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Posts posted by Dad3353

  1. Top quality custom cables, easy to order, excellent communication, (very...) fast delivery (to France..!); all at a very fair price, considering the product, advice and service provided.
    No hesitation in recommending; I'm almost looking forward to having to order more, just for the positive experience..! No, not better than sex, but pretty good, just the same.
    Many thanks, Dave; we'll be back...

  2. (Slightly...) OT... Very many years ago now, our best 'reggae' bass drum for recording was an enormous rag ladybird stuffed into a plastic bucket, beaten with a wooden spoon. Difficult for touring, perhaps, but sometimes thinking 'out of the box' does the trick. (Poverty is an inspiration, too...)

  3. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1332249419' post='1585494']
    Everything is there- I do not get tired of watching this performance at all.
    This is excellent...
    [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1332095225' post='1583172']
    I'm not trying to force people to like Marcus, but I think this version of 'What Is Hip' by Tower Of Power is just incredible.
    Technique, sound, feel, timing, dynamics...it's all here.
    This is not...

  4. What about a bass drum..? No, not a 'kick', that's cheating. I can't imagine playing a barse drum, or a bass (like the fish...) drum. The only option seems to be bass (base...) drum. I'm not likely to change now, anyway, at my age.

  5. Good evening, KB...

    Firstly, I'd like to state that soppy, comforting praise is not my style, rather more 'Sorry, lad, but it stinks...' is more typical of me. Just so that you may be sure that if I say that your posted effort is bloody good for a first time (and not bad for a 10th, either...), it's certainly not for flattering your ego. You do [i]NOT[/i] need a great deal of help, imho, you're doing just fine as you are. You will, of course, considerably improve once the experts start giving out their tips and experience, but you're already on the right road.
    The technical details of latency etc. you are already aware of, and correcting, so not much to say there. The 'tune' (?...) chosen is not one familiar to me, but I can recognise the 'Stripes' easily enough, and I would guess that your version is a fair portrayal of the original, at least in spirit. The playing (guitar and bass...) are far from disgracious, allowing, of course, for the 'genre', which is quite forgiving. No problems there, either.
    Panning and stuff is fairly easy to get to grips with, as there are a few basic 'rules' (I think that there are threads on this site explaining these...) which you can surely adapt to your needs.
    The guitar noise which so disturbs you is, in some ways, part and parcel of the electric guitar. To reduce, one can change the strings for a smoother type (or even flats...); the 'tone' will differ, of course. Another trick to try would be a noise gate (beneath a certain threshold, the guitar is 'muted'...), but the playing will have to be adjusted. I agree, however, with the posters above that it is not out of place in context here. It will be quite difficult to eliminate completely with such a high gain.
    All in all, if you're looking for an excuse to not continue, you won't get it from me. Back to the woodshed, young lad; post the results as and when, and you'll be up to pretty polished results quite quickly, with the advice and council from many here.
    Keep it up, please.
    Hope this helps.

  6. Wow..! Hold on, there; you shook me with that comment..!
    How many more times is this LA drone going to be trampled underfoot..?
    I know, it's a heartbreaker, but my dancing days are over, somethin' else is wearing and tearing; nobody's fault but mine, I suppose. In the evening, when the levee breaks, the rain song remains the same, it's a battle for evermore going to California, over the hills and far away to bring it on home.
    I shouldn't ramble on; that's the way I'll make you sick again, so, babe, I'm gonna leave you.
    Thank you.

  7. Good morning, Mark...

    I think I would stick with your method, which imho is more technically 'correct'. The 'input' level is set to match the variations between different instruments and the optimum requirements for the amp (or rather, pre-amp...). Once set, the actual volume needed (different for a small practice room or a large hall, or outdoors...) would be dictated by the 'output' level.
    There are variants, where the input level determines the amount of distortion, or overload, going into the pre-amp. The principle is similar, however; once the 'sound' needed is dialled in from the input, it's the output which is used to obtain the volume required for the venue.
    The player that you saw doing the opposite will be pretty well unable to get the 'sound' wanted from his method. If the output is always at max, the adjustments made to the input (to get the volume required...) will change greatly the signal into the pre-amp. At some venues he'll have little input (small gig...), so a 'clean' sound; on an outdoor stage, if he wants more volume and turns up the input to obtain it, he'll start to overload the pre-amp, and the 'clean' will be gone. I doubt that a discerning set of ears would find that ideal. Are you sure that it was a bassist, and not a guitarist..? ;-)
    Hope this helps, and subject to correction or extention from others...

  8. [url="http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120876236763&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.fr%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp4939.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D120876236763%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26LH_PrefLoc%3D0%26_fvi%3D1%26bkBtn%3D%26_rdc%3D1#ht_500wt_950"]http://cgi.ebay.fr/w...D1#ht_500wt_950[/url]

    ...being sold by BC member CPBassman...

    Just trying to be useful...

  9. [quote name='Maverick' timestamp='1331202926' post='1569218']...several times over the last two years with my guitarist...Him: "No! Let's do it all ourselves!"...[/quote]
    Now, now... Perhaps you're not being quite fair. One can't expect to become expert in these techniques just like that. Give the lad a chance to get up to speed and perfect the competence required. Another 30 or 40 years should do it (if he's good...). Patience appears not to be your strongest point..?

