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Who's Who

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Posts posted by Who's Who

  1. I picked up an Orange Bass Terror 500 and matching OBC 410 cab recently in a trade from another Basschatter.

    Gigged the rig Saturday night and it was amazing. I was asked to turn down several times as I got a bit carried away with it's wicked Rock Bass tone.
    I've read a few posts saying it's a one trick pony, but that one trick certainly does it for me.
    The cab's a bit of a beast to lift, but definitely worth it. Really enjoyed running my Jazz bass through this rig and had plenty of compliments on my tone.

    Really glad I managed to get this rig in a trade.

  2. [quote name='Shimi' timestamp='1334076349' post='1610582']
    Hey hey, new to bass chat :) would like some advice on a bass amp.
    Thinking it may be time to update my amp. Currently have a 'rumble 60' fender amp. Not bad for the price but its frickin heavy and would like something different. Am looking to spend something around 400 quidish. Really know nothing about bass amps so can y'all please suggest amps you'd get with that sort of cash. anything must have? and also anything that i must avoid?

    I'd go for a Hartke HA3500 head with either a Hartke 4.5XL cab, or a 115XL with a 2.5XL.
    That would be an awesome rig and plenty loud enough. I used to have the head and two cab option mentioned and I wish I'd never sold it.
    There's a guy in the FS section selling the 115XL and 2.5XL cabs for a very decent price, you could then even get the head brand new and not be much over budget.

    Here's a link to his ad:

  3. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Paul Weller fan and love the track The Changingman.
    But I never realised the intro was taken from a track by Electric Light Orchestra.
    Our drummer ecently leant me The Best of E.L.O, a band I don't know too much about. But as soon as I heard the intro to '10538 Overture' I couldn't believe it I'd never heard it before.
    It's a wicked track and clearly influenced Weller in a massive way when he used the intro on The Changingman.

    Just in case anyone was in the dark like me, for your listening pleasure:


  4. [quote name='DavidCertain' timestamp='1332202342' post='1584910']
    I'm wondering why not one person has commented on the counterfeit Fender decal. This is very unethical, plus, why can't the guy put his own name on the bass he made? It's like putting a Opal logo on a Mercedes. Sure, most of us could tell it's not really a Fender, but after it changes hands a couple of times, someone is going to get taken. It's not only extremely unethical to make or own such a bass, it's highly illegal. I certainly wouldn't be bragging about it in an internet bass forum. I'm just wondering what's the purpose of using counterfeit Fender decals? Anyone want to explain why someone would be proud of this when they should be ashamed?
    Get a life!

    Nice Bass by the way mate, I'm not normally keen on white pickguards on white Basses, but this one looks the cats pyjamas!

  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1332500641' post='1589123']
    Most Foos bass riffs are a bit on the simplistic side - I've always said he has the best $$$ to effort ratio job in the world.
    Don't know about it being a crap song though... a bit commercial maybe.
    Maybe I was being a bit harsh there. It's just in no way am I a Foo Fighters fan, however I can respect why people would like them.
    But I really do think it's an odd choice for a first dance. We did a wedding last year where the first dance was a Greenday song!
    Each to their own I suppose, but 75% of our set is 60's or Mod based stuff, so these requests tend to stick out a bit.

    Also had to learn Tears of a Clown recently which has a great Bassline to it,now that'smuch more our thang!!!

  6. We're playing a wedding tomorrow night and we've had to learn Everlong by the Foo Fighters for the 'first dance'.

    Why anyone would want that as their first dance song is beyond me!
    Crap song with a really boring Bass line and it means I'll have to faff about re-tuning from drop-D straight after for the rest of the set.

  7. [quote name='convair' timestamp='1331876900' post='1580211']
    [*]This is My '65 Rick 4005 very nice neck on this one, I also had a very nice 4003 but sold her off to pay bills well to be honest I ebayed her to pay for tickets to see the Stones in a 1400 seat club

    Wow - A Fireglo 4005.

    That there is my dream bass, enjoy her my friend, you should be very proud!!!

  8. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1331501465' post='1573911']
    Hi mate,could you explain the bridging function I'm a little confused,and also does would using 2 x 8ohms cabs give you the full wack or would you need 4?! Just abit confused by the 4 x 4ohm jack plugs
    Apologies if I'm being an idiot

    Two 8 ohm cabs would be fine. the two options would be:

    1, Bridge the two power amps to give you one output. If you then ran this into a single 8 ohm cab you'd get 750 watts. Or you'd run one cab off the amp and then daisy chain the second 8 ohm cab (making a 4 ohm load) to get an amazing 1100 watts of brilliance.

    2, Run the two 500 watt power amps separately. You'd then be running each cab independently from each of the amps. If you were using 8 ohm cabs you'd get about 250 watts going into each cab, and if using 4 ohm cabs you'd get a little more power into each cab.

