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Posts posted by indiegrungesound

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1358238001' post='1935167']
    So many questions!

    It's the '69er (sealed 6x10 made for valve amps)
    Amp is a 'Red iron' 100w valve job (made the case myself) with some mods by local amp guru Champ Electronics.
    '78 Precision, I bought it already stripped, and after ten odd years decided to give it a facelift. It's 'Capri Orange' which is part of the International Series from that period.
    Very nice!

  2. Greetings fellow BassChatters!

    If anyone's free in Manchester next Thursday night, we'd love to see you come and get rowdy with us!

    All interested parties can find more info here:

    [b] [url="http://www.facebook.com/events/313669375414857/"]http://www.facebook....13669375414857/[/url][/b]

    We hope to see you there!

  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1352290850' post='1861090']
    Big fan of ska and reggae here! I have relatives over Leicester way but rarely get over there. If you're ever playing in Manchester or thereabouts then give me a shout - I could happily add a dozen or so punters to your crowd.

    PS: might be worth checking out this venue - Band On The Wall (you may have heard of it). It's got a great reputation for reggae and other good music, and a [i]very [/i]good sound system. I go there whenever I get chance:


    If you do manage to get up to Manchester, I'd come & see you!

  4. Glad I could be of some help Sykilz! With the cab & bass you're using, you should get a good sound out of it! I should mention though that the DI probably helped with the live sound, so I don't know how much tweaking you'll need to do with in a rehearsal setting. The Active/Passive button also takes a lot off the output, so you'll need to change your gain, EQ & volume settings accordingly if you have to switch between active & passive basses a lot when you play.

  5. This is probably in the wrong section, but I feel I had to post this.

    I purchased an Ampeg PF-350 last year as a back up to my Hartke LH500,but last night was the first time it's been used on a live stage.

    My band "Twisted Machines" played Dry Bar in Manchester, and the Ampeg went through the headline band's Laney Richter stack (4 x 10" & 1 x 15") with the amp's DI going to the PA.

    I was a little worried that I would be underpowered before the show-largely due the fact the amp wasn't the bigger and more popular PF-500. However, as soon as I started playing, I had nothing to worry about! This head loves a full stack. I got a good mid-range growl out of it, so I'll probably be using it a lot more often now!

    Anyone else have a PF-350?

  6. My band, "Twisted Machines", are playing The Roadhouse in Manchester on Wednesday 18th July. Find more details here:


    Thanks for your time!

  7. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1340955045' post='1711861']
    Hunted By Angels - Quite like your stuff, look forward to hearing the tracks with a singer. Would quite like to hear a track with a bit of "groove" going on at somepoint as I caught hint that it was there in the Liquid Black Demo :) 'Liked' on to the next band :D


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jethou - This is the kind of stuff I wouldn't mind listening to in the car but it's too distracting for while working [/font][/color] :lol:[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] 'liked' [/font][/color]


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Twisted Machines - Great music, I really like it! However I think the mixes are letting you down a little bit, if these are multi-track recordings I'm more than happy to have a look over a song for you and see what I can do with it [/font][/color] :)[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Wrong Routine is my favourite 'liked' [/font][/color]


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Chloe and the high tides - Great recordings, awesome quality mixing too [/font][/color] :)[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Not my style of music at all but I can definitely appreciate the quality 'liked' [/font][/color]


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Dick Venom and the Terrortones - Definitely original :) a tad too distracting to work with in headphones but I like the music a lot (probably for the same reason I can't listen to weird al at work, the vocals are far too interesting to allow me to concentrate) 'liked'[/font][/color]


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sad Lovers & Giants - Like a cool balm for my ears after Dick Venom tore them off my head :lol: very cool and chilled out :D 'liked'[/font][/color]


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]That's me done for the day [/font][/color]

    Cheers for the feedback Ricky! The tunes are only demos, but I never say no to props from people about our songs! :)

  8. Not bad at all gentlemen! Not what I'd go for normally, but not too bad at all! (Though I must say Christhammer, your lot scare me a bit! :unsure: ;) )

    I've not been on here for a while, largely due to various duties in my two bands. Then I saw this thread. And seeing the band that HAS a Reverbnation page are playing their debut gig in July, I thought it'd be rude not to join in.

    My band are called Twisted Machines. We sound like my username. Feel free to check us out here:


    I'll get the rest of the boys in the band to give you both a head's up! :)

  9. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1323813452' post='1467496']
    given that pickups tend to be the weak link on cheaper instruments it probrably would be worth replacing it if you think that's the root of the problem, but finding one to fit might be tough if it's not a standard size.

    what are the dimensions of the pickup ?

    Sorry for the late reply! I think the pickup is the same size/dimensions as the double humbuckers on Ibanez's SRX models.

    TBH, thinking of getting a new bass at the mo. Thanks for the feedback anyway!

  10. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1323565527' post='1464671']
    is this the single pickup, musicman-style model ?
    Yes it is. Though I've noticed that the Jaguar's pickup is more "Soapbar" size than "Musicman" size.

    [quote name='munkonthehill' timestamp='1323592879' post='1464712']
    I have tried both the squier and modern Jags and no way are the necks thinner than the fender jags! infact if the fender Jag neck was any thinner it wouldnt be able to support the tension of the strings!!!!
    Just going off how I felt when I tried the Modern Player model out. Different strokes I guess! (It's a shame, as they are beautiful looking & sounding!)

