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Posts posted by WalMan

  1. Well it's the one's you least expect that surprise you every time. Small village pub run by the sis of a guy who helps us get gigs (retired, got a bit of tie on his hands and some patience to chase)


    A shoehorn and industrial tub of vaseline required to squeeze us in, and starting on best behaviour level wise.


    Only plugged one of the One10's in but it was holding its own pretty well. Weird feedback from the PA after the third song but got that nipped in the bud. First set went well and the crowd were up for it, so the guitars crept up and for the second set I stopped using the second One10 as a stand and plugged it in, also got the Series 2 out of the bag as I hadn't spent the whole of the first set knocking chunks out of the beaten up Series 1 generally used in tight fits as it's had a hard life and I worry less about it (still sounds great and the reason I picked up the S2 and would like another Status at some point).


    An older crowd to start with, but by the end of the night the youngsters had come in as well (probably to mock the old men making a noise, but they were singing along at the end of the night 😁)


    Just the one numpty who wandered up mid song, was ignored by the vocalist and so turned his attention to me just as I was stepping up to the mic for BV's and totally oblivious tried to talk to me / shouted in my ear. 99% sure it wasn't "you're ****" but possibly asking if we had a CD. I was a bit busy at the time, and he wandered off, so we'll never really know

    • Like 3
  2. First one back last Saturday. Went well in the main. Drummer ended the first song early but we ploughed through. All had the odd alien abduction moments but nothing we couldn’t handle, what’s the odd jazz note amongst friends who can look over and chuckle 😁


    Just great to get out again 

    • Like 2
  3. Slightly delayed by the pandemic and obtaining parts but it’s arrived😁


    Tried one at their stand at the last LBGS and liked it. Then saw the Kickstarter for it and jumped on, and this morning DHL arrived with it all shiny and new. 

    Looking forward to rehearsal tonight 😊



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  4. On 09/05/2021 at 20:56, paul_c2 said:

    I'm looking at possibly doing this in the (near) future too. Obviously, the LS-2 is an obvious choice for combining keyboard and bass into one amp; but would a noise gate also be handy? It would be used on the bass's output, then maybe the LS-2 used to simply mix the two signals. The keyboard ought to be near silent when not in use so no noise gate needed there.

    This way there isn't actually switching of the instrument, instead both are present but the bass would be kept silent when not played.

    Or are accidental knocks of the bass likely to trip the threshold of the noisegate anyway?

    When I do try to do this the keys generally go to the PA, but can be mixed through the Helix inputs. When I have loads of time to set up and pack down (so never) and also run an acoustic guitar on a playing stand then I have volume pedals on each of bass, guitar & keys to be able to adjust/mute whatever's not in use and might ring out

  5. 20 hours ago, steantval said:

    Just a quickie regarding rehearsing, our band (4 piece) usually rehearse at our singers studio at his home, under current restrictions we cannot legally start rehearsing until May 17th (can’t come quick enough) until groups of up to 6 people can meet indoors, we are not pro musicians, just weekend players.

    I assume our bass chatter stewblack is a pro player (lucky boy) to be able to get together with other musicians in a commercial rehearsal studio.

    Below are the current rules for commercial rehearsal premises.

    April 12th – Solo bookings, small groups from the same household, and working/professional musicians

    May 17th – Bands of up to six people

    June 21st – Open, no restrictions

    Not that we're getting together sooner, but the studio that we use has been very careful with what it will & will not do, and has taken advice / instruction from the local council.They were told, and have been working with "you are a working band if you are rehearsing for an upcoming gig", so in theory if we had a pub garden gig arranged and were rehearsing for that we were ok to use the studio.

    I suspect it depends on the region, and also how bothered the studio might be about getting pinged for an illegal gathering, and the local authority's view on what is a 'working musician', which is not necessarily a professional - you can be working as a weekend warrior, but not making a living as a pro. I know our studio were getting pee'd off with following rules and hearing of other places that were just going for it willy nilly.