  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1331205028' post='1569271']...if your brain knows the chords, and you muscles know the movements, in a lefty way, that's what you're going to try and apply to the DB.
    That seems like a pretty fair definition of stubbornness, I should think..? No malice intended, and, as a 'righty', I would say that, wouldn't I..? I've had this 'debate' many times, and rather think that, for my own satisfaction, I'll have to take the challenge and start to learn how to play 'lefty'. I've already done that on drums (I'm a drummer, righty, but play lefty...); I'll have to find a (cheap...) lefty bass and see how I progress. At least I'll know, then, if it can be done (at least by some...).
    A hard job finding a 'lefty' suzaphone, or marimba, or even harmonica, anyway. Accordion, anyone..? Bagpipes..?

  11. I wouldn't be too hard on the lad, he seems to genuinely not know what 'commercial' value this may (or may not..!) have. There appears to be an enormous sentimental value, from family 'original owner', and, for my part, I think the guy's sincere in wanting this oddity to be appreciated. I have a couple of Hofners, and there's a certain 'clique', or small group of folks who find these collectable (as, indeed, are other makes...); unfortunately for this bloke, we're not an especially rich bunch..! That's part of the reason for liking Hofners; they're not that expensive (mostly...).
    I wish him good luck with the sale. I'd be interested somewhat, but SHMBO would never understand..!

  12. Steady on, there, Dave, we're not quite ready. Whilst we're preparing (takes time to grease the straps, y'know...), you can help yourself some (although some seem to enjoy the ride..!) by answering the following essential questions. No cheating, please (we'll know..!), and no looking up the answers on t'web. Here we go...

    P or J..?

    Fretless: lined or plain..?

    ECC81 or ECC83..?

    Orange or Matamp..?

    Pick or fingers..?

    Pick: pointy or rounded..?

    Lefty: valid or heresy..?

    Tea or coffee..?

    Flatwound or roundwound..?

    Once we get the answers, we can adjust the ceremony accordingly. This avoids wasting precious energy (electricity is not cheap, and we can't keep up the high voltage for too long as the headsets melt...). Don't worry about 'right' or 'wrong' (we certainly don't..!), just your honest opinion will do.
    No need to bring your credit cards, we already have your PIN numbers, and our Kuala Lumpour transactions don't require the physical card. Any cash above the minimum fee would be welcome, and will offset the cost of the wrestling ladies who open the proceedings. You'll love it, I'm sure.

    PS: please warn of any allergies or current medication, as the 'food and drink' to be consumed can seriously react (in fact, that's the purpose...). The life support equipment we use has only limited capacity, and we wouldn't want to lose a new member so quickly. We've already lost too many this way; we have to try to keep the numbers up for the sake of our advertising revenue.
    See you soon; meanwhile I'll get back to heating the irons...

  13. Good evening, Dave, and welcome to the forum...

    That's a pretty nice intro; you're doing well, but I somehow don't think that you've been through the initiation ceremony. Has Doody forgotten to fill you in on this (that wouldn't surprise me, but is regrettable...)?
    We can continue this thread once the formalities are settled, so if you would please prepare the necessary artifacts (yes, simili leather will do, we know that the real stuff is expensive...). Please keep anything even slightly inflammable away, though, at least for the first hour or so. Hope it all goes off well, and trust that your insurance are comprehensive, as BassChat cannot refund medical costs incurred. Anyway, enjoy it (well, at least the opening 'drinks' part...); we'll settle up your financial engagements once the scars have healed.
    We've all been there, done that, that's what makes this 'brotherhood' so united.
    Welcome again (I shan't do the secret wiggle right now, that too will be explained by the lady players involved...)

  14. I've been closely following this thread, as I believe you should Take Your Pick of all the available plucking options. I didn't know...
    BONG..! There, you said 'No'..!
    No I di...
    BONG..! There, you said 'No' again..! You're out..!
    OK, Michael, it's a fair cop...

    (There was not much on the telly in the 60's, either...)

  15. Good evening, Rob...

    Difficult without having full information on requirements, but an option to consider, imho, would be to have several small speaker boxes cabled into the hall, each with a small diffusion area to cover. The trolley, or whatever, would plug into the speaker system when wheeled out from wherever it's kept (under lock and key, I would suppose...), but the speakers would be permanently fixed to the hall (on the walls, or perhaps the ceiling, depending on structure...).
    The idea is to reduce/eliminate the 'hall' effect of diffusing from one end of the hall, only to hear a load of reverb/echo mush at the other end, or even most places in between. Think 'railway platforms', where the speakers are dispersed.
    Just a thought (and distant memories of school hall acoustics...); hope this helps...

  16. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1330062989' post='1552107']
    They're cool and all, but they don't have the classic precision look ;)
    What's there not to like..? The first of those (the black'un...) is a snip at that price, hard case, new battery an' all. Light weight, 'real' Fender, Jap made... If looks are really of that much importance to you (and why not..?), then put up with the weight and that's that. If you want a superb lightweight instrument, look no further.
    Just my opinion, of course; good luck with your search...

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