    Thanks for the feedback so far!

  11. Just making some preliminary enquiries about possible upgrades to my current main bass. The Squier Jag is lighter has a slimer neck than either of the proper Fender Jaguars-both the Deluxe and the Modern player models.(Cheaper too!) However, the last time I played it, the pickup-which had it's active EQ on flat-went back and forth from being too quiet to too loud.

    Now, apart from the other variables, like the battery maybe need changing, The Laney RB9 amp I was using or just my wonky technique; I wanted to know what pickup I should upgrade it to if I decide to change it?

    Any advice is appreciated.

  12. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1319062067' post='1409600']
    I think the Super 12 would do more than you think it can (going by reports on here, anyway). The lows that the Big Twin can produce (and actually be useful) are as low as 21Hz according to the Barefaced website (and Pantherairsoft). That's lower than the vast majority of cabs! So also a good contender.
    Alex will let you give the cab straight back if you're not happy with it.

    3 Guitarists? Either well co-ordinated or the vocalist has a hard life! :)
    [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1319065711' post='1409644']
    It would have them for breakfast! Give Alex a call. He'll discuss what you want to achieve and make recommendations.

    I'm quite sure the Super Twelve would do the job. I asked Alex about the cabs over a year ago when i was in another band. He actually said I should just tweak the EQ on my amp then.(Hartke LH500, which I still have & LOVE btw. Just went for the Ampeg because I could use it with just 1 Warwick cab whilst being able to carry it in a rucksack/backpack.)

    Again, it'll probably be a case of experimentation. I currently use the Trace Elliot 4x10" at the rehearsal rooms we use with the Ampeg.(Again, The LH500 is slightly bulky to cart around & would overpower the Trace cab.)

    Still loving the advice folks! Btw chris_b, the vocalist appreciates your concern... because he's ME! :) :)

  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1318961236' post='1408343']
    Unless you want quite a lot of bottom/volume without much power, super 15 might be bit overkill. I'm using pretty low powered amps with it, with lots of watts, it keeps getting louder, that bit of Ampeggy drive that knocks up the percieved volume would make for really obnoxious volume (which is my thing, but I got neighbour complaints playing a 70w amp on two, in an industrial estate).

    "Really obnoxious volume... which is my thing."

    I like you even more already, Mr Foxen! :)

    In all seriousness, I've been thinking about that model because one of the band's I'm in has THREE guitarists (Going through a 75 watt Peavey VMPYR; a Vox Valvetronic & a Marshall Valvestate head going through a Marshall 4 x 12".) Or would a Super Twelve cab do?

  14. I knew I could rely on lozz & Mr Foxen to reply! Cheers gents!

    TBH, going for the 2 Portaflex cabs or going for broke & going Barefaced seems like a good idea should I go for a cab change. (For some reason, The Super Fifteen T would be a great cab!)

    Thanks again for your help folks!

  15. Just had a brainwave/crazy idea about a possible Ampeg stack.

    I'm toying with the idea of getting 2 Ampeg SVT210AV cabs to replace my Warwick 12" cabs to go with my PF-350 head.

    The pros are that they are lighter that my Warwicks & dimension & aesthetics wise would look perfect with the PF-350.(They're also cheaper than the equivalent Portaflex cabs that the PF-350's supposed to go with)

    The cons are that 1 cab wouldn't be able to handle the heads 250w 8 ohm output, whilst 2 wouldn't be able to handle my LH500 amp.
    (I would be willing to get 'round this by shelling out for some Celestion Neo 10"s to replace the stock Eminance drivers-thus allowing for a future upgrade to a PF-500.)

    So, is this a good idea? If anyone can give me pointers, I'd be dead grateful!

  16. Ta for that gents! Re: the D.I. box, I've got a Behringer one just in case.(Could be garbage as I've never had to use it, but I bought it cheap, so I'm not to mithered if it should fail.) As for the cabs, I was only asking in terms of having less gear to cart around. My 2 x 12"s sound great, but I'd have no problem putting them through someone 4 x 10" if allowed for instance.

    Any one else with pointers?

  17. Evening all! I'm once again in the position of needing the sage advice of the good people of this board.

    There's a fair bit of love on this site for Ampeg's Portaflex heads, the PF-500 especially, but I need to ask some advice about it's little brother, the PF-350.

    I'm now in two bands. The second of which is an acoustic indie rock 4 piece, made up of a singer/acoustic 6 stringer, keyboard player, drums & me on bass. We've got at least 5 gigs coming up between now & the end of November. Now, I think that,due to the places we are going to be playing(Small but established venues in Manchester like Dry Bar, Moho Live & The Witchwood in Ashton-under-Lyne.), the PF-350 should be more than up to the task. (My Hartke LH500 would be too loud far this band, so that's being saved for when I finally get my indie punk band sorted.)

    So, to cut to the chase, I need to know from any PF-350 users what I need to do to get the best out of the amp live. This includes stuff like:

    * Is the DI any good, or should I use a separate DI box instead?
    * Is it better Mic'd up?
    * Should I take my own Warwick 12" cabs or ask to plug my amp into another bands cab?
    * Do I need to do any specific EQ alterations? (FYI-FWIW-I have the db cut engaged as my Squier Jaguar's active, Bass is on 6 or 7, Mids are on 10 and Treble is set to 4.)

    As ever, any and all advice is much appreciated!

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