  6. Jealous! My first isn't until May. Still the benefit of the last year is that the main covers band has been writing / digging previous life originals out & re-recording for our later Lockdown Videos, and after tonight's band Zoom chat the likelihood is that that will continue, along with a newer proggier bunch of songs I've been working on with one of the guitarists to the point that I have so many items on the go I don't know which way to turn. Hopefully I can remember how the covers set goes when we get in the studio last!! 🤣

  7. On 29/12/2019 at 16:52, odysseus said:

    Where do we draw the line, if at all?  Spice Girls? 


    Not if you do it this way 😁 Remember the first time I saw/heard this when he played it at the Guitar Show, and the smiles/looks of horror at the dawning realisation of what we were hearing 🤣

    That said I could never get my lot to succumb, even for a joke...and I got overruled  on Crazy Horses after two plays at gigs 😫

    • Haha 2
  8. 7 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    I'm not on Twitter - I've never seen the point, and therefore I don't think a Tweet from someone who has obviously just joined to have a moan at FedEx is going to carry much weight.

    You'd be surprised how quick a moaning tweet at a company gets a response, certainly quicker than an email or phone. I don't really use twitter (maybe a fraction more nowadays) but when I started it was to have a moan at a company and it got an almost instant response and fix

  9. On 21/02/2021 at 10:42, Happy Jack said:

    I have a Gruv Gear Duo too ... it was on the Rick but I really didn't get on with it. 

    The 'loop over the horn' system for the secondary strap is clumsy in operation and feels insecure, and the way the two straps work together creates a scissors effect on my neck.

    The Evostrap system is WAY better.

    I use the Duo on my Wal & G&L fretless and got a couple of the straps that go between strap pins across the back of the bass to loop the second strap around rather than the top horn. They're supposed to be for using with single cut basses, but I didn't want to be messing up the finish on the top horn of the basses so added the back strap instead - if you go for that get the more expensive leather version, not the nylon one ( I found that not sturdy enough compared to the leather one)



  10. 20 hours ago, ProfJames said:

    Giving away my age a bit here but saw them in the early '70s in Kilburn and they did Whiskey in the JAr....I was 13!  Saw them many years later and paid quite a bit for the ticket, great live.  He used to live in West Hampstead - Phil Lynott - and was always in a pub called the Birds Nest, always approachable.  His biography ..the Thin Man I think ... was a sad read if I remember rightly.  Drugs got the better.  Have quite a bit of Thin Lizzy in my collection, still listen avidly.........

    Saw them loads, and on the final tour missed the last train home for the encore so slept on Portsmouth station and caught the milk train home (thankfully a kind porter took pity on two or three of us in the same boat and let us kip in a carriage parked up for the night 

    • Like 1
  11. The Alibi - Unconditional Love

    Latest Lockdown video covering Unconditional Love from a Norwegian band called Street Legal.

    Funnily enough I didn't record the bass with the Clifton EUB, but it seemed the thing to use for the video. Once again recoded on my faithful old Wal 🥰

    I got tasked with the mix on this one, which was a monster that ran to nearly 60 tracks in Reaper with all the BV's & guitars.

    Pleased with the bass sound and keep coming back to it for other projects as it sits nicely. A snip of the bare bass submix attached which is made up of:

    • Wal with all push/pulls up, pup pan set towards the neck, bridge pup 3, neck pup 7
    • recorded onto two tracks through the Helix with the Sheehan SVTPro patch on one, and DI from the input on the other
    • DI track reamped with Helix Native with the Rochester compressor on parallel paths

    Alibi - Unconditional Love v2_13 - Bass Sub1.mp3

  12. I bought Paul’s Series 2, having been on the lookout for a better version than the beaten up Series 1 I acquired a few years back for a while now.

    Easy transaction and we met up for a socially distanced exchange yesterday outside my office when he was coming down to nearby on business.

    Good comms and happy to deal with Paul again

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