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Posts posted by Dad3353

  1. 1 hour ago, Mickyk said:

    Great thank you for posting,some good info here.I have just purchased this, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08VR8YCYT?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details,hopefully this will do the business ,just not sure what programme to use it with.I have just downloaded the Reaper DAW. I could do with a step by step video of how to do this as i'm not that techy .


    The camera you've bought can only create video directly to a computer; it has no means, itself, of stocking a video file (no memory card or the like...). This precludes Reaper for recording video, as this is not (yet...) available as an option. You will need software to record from the webcam; I use, and can recommend, 'Shotcut' for recording and editing my video, adding audio if necessary. Shotcut is free, and does all you'll need for your videos. It can be downloaded here ...


    Shotcut ...


    ... with tutorials, here ...


    Shotcut tutorials...


    As with all stuff of the sort, there is some learning involved. It's easy enough to do easy things, and there is help available if you get stuck. Have a look and see if it fits your needs; hope this helps. :rWNVV2D:





    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, BabyBlueSound said:

    oh boy. I have very little time in November but will try to produce something for this! When I put in the work, I usually record a video too. Are videos acceptable or should I just rip off the audio track?


    Why not both..? It's 'tradition' to use a Soundcloud track, as everyone can easily access it in decent enough quality, but if there's also a (Youtube..?) video, it wouldn't hurt, so... Fill yer boots, chum; fill yer boots, and 'Welcome'. :rWNVV2D:

    • Thanks 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, Nice Guy Rich said:

    ... most people see my efforts as a chance for them to do bugger all and they want everyone else to come down to their level. 


    This is exactly the type of reflection that Anger Management can help with. Still, your call. Peace. :rWNVV2D:

  4. 1 hour ago, Staggering on said:

    ...Re "old dog, new tricks", I am 77 and have been playing guitar, bass and banjo for about 60 years, 'nuff said.😊 


    Gone 73 here; your post is inspiring enough for me to look a bit deeper into all of this. I'm not  (and have never been...) a paragon of fitness (no breath, no stamina, weak kidneys etc...), and a couple of decades ago I had a light yoga regime, but even that became too much, so, with regret, I stopped. If this turns out to be not too strenuous, and brings any benefit at all, I'll be well pleased. Thanks to all for the suggestion and experiences. Hmm... Let the Googling commence..! :rWNVV2D:

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Bassassin said:

    Bumping this thread because my band done another video!...


    It may be judicious to add a health warning for those with a disposition for suffering fits, seizures or uncontrolled epileptic bouts. I shall report further on the audio content once the hospital give me the all-clear, my eyeballs cool off and the tremors subside. To be listened to with headphones, in a darkened room and the screen turned off. -_-




    :lol: :rWNVV2D:

  6. No, I exaggerate slightly. At the last-but-one outing, the bar owner sent us an envelope with 100€ in notes. He had no need to; we had not asked for anything. I invested in a soft case for the singer's floor tom and an additional four LED lights, and a pair of tripod stands for them. In all, more than the 100€, but it helped, of course. It's the thought that meant more to us than the sum itself, so pleased, in all. :sun_bespectacled:

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Owen said:

    I am on a deeply tedious train journey so have spent some time digging into the mixing/mastering for Logic. There is a lot on Mastering but what I am looking for is some magic programme which will take my stems and churn out a useable mix. A bit like Photoshop will edit/import/enhance pictures with the "idiot proof" presets. I am open to the fact that this does not exist and is a job for a grown up.


    As it happens I already own Isotope, bought in a fit of discounted plug-in excitement. I am that shallow. 


    Have you a sample project that we could look at, and maybe suggest how to attack this..? I use Reaper, but there are others here with Logic that could surely help out and give an opinion..?

    Here's a link explaining how to export to WAV files, that Reaper can use. Worth a shot..? :rWNVV2D:


    Logic Pro and Logic Express 9: How to export multiple stems ...

  8. 4 minutes ago, Owen said:

    ...I am on Logic.


    I did a quick Google of 'mixing/mastering for Logic', and tons of stuff came up, so a read-through of some of those links might be fruitful, too..? As for acoustics : I do 95% with headphones (a decent enough pair of Superlux HD669; nothing special and not expensive at all...), with a liten through at the end on my domestic hifi (no need for bass traps, sound treatment, baffles et al for home-brewed stuff, usually...). Obviously, if the project is worth it, and one's ears are 'tuned in' a bit better, a complete studio-type set-up can gild the lily, but cloth ears won't benefit from Abbey Road, so starting out modestly is the way forward. It's really not that difficult, once a few basic notions have been sorted out. One tip I can offer (being, myself, a half-deaf, old-school, cloth-eared, old retiree...) is to use reference material, and compare one's own compositions and mixes with other, 'pro' tracks that have the same 'vibe' as that aimed for. Not to copy, technically, what's going on, but to eliminate, as best as one can, the divergence of means available to the pro studios and one's own. Does the reference track have clear, bright vocals..? Does your own track have that same 'shimmer'..? Play around with the treatment that one has, trying to get closer to that reference. There are web sites that have available stem tracks to mix oneself, to see what different drums sound like, or mixing a brass ensemble. From time to time, listen to one's work in mono, as that can show up a few 'hidden' issues. Here's a link to the Cambridge Music Technology stuff, which is excellent.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Owen said:

    ... am just wondering if the tech exists for me to sit there and go through a list of options until I find something which will do just fine?


    You don't say what system you're using for recording (which DAW, on which OS..?), but there are many packages and plug-ins that can take a rough set of stems and shake 'em into something decent, with a drop-down menu of options to listen to. Have a look at what Izotope Ozone offers, here, to get an idea. Does this help..? :rWNVV2D:

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