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Everything posted by Wil

  1. "I just Wasn't Made for These Times", from the Beach Boys album Pet Sounds. When the backing vocals come in, in the outtro, stepping up in volume each time, sends the hairs on the back of my neck standing up without fail.
  2. I'd never really given that chord much thought before now, but it really is something. What a way to start a record.
  3. I still have it as my only bass, bought for me as a gift in 1995. Very much modified, though, it's like trigger's broom.
  4. Gershwin - Piano Prelude no 2 Tom Waits - Alice/Rainbirds Joni Mitchell - Blue Radiohead - A Reminder Bjork - Anchor Song
  5. Awesome - I had a look on youtube for some demos but couldn't seem to find anything that had the sort of sound I'm after (think Subterranian Homesick Alien by Radiohead).
  6. Any suggestions for a small (IE microkorg size) synth that also produces a decent electric piano (rhodes) sound? I have a Sono 61 Stage piano which does a convincing rhodes impression but would like something smaller for stage use that could also produce some nice analogue style synth sounds.
  7. Wil

    Guitar Porn

    I was going to go for my usual combo, black/maple, but my friend persuaded me to try the surf green one. I'm glad he did
  8. Wil

    Guitar Porn

    New purchase today - it's an MIM. Plays very well, nut could use a bit of graphite but besides that very pleased. Sounds fantastic through the Vox.
  9. Looks fantastic, this will be an interesting thread!
  10. I had reasonable results with a Roland Basscube with an EHX Hot Tubes in front of it.
  11. Here's my setup - my newly arrived AC30 CC2, and my Warmoth build (which will now NOT be getting a Bigsby, far too much faff)
  12. Well, the AC30 arrived, and man, it's heavy! But, it has a master volume, and it sounds damn fine at low volumes to me. Better than any amp I've ever played though, that's for sure! Very responsive. It's looking more and more likely that I'll be playing guitar in a band situation soon, so I'm looking forward to cranking this thing up!
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1326408858' post='1497011'] If you want a basic going over and cleaning of sockets and knobs and stuff bring it by, could do with pics for my blog, best to premept trouble with second hand amps. Also, the Blackstar Artisan series are made properly. [/quote] Cheers Oli - no car at the moment so this might be tricky, but I should be sorting some wheels in the next month or so when I may well take you up on this
  14. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1326389219' post='1496629'] Sorry - I thought you said a 'small tube combo'. You do know that a cranked AC30 will kill the first 2 rows of an audience and inflict serious wounds on the 3 rows behind them? My first real amp was an AC30 (still have it) and I remember coming off stage with my hearing shot away, yet having not got the volume knob past the half way mark. Mind you, when really cranked they can sound fabulous - like warm thunder with the right speakers fitted. [/quote] Yeah, this is something of a case of my heart overruling my head
  15. I tried a few low watt blackstars out a few years ago - left me cold to be honest. They struck me as very American sounding amps, despite being British - lots of sparkle but not a lot of character?
  16. I should not be allowed on ebay. Thanks to all for the excellent suggestions in this thread, however in the end I threw caution and my budget to the wind slighty - just scored an AC30 CC2 on ebay for £450 The tone in my head is the AC30 tone so I'm sure I wouldn't have been 100% happy with anything else. Feel free to carry on posting nice amps though, the thread has been a good read!
  17. There's a Peavey Delta Blues near me that looks interesting, are they similar to the Classic 30?
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1326282750' post='1494821'] I'd love to hear one of these: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/traynor_darkhorse.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...r_darkhorse.htm[/url] [/quote] Very cool!
  19. The Peavey Classic 30 looks like a good bet - well priced, sounds decent, good size. Looks pretty cool too! I've been watching a few amp demos on youtube and it hasn't really helped - my favourite tones so far have been produced by the Vox AC30, and those are a few hundred over my budget at least even used.
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1326203512' post='1493715'] guitarist in my band had a big 2x12 deville hotrod fender thing. Sounded good. we toured with a band for a few shows and helped each other with load in and out- they had a blues jr. sounded almost the same by time it was mic'ed - except better as could be cranked a bit more, and weighed hardly anything compared to the big one [/quote] This is what I'm thinking - my last amp was a DSL 100 and it barely got turned above half. Unfortunately it sounds best dimed on the clean channel, by which point it's ear splitting, just overkill 99% of the time. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, lots to consider!
  21. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1326195830' post='1493505'] Keep an eye out for a Rivera R30 on the secondhand market. They usually go for around the £350 - £400 mark ,which is a serious bargain for a US built boutique amp. I used to have one & it was a fantastic amp: Twin channel 1x12 thirty watt all valve combo. The two channels are roughly voiced Marshall/Hiwatt (crunch/overdrive) & Fender (clean). Absolutely beautiful clean sounds from it - I used to use it with my Gretsch 6120 & with a touch of reverb is was stunning. Beautiful sounding amp I only sold mine as I no longer had room for a guitar amp & a bass amp (should have sold the bass amp to be honest) & really regret letting it go. [/quote] Sounds right up my alley, cheers, I'll keep an eye out for one. The Cornford and Matamp are interesting but above my budget.
  22. I'm looking to get a small (15 to 30 watt) combo, for home recording and potential band use. I prefer british voiced amps, and I don't really need an overdrive channel, I figure I can use pedals if I want any serious dirt. I love the Fender Twin sound but a twin would be both too expensive and too loud. So far I've been thinking of something like a Vox AC15, Orange Dual Terror, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (or maybe Blues Junior?)... that's about all I have so far, anything else I should consider? My budget is probably £400 or so (looking at used amps).
  23. I think that's probably more effort than I'm willing to go to, but that'd be an interesting and novel solution. I've got a B7 style vibrato on order, figure it's worth a shot, if that wont fit I'll just flog it and write off the idea.
  24. Max bought my Schroeder 410L today - excellent communications, collected in person and seemed a very honest and pleasant chap. Deal with confidence
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