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Posts posted by jackers

  1. i think the tele bas is gorgeous. I've always loved the look of that and the '51 P, and it is also the only time i would ever buy a bass in sunburst :) haha. The maple neck just makes it even more tempting :) Not sure about the pups though, they don't seem to be spaced right for me.

    I've never been a fan of jags though, and I don't think this new one will change that.

  2. So yea, I've been trying to get another band together after the incident with my last one, and so far I have found a great singer who I get on really well with, and yesterday I got a message from guitarist who seemed really keen, so I messaged him back and he asked to add me on facebook to chat more.

    Now I've been talking to him this afternoon and he seems like a really creepy kid, who is bordering on obsessing over seeing pictures of the singer (who is female), and he seems to talk down to me as if I have no idea about music.

    Being a nice, polite guy, I have absolutely no idea about how to say I'm not comfortable with having him in the band without it sounding harsh. I don't want to just disappear, but at the same time I don't want to string him along for ages.

    Help :) haha.

  3. ^^

    you sir, have just made my day :) especially with your amazing naming skills :)

    anyway, I have visited several pubs that offer 'live music' and I have to say my experience is usually pretty good. The band plays at an agreeable volume, in a style that appeals to most people, and it adds a very nice atmosphere.

    there have been occasions however, where I have wandered into a pub for a quiet drink with a friend and been accosted by an unholy level of marshall stack noise, and have left after about 2 minutes.

    I think it is important to realise there is a balance between volume, atmosphere created and the type of band that should be booked, and quite often one or more of these is neglected.

  4. i tried the blacktop 'jazz' yesterday, and I have to say, I was immensely disappointed. The first thing I noticed was that the neck pickup has almost no volume or tone at all when soloed, it just sounded terrible. All the sound and tone comes from the bridge pup, so I really don't get the point of the neck pup even being there to be honest.

    The neck didn't feel nice to play, and it was rather unbalanced and neck heavy, which really shocked me, considering the quality of all the MiM fenders I have played.

    Overall it stunk of something that really hadn't been thought through properly, and had then been built in a large rush to try and appeal to a market that doesn't really exist.

  5. [quote name='Tradfusion' timestamp='1317048999' post='1385950'] Thats a cool rig Sparky... I'm seriously considering the BC212, just cant decide between the micro heads to drive it.... GK MB500, Ampeg PF-500 or the TC BH500 which is in the same price range but is no micro at 30lbs... otherwise a used RH450 or Classic 450... I have a Markbass LMII but I fancy a tone change and will keep it as a backup for the time being... It might work well with the BC212 though.. :)[/quote]

    I would strongly advise you to try the BH500 thoroughly before choosing to get it, (or make sure the place you get it from has a 7 day refund policy), as it very different from the other two you are considering. I bought one a month or so ago with a view to replace my hartke rig, and while it sounded good in the shop, I realised it really wasn't what I wanted when I started jamming along to sings and used it at a rehearsal, so back to the store it went.

    The PF-500 is an ampeg, so it does what it says on the tin :) and I haven't tried the MB500, but I have been told it is a good bass head.

  6. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316801872' post='1383238']

    I'd smile politely and nod.
    Then wait until the guitarist needs to cancel the week before (which in my books is ok, if you have to cancel and give a few days notice I'm happy) and observe. That kind of rule is not practical, it would never work.

    I also did a PhD, and now work... and I did a hell of a lot of other things meanwhile, just like I'm doing now. I don't see that as an abostacle to quit a band that quite frankly is not busy at all. I'd have probably stayed (if I liked the company and the music) and continued to have fun. You can't make plans to "make it" when you've just started writing songs, who knows what's going to happen? :)

    But if it doesn't bother you so much to quit that band, I guess you were not really enjoying it. Find another that's more fun. Musicians can be funny specimens of the human race. Wanna-be musicians even more so. Be prepared to walk out of bands and don't waste time with those that you don't truly enjoy (at least as long as there's not money involved... once we get paid, priorities can change a bit :))
    Being able to say no is very important. It took me a while to learn, but the minute I started to say no, I started finding a lot more people and eventually I find myself surrounded by great guys in two different bands.

    It's got to be fun (if it's not a job)

    Haha :) that was very tempting for me, but I decided to take the moral high ground on this one, lol.

    As for the PhD, I have worked with my supervisor for 3 months last summer, and from that I know im going to be doing a hell of alot of work, (especially since it's a chemistry PhD, so long days in the lab are normal).

