitarists happy. :unsure:

  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1468915470' post='3094202']
    We had a guitarist who listened to the video instead of the version sent around by the singer. He'd put it through a weird bit of software to change the key. There was a magnificent train wreck when the song started in 2 keys, with each side claiming they were in the right key!

    The Rattle and Hum version doesn't change. You're flexible, but I'd make a point of asking why they didn't know that and which version they really wanted to do.

    I get charts through from our cover band leader and there's always wrong chords and arrangements. Guitarists!!
    [/quote]I bit the bullet and purchased the sheet music online, it was only a couple of quid, and there are definitely no changes in the Rattle & Hum version, I'm not one of those people who likes to say "I told you so", but if they say I'm playing it wrong again, I might just be tempted to get the sheet music out of my bag. B)

  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1468886359' post='3094119']
    This U2 version changes.

    Make sure you're all listening to the same version of the song before you get together.
    [/quote]I agree, it does change in this live version, but we were supposed to be working from the Rattle & Hum version, and the guitarist even went as far to say that he has all the isolated tracks of the song, although I doubt whether he's actually listened to the bass track properly, but quite honestly, I don't mind changing to A if thats what they want. :)

  13. [quote name='OddBass65' timestamp='1468888304' post='3094122']
    A fine example of nobody else in the band actually aware of what the bass player should be playing !

    Although as pointed out above, there is one version where there is a change, if I remember rightly it's on the fade-out...
    It's always a danger when just saying look it up on YouTube so whenever it's needed I'd always send the link to the actual specific version I'm listening to.
    Bear in mind we're dealing with guitarists, singers and even, gods help us, drummers...
    They are quoting me the Rattle & Hum version and from what I can hear, there definitely is no change in the bass when it shifts from E to A, the only time it does change is in the outro when it shifts back and forth in E & A.

  14. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1468880003' post='3094069']
    Along with the "Why are you not playing?" in the verses of Alright Now. Guitarists think the bass and guitar always have to do same things. :D
    We don't play this unless the audience demand it, but when we do, I always use it as an opportunity to order another drink during the verse, or make any adjustments that might need doing. ;)

  15. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1468879449' post='3094065']
    I'd be surprised if anyone has bothered to publish a bass book with it in as it is so simple. just tell your bandmates to listen to it properly!
    I did, and I said put some decent headphones on so you can hear the bass better. :)

  16. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1468877929' post='3094050']
    Just listened to it (well the first couple of mins). It stays on that same riff in E. As guitarist there ears are probably tuned to the root moving up a fourth as in twelve bar, just stick to your guns and don't move up to A!
    Thanks M'Lord I probably will, but I would love to find the sheet music somewhere just to satisfy my curiosity. <_<

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