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Posts posted by lowlandtrees

  1. I got a Kania small bodied DB to learn on a year and a half ago. The reason was lack of space and convenience. It is a very nice instrument but looking back I would do it different. I would get a 3/4 to learn and if I started gigging then the small bodied might be useful for transporting ( I imagine this may change when I get the 'one). You certainly don t get that full sound and the solid feel of the real thing. I still like he Kania a lot though

  2. I have always used cheap mic stands. Bad idea I know but not sure which one to get. The cheap ones are ok for light dynamic mics but as soon as you put a condenser mic and a pop thingy on them they tip over. I need one that has a really heavy base for these. I mainly use them for recording. Do any of the above mics have a particularly heavy base that would be stable with a heavier mic?

  3. I don t think the rest of the band could tell the difference to be honest and it wasn t discerning audience (should have done the slosh and a bit more line dancing stuff). One of my recording mates is constantly hammering that EQ should be mainly used to cut frequencies. Not sure how applicable that is to bass. Many bass players dislike the clicky thing but to my ears the click is lost in the percussion of the rest of the band but you certainly seem to a certain dynamic in the tone compared to fingers .........but I am a bit deaf from years of amps, earphones and chainsaws. On th other hand the pick adds to the percussion to an extent...especially when (like me) you can t slap. I do prefer the sound of the pick further up the neck but for faster toons like to hug the bridge too. I changed to flats a while back as they seemed to suit the set up of the bass and nicer to play but to be honest the round wounds I had sounded much phatter and will go back on and get set up when it is time to change. I must have spent more on sussing out strings than on the bass itself.
    Interesting comments on the MM being a scooped sound. It does need some mid boost to cut.

  4. I am the dep bass in this wee band (normally play sax) and played my first ever bass gig on Saturday. I actually love playing bass but
    don t have time to practice finger work and damaged my second finger working toward this gig. I therefore played mostly pleck bass.
    The first set I EQ ed out the mids and accentuated the bottom and top a little and I liked it but found that I was not cutting through so in the second set brought the mids back it but although it cut through I thought it sounded a little to aggressive. I think that it sounded s--t. I know that EQ will vary from room to room (it was a low ceiling) but was wondering if there are any other pleckers here and what they do. Do you EQ out the picky sound or do you like it? We do a fast Chuck Berry number that I double pick. Don t think I could ever finger pick this one so fast.
    Incidently...I love the sound that Rev and Makers bass player gets(forget his name). Went to see him and he was to my surprise plecking a Precision. Maybe he has practiced too much fr that gig....still sounded great.

  5. My EUB bridge looks a bit precarious. Was wondering if it needs set up or whether I can just loosen the strings and straighten. Would it just get pulled over with the string tension? I don t think that it has great contact with the top. I am reluctant to touch the thing in case the pole comes loose. I use a Bass Master piezo pup lodge into the bridge.

  6. I have just pur-chased the above from Thomann. Been trying to email K&K but address not working.
    When I plug into[b] IN[/b] and out of[b] MAIN/MIX[/b] there is no prob. When I plug into [b]IN[/b] and out of [b]FB OUT[/b] then there is no signal. Is this just the way it is wired so that it can be used with a Bass Master only or should[b] FB OUT[/b] also produce a signal?

  7. I have a Doubler through a Mesa walkabout cab. Although it sounds good with the ebass I am disappointed with the DB sound. I am only dep bassing at moment....the bassist in the band has a Peavey 1x15 combo and I just like 15 inch speakers. I am not a Peavey fan but are there any 1x15 cabs that anyone would recommend that would suit both ebass and DB. I don t think EA do a 15 do they?

  8. I was really after a cab that would suit the ebass and DB. originally after the EA wizzy m line to pair with my EA doubler but nothing turned up so ended up with a Mesa Walkabout cab. The Walkabout sounds great with the ebass but disappointed at the DB sound. Looking for another pup...a K&K (damned expensive).....as the Realist that I am using is too dark and just sounds muddy on the small bodied EUB. I have tried messing with the EQ of course...turned the mids way down etc. Maybe it is too much to ask a cab to do everything? Don t really want to own 2 cabs.
    Just having a rant BTW.

  9. Although Yamaha are probably the most consistent in quality I would suggest that you play several different guitars of the same model that you choose. Wood quality and build can vary between instruments. New strings and good acoustic rooms in music shops can often disguise the actual sound of the guitar that you get home. I am not a fan of Fender acoustics but maybe they have changed recently. The other thing to remember is that the older a guitar gets and the more it is played, the better sounding it can become. I like older Takemine acoustics myself and you can pick them up cheap. There are literally hundreds of good guitars floating about in the second hand market from people who have bought without realising the practise needed to become proficient.
    I did a basic acoustic guitar building course and it really opened my eyes to how to recognise a good guitar (I built a nice mandolin but the guitar was a heap of junk). What it did make me realise was how cheap guitars are relative to the work put into building them.

  10. Been playing one and a half years now. Can't find a teacher locally so going the Youtube route.
    One small thing that I can't source help for is moving down from a root to a fifth (eg Bb on the G string to F on the D string) when your using the fore finger. Would you normally flatten the finger and 'barre' or lift the finger completely off the string? (I noticed Danny last night on telly switching fingers for this shift)....someone will probably say ...all of the above.. or depends... but for the sake of my practice routine what would be the best first step?

  11. Yes I quite like the Realist but it seems to me to miss out quite a lot of the other tones that a full size bass produces and was wondering if it were possible to 'find' these in my instrument somehow with the correct mic and pre amp settings........I know that the obvious answer to this is to...get a proper bass.... but I like a lot about the small body. I also like slap and that seems to be lost on this bass

  12. I have a small bodied double bass similar to an Eminence. Want to improve the amplified sound. Have a Realist pup which sounds OK but am trying to combine it with a mic to pick up slap and improve the acoustic sound. Using EA doubler/ Mesa cab/Focusrite(and ART) pre amps. The mic at present is a Sennheiser MD421 but all I get is very low volume and feedback. Maybe it is just not possible to get volume on something that does not produce volume. Also have some good condenser mics but would imagine that they would be worse for feedback and bleed in a live situation. Was thinking clip on mic? (don t have one and know nothing about them). Also thought about using a separate cab for the mic? Would love a Blast Cult bass but that is years away

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