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Posts posted by indiegrungesound

  1. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1407687159' post='2523015']
    I have two amp heads. A Mesa Boogie Walkabout and a Genz Streamliner 900.

    When I was in your situation and wanting a backup amp, I decided to buy two different amps so that I could use either, depending on the gig. For me, I think it's a waste to own two amps the same.

    Why not enjoy some variety?


    It's not variety that's the problem or the clincher here. Just more an issue of space really. Also, the Hartke should go to a good home if I can't use it.

  2. Not a bad idea, but I don't use DI in rehearsal situations. Also, the BH500 isn't particularly heavy, meaning that I'd be balanced carrying two at the same time. I should say that I'm not really into Lightweight heads anymore. The only one I'd consider would be a TC Electronic RH450, which has the pretty much the same features & is a loud head. However, it's pretty pricey new & I'd be losing 50 watts of power @ 4 ohms, which doesn't make that much sense to me. In fact, I could get a BH500 AND a decent DI Box/Pedal & still have plenty of change!

    Thanks all the same though, as it was a good point.

    What does anyone else think?

  3. Eh up! I'm just posting this in order to gauge your collective opinions on a potential-but not at all problematic-conundrum.

    I had a successful audition with a new band last night, which was the first time I've used my recently purchased TC Electronic BH500 with my Warwick 2x12" stack in an actual band setting. Going in with 3 guitars(1 acoustic through the PA & 2 very effects driven electrics); keyboards & drums, it performed it's job beautifully!

    I also took my trusty, rack cased Hartke LH500, but I had no need to use it. This has effectively made me think that IF I ever needed a back up amp, surely the most sensible thing is to purchase another BH500.

    What do you think folks?

  4. [quote name='Pixiechick23' timestamp='1407226074' post='2518424']

    This! ^^^
    Guys, I asked who your fav female bass players were, not who you think plays bass better than who. Whether you like the simplicity [simple doesn't necessarily mean bad, regardless of what some may think] of Kim, or insane technical ability of someone who plays at crazy speed is irrelevant to this post. It was a simple enough question.

    Amen to that! :-)

  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1407161393' post='2517888']
    ... Enjoy whatever you please and if you like her music then good for you , but don't try and tell me that Kim Deal is a great and inspirational bass player, because she has forged a terrific career out of being a lousy bass player. That is her most notable achievement . She and others like her are music personalities rather than a skilled musicians.


    To be fair, I don't think Kim Deal has EVER said she was a Virtuoso Bass player. In fact-and I'm sure it's on YouTube somewhere-she's even on record on a BBC documentary series called "The Seven Ages of Rock" where she flat out states she's not and never will be a "real" bass player!

  6. I'm glad to see there's been some love shown for Suzi Q and Grog on here. It's also nice to have some shout outs for Simone from Primal Scream and Divinity tok.

    In the main though, I'm going for-perhaps predictably-Kim Deal, Kim Shattuck and Paz Lenchantin(I LOVE The Pixies, so it has to be done!); Kim Gordon and-and I'm a bit surprised she's not been mentioned yet, but I'm very glad to do so!-Jenny Lee Lindberg!

  7. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1406078560' post='2508191']
    I added a second BC212 cab to the setup. The 2X212's sound great with the Fenders I'm playing through them.


    Nice! B-)

  8. If you see any second hand Warwick Neo Pro 1x12" cabs anywhere-or any 8 ohm, 300 watt 12" cab for that matter-I recommend them. Yes, I am biased because I've got 2 of them is my rig, but I also speak from experience. I recorded a demo with one of my old bands last year using my PF-350 & one of the cabs. The results were pretty decent. The producer LOVED the tone!

  9. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1405337396' post='2500871']
    In that case why not sell your PF-350 to the OP ;)

    Thinking of having a minor clearout TBH. Just been mad busy at work(Blasted Day Job!!! :angry: ;) ).

  10. Well, in this month's Q Magazine again, they pretty much stated that they have to have female backing vocals. Then again, the bass parts on "Indie Cindy" were played by Simon "Ding" Archer(Manc Alt Rock Bass Cult Hero, played in P J Harvey's band when "Uh-Huh-Her" came out.); whilst a guy sang the Kim Deal alike BVs on "Bagboy".