    Hope this makes sense!

  9. Hi all

    I have a Boss ODB-3 Bass Overdrive pedal and just wanted a suggested setting for it.
    I'm pretty useless when it comes to pedals, and I'm just using it as a boost at the minute.
    But I wondered if anyone had a suggested setting I could use for the pedal.

    What I'm basically looking for is to have the pedal on all the time (rather than an occasional effect) with a very slight overdriven sound. A kind of warmer, tube type slight overdrive (if that makes sense).

    I have a Hartke Hydrive rig, and while it's great, it is rather clinical.
    So if anyone could suggest me a setting just to 'warm up' my sound a little it would be greatly appreciated.


  10. [quote name='dannyt144' timestamp='1329438740' post='1542668']
    It may also be worth mentioning that in a year or 2 I may add a 115 hydrive cab :)

    I would strongly recommend not to get the 1x15, but add a second 4x10.
    Not only is it no ideal to mix speaker sizes, but the Hydrive 1x15 just isn't the greatest of cabs. The 4x10 is a much better cab and goes a lot louder than the 1x15. It would be a much better rig to go for two of the 4x10's.

    If Sparky Mark is redaing this then he'll agree with me as he used to have the full Hydrive rig and also wish'd he'd gone for two of the 1x15's.

  11. [quote name='dannyt144' timestamp='1329328619' post='1540792']
    Hi i have recently (as in today!!) bought a hartke hydrive 410 yyuumm!!

    I am looking at 3 heads! 2 within budget and one which requires lots more saving up for!!

    Option 1!

    [b] Hartke LH1000 - £477.20 [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/hartke-lh1000/25123"]http://www.gak.co.uk...ke-lh1000/25123[/url][/b]

    Option 2!!

    [b] Hartke HA5500 - £447.53 [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/hartke-ha5500/3064"]http://www.gak.co.uk...tke-ha5500/3064[/url][/b]

    Option 3!!

    [b] Hartke Kilo 1000 - £666 (the devil lol!) [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/hartke-kilo-1000/25127"]http://www.gak.co.uk...kilo-1000/25127[/url][/b]

    Opinions would help, Ideally option 1 or 2 are within my price range.
    However this is going to be my set up for years so if the kilo is just 'worth it' i can keep saving up

    Thanks In Advance

    Hi Danny

    In my opinion I would 100% go for the LH1000.
    I currently use a Hydrive 4x10 with the LH1000 and absolutely love it. I used to have the HA3500 which I ran through a couple of Hartke XL cabs, but the shear power and simplicity of the LH1000 are brilliant.
    It may not have enough bells and whistles for some, but it really complements the Hydrive cabinet. I think it's straight forward punchy tone is brilliant.

    The Kilo looks very complicated to me, but the LH1000 is so simple to change your tone in the middle of a gig.

    Plus I plan to add a second Hydrive 4x10 soon, if you did the same you'd be able to run each cab off each of the 2 x 500 watt power amps in the LH1000. You'd then have a massive sounding rig that you'd never need to really push. Imagine the stage presence of an 8x10 Hydrive rig!
    Plus 2 x cabs is much easier to transport than any 8x10 cab.

  12. Sorry to hijack this thread, but wanted to ask a little advice.

    I've got one of the newer American Standard Jazz Basses. I've added a thumb rest and ashtray covers so it looked more like a 62 bass.

    I've often thought about sourcing some stack knobs to complete the look, but not sure what I needed exactly?
    I'm happy enough with the pickups that cane standard, but what else would I need exactly?
    Would it just be a new control plate and the actual knobs? Or would I need anything else for the wiring etc?

    And where is the best place to buy the bits. I'd prefer Fender parts, but is there a complete kit, or would I need to get the bits separate.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  13. [quote name='tino' timestamp='1285008701' post='962639']
    Martinsguitars.co.uk in Waltham Abbey Martin Clarke highly accomplished luthier top geezer and bass player to boot


    PAUL Waters in Bishop Stortford......primarily builder of Fantastic Archtops but undertakes wotk to Double Bass,lutes viola de gamba etc etc etc etc etc etc AND HES GOOD

    I would also recommend Martin Clarke's. A top guy to deal with, he got my old Ric 4003 playing like a dream, the best it had ever played.
    He really does listen to what you want to and makes his work feel a bit more personal to your playing style.

  14. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1327939847' post='1519112']
    hi sam, thanks mate, did you find the neck a bit chunkier on the new fireglo?? it reminds me of a 76 jg i had, i prefer the beefier neck, also is your fretboard the same as mine with the caribbean rosewood fretboard?? cheers george
    Hi George

    To be honest I'm not too sure about the fretboard, I'll have a closer look tomorrow and let you know.
    I actually found the neck a little thinner than on the 2007 model I used to have. Probably the same nut width, but not quite as deep if that makes sense!

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