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Everything posted by dutchwife

  1. You're a lucky fella. Love those necks. I have one of his early Flamboyants ~ the famous Wal loaded fretless ~ and the neck is a joy to play. How he gets necks this slim to stay so stable is miraculous
  2. Give, Give, Give Me More, More, More ~ The 'Stuffies
  3. Yet another rainy day in Osaka, stuck at home needing to do some housework and because of a happy vacuuming coincidence these four ended up having to be on the sofa for a little while. Seemed like a perfect opportunity... (L to R; early Roscoe LG3005, Wal powered self-build, Stingray/ Status, Zon Sonus 8-string)
  4. Russian Roulette ~ Lords of the New Church
  5. Everything Louder Than Everything Else ~ Meat Loaf
  6. GP, man, that is gorgeous. Details on pickups etc would be much appreciated 🙏🏻
  7. No, Not Much ~ The Four Lads (Nothing personal Tegsie😉)
  8. Constipation Blues ~ Screamin' Jay Hawkins
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