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Posts posted by Dad3353

  1. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1334138542' post='1611326']
    Icarus, if I were well-off, you could have 'em all, mate! Unfortunately, there's a few quid tied up in them. However, I'd be happy to accept hookers n crack n back-copies of the Beano and Dandy! God nows, I'd appreciate all of them more than JH's products right now. ;)
    Damned..! Just when I'm fresh out of crack..! It's always the same... Can you wait a week or so..?

    I might be able to dig out a 'Boys Own Paper' (not even sure of that, though...), but that's about it. Can't help with the hookers; have you been following the oriental brides thread..? Might be a lead or two there..?

  2. [quote name='lobematt' timestamp='1334066601' post='1610368']
    I'm trying to learn Satin Doll at the min but I've found a couple of different versions of chord charts. I'm not sure the different chords I've got make that much difference though...

    For example the first chart I found had |G-7 C7| % | FM7 | G-7 C7 | as the first 4 bars of the B section
    and the second has |G-7 C7| % | FM7 | % |

    As G-7 and C7 are the ii V of FM7 does it really matter which chart I follow??

    Also while we're on the topic, I've been looking for a definitive Real Book but a lot of the reviews I've read on Amazon say they are all missing fairly important tunes or have common tunes such as Equinox in C#- instead of C-. Can anybody point me in the right direction for the 'most correct' real book, if there is such a thing!

    You'll be OK using either for Satin Doll, the variant is quite reasonable. This might not apply to other, more sophisticated songs, so tread carefully, just the same.
    The 'errors' in the current (published...) Real books are not that important, I would suggest; more so as many 'Real Book' users play the songs, warts an' all, sometimes. If you're starting out on the long road that I think, I would suggest forgetting about those minor issues, get the Real Book from Amazon, and go through as many tunes as you can. Once you've done one, you won't be needing 'Real Book's, any more, anyway, you'll be transcribing yourself, I should hope.
    Good luck with 'Satin Doll', you're on the right track.

  3. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1333968904' post='1608806']
    It's just the way it's done in Europe...
    In France (they kiss on Main Street... Oh, sorry; I got side-tracked. I'll start again...)

    In France it's a case of blanche, noire, croche, double-croche, triple-croche for the timing. I think (although I'm not sure...) that minims and quavers are an old left-over used mostly in Britain. Nothing wrong with them, but there are many ways to skin a cat...

  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333892254' post='1607798']
    Drummer? Vocabulary? :lol:

    Edit: Yes I see you Dad, I'm just joshing of course. :D
    What what what..? Joshing..? What would drummers know of such..?
    Strike one...

    (...and I dislike 'kick', preferring 'bass drum' every time. Yes, I get lonely sometimes...)

  5. I don't wish to mock, but I can't really see in what this could be useful. It seems to be similar to using 'Painting by Numbers' to learn water-colour landscape art. Do sax players, or trombonists, have these 'aids'..? I don't think so; they just get stuck in and learn to 'hear' which note is which.
    If one is really at the point of becoming interested in scales, modes and such (no bad thing, and to be encouraged...) I would suggest that the standard, classic pedagogic methods are tried, tested, and found to be effective enough, without needing to paint the fretboard.
    Just my tuppence worth (OK, as a confirmed old codger, I admit; not proud of it, but facts is facts...).
    Hope this helps (..?)

  6. Just in case you're interested, these are available...


    ...worth a look, at least..?

  7. Good afternoon...

    This is a link to a thread on another forum, where a replica Hiwatt DR201 and DR405 are up for sale. I have no connection with the seller, other than common forum membership. The build quality of these amps is impressive, and the building was followed keenly on the forum at the time. Worth a look, at least, to see how it can be done. Anyone interested..?


    As a teaser, here's a 'gut shot'...


  8. You're welcome; my pleasure.
    I understand your reticence over the 400w for sale here, but it's a hum-dinger, imho (no relation, of course...). I'm surprised it's still up for grabs. Darned heavy, though (as are all these types of beast...).
    Good luck with the search...

