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Posts posted by lowlandtrees

  1. I have a Kania small bodied contra bass strung with Silver Slaps. Been playing nearly 3 years so relatively new to it. I played guitar and sax and took up DB in my late 50s. I have noticed that the position of the note D on the A string is not directly in line with the G on the D string. There is a half centimetre difference in the distance that you fret the notes. The two lower strings (E and A) seem to match and the two higher (D and G) match in fingering positions. Another problem with the instrument is that the angle that the strings take from the bridge to the tail piece is very sharp. This means that when you tune, the strings tend to stretch then jump as opposed to slide. I have tried rubbing in graphite.
    Now it could be my duff left hand technique but I was wondering if it is possible that the instrument needs set up. I bought it from a forum member but am ignorant of the history of the instrument. I am concerned that my luthier will recommend cutting a new bridge. Don t really want that expense....can the existing bridge be adapted?
    I do like the instrument. Sounds good through my EA doubler/wizzy M line and is very transport friendly

  2. It has always been my lifelong dream to sing. I took a few lessons later in life and discovered that you can learn to do it and if you practice every day then you improve. I started too late unfortunately but I would encourage every musician to learn. I sing on my recordings but can t see me singing live. There are lots of good books but one to one lessons are best even with a classical teacher. I would suggest that at first you should not play an instrument and sing at the same time.

  3. I am learning to bow on my half size contra bass. It is said that bowing is very useful for intonation etc. I love the sound on the Kania except for the E string which is difficult to balance properly. I am very tempted to get a proper DB but the ease of transportation and storage has seduced me for the time being. Not to mention the cost but I can t see me going on without giving in to the slippery slope. I also like the idea of two instruments with different types of strings,,,,nylon and steel ......but where does it end......poverty and isolation and finally madness

  4. I have been using a firewire card in my PC to connect to my DAW (Focusrite saffire 24 pro). I want to switch to a dedicated laptop. Was thinking that I would have to switch to a USB connected DAW (thinking F/R 2i2) but was wondering if I could use a firewire/USB adapter or some other device.
    I am not producing great recordings...mainly used as a writing tool although I do post to Soundcloud and other sites and like to do a good job.

  5. Had a problem with the fridge a while back.......the drain was blocked and it was flooding. Used an old D string to push down the drain hole......solved. Today the main kitchen drain was blocked. The pipe has 3 bends on it so the purpose made tool would not go round the bends. Found an old B string and pushed it down there using pliers to turn and wiggle it round the bends......and done it.
    I know......what a rock n roll life ! But take note..........don t chuck yer old strings...you never know when they might come in handy...now I m sounding like ma old man

  6. Am more or less at the same stage as yourself. Problem that I have is that I have silver slap strings fitted and I still want to do that slap stuff as well. Started bowing in the band and it sounded great so decided to learn proper like. The mirror works great. Found some good stuff on Youchoob. I practice with a tuner for about half the practice. Intend to get lessons next month. Found it very valuable for my pizz playing too.
    I have a quarter size bass that needs amplification so I can use earphones and play without getting asbo ed

  7. Looks like a short lived band but what you will get is gig experience and contact/network with other musicians. A couple of these will really be like-minded. Just been in a short lived band myself. We lasted one gig. We were in fact really good but control freakery go hold. The result was broken long term friendships, busted egos and very awkward moments...... and a future of working out how we are going to avoid each other in a small town.
    I would take 2 or 3 songs and batter them to death. Open with one and close with the other. That is often what people remember

  8. Yes I did the dots thing when I first started but what I find happening is that as my left hand technique improves......the dots appear to need moving. I was considering some classical lessons but I am a bit skint as prez. In fact the only teacher local to me is classical. I have the bass strung with nylon slaps at the moment and bowing is a challenge. In saying that I was bowing a couple of songs with a band a couple of weeks ago and it sounded great so want to do more.

  9. Poisoned by the Blues. That is a lyric in ma nexsong. I find the tuner useful for the arco but as you all say it takes a second to catch up with the note when playing faster. My ear training is c--p and I would probably benefit fro the Bruce Arnold course. I can see that I have a lot of intonation work ahead. The exercise that Joe mentions would defy me

  10. Been playing for a couple of years. In the beginning I used the tuner for a couple of months to help my intonation. I moved on to other stuff for a while. Recently I decided to improve my arco and went back to the tuner. Whilst it has been a very useful exercise, I have discovered that my intonation has been very off (according to the tuner).....and I am struggling to bring it up to the line on every note. I played in a small band for a while and didn t get complaints although at one gig someone commented that the guitarist was out...on retro I am wondering if it was myself that was out.
    So my question to you experienced players is are you bang on in tune with your tuner when you play? Is this something to just aspire to and to not get too concerned about?

  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1431962886' post='2776647']
    Jennifer Clark in Glasgow is an excellent bass tutor. She is a member here but I haven't seen her online for a while. Her username is Endorka or her website is here:


    I had some lessons with her a few years ago that really helped me out.
    [/quote]Looks very interesting. Thanks

  12. Been playing for 2 years and definitely wish that I had had some lessons but no one around here. Geoff Chalmers was a saviour. I have just started basic arco techniques (bowing) and have realised that I should have done this right at the beginning. It has taught me so much about left hand positioning, posture and tuning which can immediately be used in plucking. Not to mention the head turning sound that is produced. I have a quarter size DB...which I always wanted but sort of wished that I had bought the real thing. There are advantages in the small bodied......it is quiet so I can play for hours on end using headphones...transportation is easy....storage is a dream..... I still don't know how to go about getting the real thing though.

  13. I would like a good foot switch tuner for my quarter size DB. Was about to get a Boss tu2 but I have found that a lot of guitar tuners don t pick up the low E string. Anyone use a tu2? I have tried most of the clip on tuners but find that they don t last or I lose them or stand on them or I smash them off of the nearest wall..cos its their fault that I am not in tune!. I assume that they don t alter the signal to the amp?
    The main reasons that I want a foot switch is for stage use and for improving my arco. I am self taught (no teachers in this one horse one). Well I say that I am 2 years self taught but taking lots of advice from online folk like Geoff whatzisname on Youtube (a goldmine of info....highly recommend!!).

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