    I found myself feeling really uncomfortable being in the same room with them after a couple of weeks of this, so I decided to leave while I was still ahead.

    I totally agree with what you say about knowing when to say no. The music was good, and the people were nice enough (when they weren't bitching about everyone behind their backs), but it got far too petty for me. I have never understood why people act like that, but oh well, lol.

    At the end of the day, I was in the band to write music, hang out with friends and most of all have fun, and over the last couple of weeks I have seen that the latter two aren't happening anymore, so I decided to call it a day.

  7. cheers for all the replies guys :) it's nice to know I'm not crazy for thinking that way, haha.

    there was no reason given for the one month thing, so I think that was just the guitarist being an egotistical dick and assuming none of the rest of us have lives or future plans. personally I'm about to start a phd at Oxford, so I have plenty to look forward to this year :)

    I think what happened is that a couple of them decided that they are going to be famous, and so they are using the rest of us to push that. (I.e. didn't try at school, have no qualifications, and just wanna play guitar all day).

    I had a chat with the singer, who is one of my best friends, and we agreed that if I wasn't happy then there is no point me wasting time and money on something I don't wanna do. afterall I play for fun and as a nice hobby, I have a phd to do so I can't go all in like they seem to want.

    I explained this to the guitarist, who could only say 'fine', then wondered off.

    so it's off to find a more relaxed group of people for me :)

  8. So, after a week away on holiday with my dad, I come back to band practice to find them all (but mostly one of the guitarists) talking about all these agreements to have a minimum of a months notice if someone can't make a practice for any reason, and how the band should come before almost everything else. I understand wanting to get somewhere, but this seems excessive to me.

    Now to give you an idea of where the band is, we have 7 or 8 finished songs, and have played 5 gigs in 6 months.

    I told them it is far too soon to be talking about all this stuff, and that at the moment it is far more important to concentrate on writing, playing a few more gigs, and most of all having fun. this was received fairly badly, with the aforementioned guitarist telling me I am not dedicated and don't take it seriously. (as a note, it's takes me just under 3 hours on public transport to get to practice, and I can't afford a car, I would say that shows at least a small level of dedication.)

    would you say they are being a bit silly, or am I in the wrong?

  9. is that my old p bass i spy there alex? :)

    OT: I have one of the roland micro cubes for practicing, it's amazing, but even used may be more than you wanna spend. failing that I would say search for a cheap 110. (it will be over 50 quid though), or play through headphones :)

  10. I think they are generally fairly nice cabs, however, due to TC's power management system (otherwise known as magic and pixie dust :) haha), their cabs will work an awful lot better with a TC head than with anything else. So it would be worth remembering that if you don't plan on using a TC head to power the cab.

    That said, the best test is to try one for yourself :)

  11. [quote name='dc2009' post='1361617' date='Sep 4 2011, 10:58 AM']They put a P-neck on the Jazz bass? Seriously?

    I was actually going to buy one of the jazz-bodied, p-pickuped ones provided it had a jazz neck. I was going to buy it new as well, the only Fender I would bother to do so with...

    Love P Pickups, not a fan of the body shape, and hate the neck more than words can say, like the J body shape and neck but the pickups are a let down...

    That's seriously fecking irritating, now I'll just try and pick up one second hand in a few years time and change the necks...[/quote]

    this exactly... when I first saw the jazz I instantly wanted to try it out, but I really don't get on with p bass necks. THat is quite disappointing to hear it is a pbass neck on a jazz :)

    oh well, will probably end up trying it out when I get a chance anyway.

  12. I remember going to Denmark street about 8 or 9 years ago, back when I first started playing bass, and being amazed at all the nice stuff on the walls :) I found quite a few of the shops back then had very friendly people in, who let me (12 years old at the time), try out gibson tbirds and USA fenders.

    However, I went back last year, and I was so disappointed, all the nice looking shops I remembered had gone, and there were absolutely no friendly or helpful staff at all. It took me 15 minutes to convice one guy to let me try out a Sansamp BDDI, because, in his own words, "it's on the other side of the [tiny] shop, and in a box." Eventually he let me try it after I said I was likely to buy it. I tried it out for 15 minutes, and then left, as I refuse to buy from somewhere who don't even say hi when you come in, let alone tell about what you are interested in buying.

    I doubt I will ever be going back there, which is a shame, because my first visit was brilliant.

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