  11. My Ampeg PF-350 was my back up amp to my Hartke LH500. Now, after buying a TC Electronic BH500, I think that I'll only be ever taking the two bigger heads with me when I start gigging again. So I'm effectively"+1"ing ANY TC Electronic head bar The Blacksmith & any Hartke head bar The Kilo.

  12. Yep! Paz Lenchantin is currently the touring bass player for The Pixies. She rocked the merry hell out of her bass when they played Manchester on Thursday night! B-)

    As to the previous 4 stringers in the band, I think the legendary Kim Deal left because she's got a creative itch she has to scratch with The Breeders and, more importantly, she's looking after her Mum who's been ill since before the reformation.

    The reasons why Kim Shattuck was sacked are slightly hazy. From an interview on NME.com a while back, it was inferred that the band's management sacked her for stage diving after a gig, which was apparently unpixielike(:-S). She didn't actually fall out with the band though & only had nice things to say about them. A shame really, as I thought she was awesome. Her playing was solid, she was very endearingly "punk rock", seemed to love every minute she was onstage and was probably a better singer than Kim Deal(Someone'll doubtless be upset by that, but that's just my opinion.)!

    Now, back to Miss Lenchantin. She never says anything in interviews(as per the most recent edition of Q Magazine), but the band love her. Dave Lovering has even been on record to say that her chops/technique is that good it makes him work harder on his!

  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1404820140' post='2495955']
    8/10 also. Although since I count Snow Patrol and Coldplay as being completely interchangeable I think I can claim 9/10 ;-)

    Very unfair on Mr Berryman. But ta very much for the heads up. Because...

    ... I got the full 10!!! BOOM!!! B-)

    Always nice to see a mention for Jenny Lee Lindberg too(Pardon the spoiler!)!

  14. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1404491960' post='2493215']
    LOL..no, I do a variety of things playing with different bands and I also have my own...you should hear this thing ALL fired up at once...The Firebass will power 4 on its own at 2ohms....have a Marshall Super Bass 100 coming also
    Very nice! B-)

  15. Yep! Dawsons do have them in. However, I'd still stick with the RH450. I bought the BH500 recently-having also tried the RH450-which I love. And as far as I'm aware, every TC Electronic amp bar the BH250 has the same pre-amp & power amp set up regardless of size or power output, so you should be able to get a decent & loud sound from it IMO.

  16. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1404440368' post='2492692']
    :blink: :shok: :gas: Dear God Man! That's impressive! B) And, if I've got my thinking right, The Firebass amp could power 4 of the cabs on it's own. Are you sure you need THAT many? Or are you in a Mastodon tribute act! ;) (I like Mastodon BTW.)

  17. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1404386405' post='2492118']
    Finally got around to watching the whole Pixies set and (being a fan) really enjoyed it. What struck me was the creative camerawork; some really interesting angles with objects of interest (individual band members; the stage) often placed towards the edge of frame.


    Yep! It was very good! Looking forward to watching them in Manchester on Thursday!

    I'm STILL working my way through the back log of sets on the Beeb's site(Also watched Drenge in full. Saw Kasabian & The Kaisers again. Nearly finished the Warpaint one. Still got to watch Interpol, Foster The People, Metronomy, Jimi Goodwin, Mogwai... and EVERYTHING else at this rate! :blink: ;) ).

  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1403991958' post='2488430']
    I was at the legendary 1993 milton keynes matallica gig so it can never be topped but im enjoying it so far, Lars is a bit crap in places, I dont know any songs after the black album and I miss Jason. :)

    Lars is certainly a bit BALD in places! ;-)

    Damn good show so far! I imagine the roof will be blown off the stage if/when "Enter Sandman" gets played!

  19. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1403982267' post='2488331']
    Quite enjoyed 'what's his name (forgot)' Kuti.....Nigerian band...great grooves :)

    I think I'm watching this on the Red Button now. It IS Groovy! :-)(Edit It's actually The Daptone Soul Revue, but they still sound great!)

    As for Jack White, he mucked up the timing on "Dead Leaves and The Dirty Ground". Sounded. really obvious too. Unfortunately, there sounded like there was LOTS of feedback onstage for most of his set too!

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