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Posts posted by Rayman

  1. Cheers fellas, Yes they're both mint at the moment. I intend to "look after" the ray in that respect, but the jazz is a workhorse, and hopefully in time, it'll pick up a bit of wear and tear, just how I like them.

  2. Thanks for that.

    The Villex pups are amazing. Massive output while remaining passive. Big lows, with a fabulous dub sound, smooth and warm, better than my Precision was with its Quarterpounders, and crisp, clear highs. You can punch through the live mix with the mid control, but I like to back the mid off a bit. You can't have the pickup volumes on full it's just mad loud, so again, I back both pickups off a bit.

    I used it live a couple of nights ago, and the bass tone just filled the sound out so much more than before, even the band have commented on it being the best sounding bass I've ever had. It's not what I'd call a traditional jazz type growl, not like Lindy Fralins, but it produces a modern twist on the jazz sound, and the range of tones available is stunning, just by turning the pots a tiny bit, the sound changes a lot, so less is more when dialling up your EQ.

  3. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='17311' date='Jun 14 2007, 01:04 AM']The Paul Jackson vids are funny.[/quote]

    Yeah, he does waffle on a bit doesn't he, I can't understand half of what he says.

    The Marcus Miller section is very interesting but mostly talk. I'd recommend the Janek Gwizdala masterclass, and the Victor Wooten one is good too. As much as I love Stu Hamm I didn't get much from his bit and likewise Billy Sheehans bit because the camera work is crap, and the operator keeps talking to his mate all the way through.

    It's a great site, and well worth a look.

  4. I was lucky Luke, I was made redundant and became a house husband looking after the kids while my wife worked. Which allowed me to gig six times a month with no problems with my previous band, but there's no way I could've managed that with a full time job and two young kids to look after.

    Work must come first (after family), unless you're lucky enough to earn enough proffesionally as a musician, so I'd go for the job prospects, and keep your music as your escape from work.

  5. I generally leave them on 'till they just go completely dead. I'm expecting the recently put on Warwick Black Labels on my jazz to last a year at least. I had some on a Thunderbird that were still going strong after 18 months, 6 gigs a month plus rehearsals, that's pretty good going.

  6. I couldn't live without my CD-BT1, it's indespensible to me. I use it every night for practise, so the amp can stay under the stairs. No-one can hear me, and I can play all day long without bothering anyone. If mine went kaput, I'd order another the same day. I have a case with it that has built in battery operated speakers, ok, they're a bit crap, but ok for fiddling out loud if you need to, not with a band though!! Generally I jam along to CDs on it, but you can plug an ipod into it and jam along to that too.

  7. I walked out of a Level 42 gig two or three years back. The sound was terrible, and the venue was worse. Mark King never has had what I'd call a "meaty" sound, but the current setup is poor compared to the Jaydee IMO, lifeless and thin, as stated above.

  8. That's just beautiful, the perfect bass as far as I'm concerned, and the same age as me too. My "Dream" bass now is a vintage Fender, Jazz or Precision, probably a good 70's model, anything older is out of my price range. If I came into some cash, that'd be what I'd be looking for. You lucky bugger.

  9. [quote name='Muppet' post='8905' date='May 29 2007, 11:40 PM']I had one and it was a beauty! Superb build quality and sounded brilliant. You won't regret it (although the tuners were not the best)



    Japanese Fenders are superb, and like the Marcus Miller jazz, the only downside is the tuners, replace them and enjoy.

  10. That Charvel's great, what a looker, and I bet the Dark Star sounds great too. I must admit, I'd like a semi, I quite fancied an Epi Jack Casady, there's a nice black one on the bay right now, but as usual, I'm skint.

  11. It's a simillar situation to a friend of mine, who has a Yamaha TRB 6, it sound fantastic in a practise situation, but live it had no punch at all. The Barts should be up the task from my experience, maybe John East is your answer, alternatively, you could look at Vilex pickups and electrics, the difference in tone once the Vilex pups and booster are put in is supposed to be nothing short of miraculous, but they're pricey, and I don't know if they make a 6 string setup.

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