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Posts posted by jackers

  1. [quote name='MusicLover20015' timestamp='1323888813' post='1468379']
    What i mean is that having a degree on my CV would set me apart from someone who hasn't. Looking at whats happening around here you only get employed nowadays on what you have on your CV rather than word of mouth

    I do understand what you are saying, but that shouldn't be a big factor in why you go to uni. With the job market as it is, and the fact that there are so many students, just having the degree doesn't get you as far as it used to.

  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1323888631' post='1468368']
    AFAIK, most lightweight bass amps use the same module.

    Ah ok, I didn't know that. Well, at least that's one less part that's likely to go wrong :) (I have had issues with Ashdown's QC before)

  3. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1323888399' post='1468358']
    Like a degree, you mean? Tends to come in handy when you're looking for a job.

    By no means does it have to be a degree. I have a few friends who have done exactly what the OP is planning to do, and while they were doing it they picked up some extra qualifications. (One did an apprenticeship with a building firm, another gained a qualification in architectural planning.)

  4. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1323887951' post='1468341']
    I say this all the time, but studying music at University has to be one of the silliest ideas going these days. It's a lovely thing to do if you have no aspirations to own a house or get a job, but in the real world, a music degree is as much use to an employer as as a wad of used toilet paper. You might enjoy indulging your hobby for a couple of years but beyond university and the meagre pickings of the music world you'll not have much to show for the colossal debt you've accrued.

    I used to think exactly the same as you, until I had a few experiences that made me realise how closed-minded and wrong that was. When it comes down to it, everyone has the right to make their own choices, irrespective of what you or I think of them.

    Maybe a sensible idea would be to have some form of 'backup plan'. I.e. some form of qualification or something that you could fall back on in the event it doesn't work out. (Not saying that it won't work out, just trying to suggest as many options as possible :) )

  5. first off welcome to basschat :)

    secondly, it is great that you have something you really want to do with your life, so I would say go for it. Sure there is a chance it won't work, but that isn't the end of the world, and you can sort something else out. However, if it does work, then you are doing something that you love and want to do, which to me is easily worth that risk.
    Alot of people these days are too scared to do anything that isn't a 'safe option' so they try to discourage everyone else from taking those risks they deem unsuitable.

    Yea, it may well be harder to get work as a session musician than it used to be, but there is still plenty of work out there, you just have to put in the effort. (Which I'm sure you will seeing as it's something you genuinely want to do.)

  6. I have just been into PMT Oxford after work and had a play with the MiBass 550 through an Orange 212 cab. I have been interested in getting something smaller and more portable for gigs, as I don't drive, and my LH1000 weighs more than my house. I have never really got on with the TC stuff, I find the sound too...processed I guess.

    The only way I can describe just how good this is is by saying that my jaw physically dropped when I turned it on and started playing. After hearing good things about it on here, I thought that it would be a nice little amp, but I did not expect this level of quality from it. The parametric eq gives you so many options, but is also so easy to use. I was able to get from a grinding rock tone to a nice warm jazz/funk tone in about 30 seconds, and that was having never seen the controls before. The bass tech in PMT told me that the power amp section is actually designed by Bang and Olufsen.

    I was so surprised by just how nice it was that I have that annoying thought in my head of "do I [i]really [/i]need my big hartke rig anymore?" I mean, the LH1000 and HX410 are amazing, and they give me exactly the tone I want, but they are a long way from what I would call portable. Since I don't have a car, I simply cannot take the LH1000 to gigs further than walking distance from my house. The MiBass would fit into my gig bag, and I could get a nice 212 or 210, like the Orange, and be sorted for any gig.....Sure it wouldn't look anywhere near as "rock'n'roll", but it would save me a hell of a lot of ballache transporting stuff.

    If anyone gets the chance to try one of these, do it, they are fantastic. Although I will warn you, your wallet will not thank you afterwards :) because you will want to buy it. The only reason I don't currently have the MiBass sitting in my room is that the shop closed while I was still trying it out, haha.

    Now someone buy my aerodyne so I can actually afford this :)

  7. [quote name='SebCarr' timestamp='1323784578' post='1466961']
    I did a tour of Denmark Street on Sunday (was passing through). That place is a shadow of its former self :)

    I know, it is so disappointing now. I remember first going when I starting playing bass and there being so many friendly staff that would let me play stuff just because I wanted to. Now you practically have to show them the cash before they will even talk to you. :)

    anyway, back on topic, I agree with going to a shop and just trying everything you possibly can.

  8. There are some truly wonderful stories in this thread :) A couple of them actually made me choke up.

    I haven't had any experiences as major as other people in here, but whenever I get upset, angry or just feel crap, I pick up my bass, and for the time I'm playing I find myself in a completely different place, and whatever was upsetting me seems much more manageable. I've had days where I have literally played bass for 6 or 7 hours, and when I had finished I felt much better.

    I wouldn't say that my creativity is affected, because as soon as I start playing, it puts a smile on my face.

  9. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1323087644' post='1459020']
    But isn't this 'poo' in your opinion, this is just the processed for which they have strived. Are you suggesting that because the clipping etc is far from the original sound of musical instruments its no good?

    yes, it is my opinion. it is also an opinion shared by a large number of people. As a test, listen to the death magnetic cd, then listen to the versions of the songs that were remastered for guitar hero. The guitar hero ones did not have all the silly brickwall rubbish and they sound awesome.

    and ofcourse I'm not suggesting that it's not good because it is far from the original sound, I'm suggesting it's not good because it hurts my ears to hear a snare distort that much :)

  10. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1323076028' post='1458831']
    However with digital limiting techniques and even the use of deliberate digital clipping in order to push average gain higher it is getting so bad now that great music is being ruined. And I dont give a damn how many peoiple are used to the sound, it doesnt make it good!

    and this is why death magnetic sounds like a large pile of poo.........every single instrument clips and distorts, so there are no dynamics and the album is way too loud compared to the rest of my music collection

  11. I used to use a 1x15 and a 4x10 in my old rig, and I always stacked the 4x10 on top, but mainly because I liked being able to hear the 4x10 at my ear level. However, since getting my new rig I have started using 2 4x10's and my god what a difference it has made. In my old setup the 1x15 always felt like it lacked power and wasn't outputting anything like what the 4x10 was. Now with 2 4x10's I have an absolutely thunderous sound.

  12. i used to use these all the time on all my basses, they are nice strings when they are new....but that only ever seemed to last for about a week, or 2 gigs. i've just bought myself some of the rotosound nexus coated strings to try, and they sound great for rock, very bright and zingy.

    I've also got some sets of DR strings, as the sunbeams my aerodyne came with still sounded incredible after 7 months.

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