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Posts posted by colleya

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1423572887' post='2686436']

    Sounds lovely.

    I should have put the order in for my P ages ago, but I just can't make my mind up on the colour!

    It was going to be Oly, then LPB, but now I like the idea of charcoal frost. Gah!

    I was the same but then kept going back to pics of your old Jazz on this thread so I emailed one to Mark basically saying "This please". Will hopefully be hearing some murmurs in the next few weeks :)

  2. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1421921403' post='2666532']
    I managed to find a video of the G&L doing a P-style tone. Is it achieved via the front pickup-active mode-series? Not bad. But when you factor in the seemingly endless range of additional tones that can be had on that bass, it'd be hard to look elsewhere. I may have to overstretch my budget to get one, but it may well be worth it. Only problem is getting to try before I buy to test playability. I tried the L2000 a while back and found the neck very cumbersome for my hands, a little too thick and chunky, so I imagine the 5 would be even tougher to play. FWIW, I have played a Sterling Sub Ray5 and thought the neck was great (again, for my hands). I will just have to get my bum down to the shops and try out a few basses!

    I just solo the neck pickup for a slightly grittier (if that's the right word) tone when needed or the bridge pup for a honker jazz sound. Tbh I tend to use it in passive with both pups as I prefer that tone but some songs call for something a little different. I leave the series switch well alone as it turns the bass into a MONSTER! ;)

    You're right though, getting out and trying them is the only way you'll know for sure.


  3. I A/B ed the G&L tribute with the American 4 string (was prepared to spend quite a bit more) and couldn't put a fag paper between them in terms of tone, certainly not a few hundred quids' worth IMHO. I think the tributes use the same electronics and the U.S. ones. Mine does very passable p and j impressions at the flick of a switch.

    The only thing is I'm not wild about the looks in the natural finish. The sunburst is better though.


  4. I know it's not strictly a p or a j but check out the G&L tribute L2500. Mine is brilliant and you should be able to pick up a 2nd hand one for your budget. There was a bloke on the North West bass gear Facebook page asking £350 for his a couple of weeks ago. Seriously worth considering.

  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420147302' post='2646175']

    Why don't you buy 'my' 76P instead? I believe Dave (Rumple) might be letting it go... now that's genuine wear.

    Nice plug! Definitely don't have the funds for the real thing, and I'm a jazz bloke at heart really.

    As for the original question, I reckon you should keep it classic with P basses. Oly White or the Fiesta red above would both look spectacular.

  6. @Discreet. I keep telling myself this, then thinking that I should push the boat out with something more unique given I can spec the colour scheme. Just don't know which way to jump and I don't have the cash to do both!

    I keep wandering back to the fs section to look at yours, but it's a bit too reliced and yellowed for my tastes. Decisions decisions.....

  7. I'm in the same boat but for a jazz. The new bass budget took a bit of a car related hit so I've had more time to think about it. I think this is the problem when you have lots of choice, I just can't make my mind up. My possibles are:

    Oly White/Rw/tort - love this combo, the only thing stopping me is the chance to get something a bit different. Still not sure if that's wise or not.
    Sonic blue/Rw/red tort and matched headstock.
    Capri orange w/Rw/black w matched headstock.

    Or at least that was my shortlist until that pink jazz went up on the site. A bit too much wear above the pups for my taste, but it does look superb.

    Too much choice.......

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