  9. Not too much off-topic, I hope, but here goes...

    I don't think that it's reasonable to compare a Honda Goldwing with a Sunbeam S7, a Testarossa with a Bugatti Royale, or a vintage Hiwatt with a Reeves or Mywatt. The vintage have become classics, but in their turn were once new, with their own weaknesses and strengths. Yes, I have vintage amps and basses, because I'm old, but I also have, and enjoy, many modern ones too. The clock will not go back; some (a few, but which ones..?) of the modern stuff will, in their turn, become 'vintage' in time. I would think that, as an investment, one could do worse than a Reeves (not sure how much my Hartke will fetch in 40 years time...). Are they to be compared to a Hiwatt..? Yes, and they stand up damned well. Are they the same as a vintage Hiwatt..? No, they are not. Is there much out there which is even close to a vintage Hiwatt..? Not that I'm aware of...
    I could use Bassman, SVT or other examples, of course; the principle is much the same. I remember quite clearly turning down those rotten Sound City amps at the time, considered as being tonally inferiour and less reliable than many other offerings available. They have since become 'cult'. Similarly Orange. Wouldn't have considered 'em back then when they were cheap enough, but worth a small fortune now. Are they good..? They weren't then, so I don't feel the need for one now. Is the modern version the same..? I would hope not..!
    To answer the OP question; no, I haven't experience first hand with Reeves, or Mywatt, my DR203 dates from back then. Would I be pleased to have a Reeves or Mywatt..? You bet I would; those that I've seen and heard were damned good. Vintage is fine, but there is a lot of snobbism, imho, and finding a good one is not easy/cheap/fast. The modern repro versions are as close as one is likely to get, and will, I think, become classics too.
    Just my tuppence worth, hope this helps...

  10. Good morning, Rockafellar...

    Speed..? Get a metronome (or drum machine...). Set it to a very slow beat, and practice to that beat. The next session, up the beat by a tad (3 bpm..?) and repeat. If you find that it gets too fast after a while, go back to the beginning and start again.
    Speed comes only by doing things slowly. It cannot be hurried. Patience is key.
    Stamina..? Bass playing is not a marathon event. One seldom plays for continuous hours on end. Stamina (in the athletic sense...) is not a requirement. Most songs last less than 5 minutes, some up to 20, perhaps; you don't need iron fingers to do that. Ordinary practice will be more than adequate for building the amount you'll be needing (more so as you're not practicing for hours on end...). Forget it.
    Fluidity..? Similar to speed. Practice perfectly, don't let anything get by. If you can't play it at tempo, slow down, play it perfectly at whatever speed you can, and only increase very, very slowly.
    There is no hurry, take you time to get it down absolutely spot on, slowly, first. The rest will follow. Just as encouragement, here's my favourite expression... 'The first 40 years are the hardest, after which it gets (slightly...) better.'
    Just my tuppence worth; hope this helps.

  11. Good evening, TH...

    Apparently, there will probably be a certificate label, with model and serial n°, inside the body, under the control panel. If you (carefully...) unscrew it and lift it away, it should be visible.
    Worth a try..?

  12. Good evening, Tripehound (are you sure you want to keep that pseudo..? Really..? Oh, well...)...

    I've posted your question (with the pics...) on the HH forum for you. I'll let you know if there are any (printable...) replies (although you can see for yourself, I suppose...).
    As for registration, I'm not aware of any particular problem. Maybe just unlucky..? If you try again and don't succeed, please let me know and I'll find out what the problem (and solution..?) could be.
    Hope this helps...

  13. Top quality custom cables, easy to order, excellent communication, (very...) fast delivery (to France..!); all at a very fair price, considering the product, advice and service provided.
    No hesitation in recommending; I'm almost looking forward to having to order more, just for the positive experience..! No, not better than sex, but pretty good, just the same.
    Many thanks, Dave; we'll be back...

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