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Posts posted by jackers

  1. cheers guys :)

    yea, I've had it since tuesday night, and it still hasn't gone down, so I was thinking I might drain it tomorrow or monday, considering I'm going on holiday and won't be able to play bass until the 14th anyway.

    I just wanted to make sure draining it wouldn't completely undo the skin hardening process :)

  2. Hey there,

    After play bass for about 9 years using a mixture of pick and fingerstyle, I have decided to focus much more on the fingerstyle side, and try to not use a pick as much. So far I have found that I get a nicer tone, and it is so much more comfortable :) (playing with a pick never felt natural to me).

    The only issue is that after my 3 hour band practice on tuesday night, I now have a lovely blister on my index finger. Now, I have been told various different things about the best way to deal with blisters as far as bass playing is concerned. Some people tell me to prick a small hole in it with a pin and drain the fluid, and others tell me to leave it to heal on its own.

    I was wondering what some of you guys think?

    Since I am looking to continue playing with my fingers, I assume building calluses would be a good idea, but I don't know what the best way to go about this is.

    Cheers :)

  3. I would agree with MM20, and say that if you want TC cabs, look at the RS range. I have tried both the RS and BC cabs, and found the RS to be much nicer, (although personally I still probably wouldn't have them myself, as they don't give me the right sound).

    If you are looking for something lightweight, I would recommend trying out the Hartke hydrive cabs.

    I would also try and avoid using 2 1x15's as you will most likely get a very wooly sound (especially if one of those is an ashdown :)). I find a 410 with a 115 to be a very nice combination :)

  4. I got the BH500 delivered this morning. and after a few hours of playing around with it I am actually rather disappointed. the first 30 minutes of playing were great, but then after trying to dial in a fingerstyle tone I liked, I couldn't get anything that even came close to my Hartke rig. and when it came to a direct comparison, using the same bass and the same settings on my sansamp, the hartke blew the BH500 away in terms of warmth and tone, and I found that the BH500 went straight from clean to distorted, with no area in the middle for that gritty edge which I like in my sound.

    Although I will say there are some amazing features on the BH500, especially the spectracomp and tweetertone.

    In the end it just doesn't provide that warmth with a slight edge that I was looking for, which is a shame because it sounded really good when I tested it.

    I will most likely be arranging a return with Andertons music this afternoon.

    I would still recommend people trying it out, because it is amazing at what it does, but what it does just isn't for me.

  5. Hey there,

    I am selling my EH Black Finger Compressor to raise funds for an upcoming project.

    This is a fantastic compressor, complete with 2 12AX7 tubes, which give a really nice warm tone whilst evening out all the peaks in the signal.

    The pedal itself is in perfect condition, with no marks on it. The box is a little tatty, but otherwise in good shape.

    Price wise I am looking for £80 + shipping.

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions :)



  6. hey there all,

    I was just wondering if the Musicman H basses have the routing under the pickguard for the second humbucker? I've never really looked into any MM basses before, but lately I've been getting serious GAS for one. (Mainly after seeing Stingraypete's 2002 model in the for sale section :) haha)



  7. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='1355409' date='Aug 29 2011, 05:06 PM']Anyone know of anywhere still doing this deal ??? I could be well up for it.


    :) most places should still be selling it for 375.

    I'm going to be buying mine tomorrow :)


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