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Posts posted by WalMan

  1. 1. MacDaddy - Custom Shukers / Rob Allen Mouse / Peavey Vypyr VIP III
    2. Binky Bass - Binky 10 string, USA Conklin 8 string, ACG 9 string, 3 x ACG 6 strings, Reiver 7 string (geeeetar), GR Bass Dual 1400 & GR Bass AT410+, Helix LT, Pinegrove straps, Richter straps etc.
    3. Cetera - Spector (USA NS2 & NS2X, Euro Classic, Euro LX (w/Haz),Euro 'Rachel Bolan', Pulse II ) Wal Mk1 'Geddy Lee', Fender FSR PJ with East pre, Hamer Impact, Pedulla Buzz 4 fretless and maybe Jackson TBird, GK400RB, GK Legacy 800 & Tech21 VT500 Heads, Genz Benz Neox212 cab.
    4. Frank Blank - Jabba short scale fretted, ACG SS Recurve, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, HX Stomp.
    5. Merton - various ACGs, Zoots, Conway Instruments basses, Glockenklang Blue Rock, Barefaced Two10/One10
    6. Eude - ACG Finn SC Classic 6 string, ACG RetroB 5, ACG TKO Modern 4, ACG ChubstRR Mikro 6 string, 2 X ACG Mule 4 strings (on loan from ACG), GK Legacy 500, 1 or 2 Barefaced One10 Cabs, Dod 250(r) modded with @Sibob
    7. Stingray5 - MusicMan Stingray5, Tune TWB6, Tune SWV4-BB, Boss GT-6B, Eden EC15 combo OR Trace Elliot GP12SMX combo.
    8.  NancyJohnson - NS Design NXT5a EUB, Lull JAXT4, Darkglass A/O900, Darkglass 112 cab, Tech 21 dUg.  

    9. prowla: Obligatory Rickenbackers, a Warwick or two, maybe a Kramer aluminium necked bass, some pedals, Ampeg & Tech 21 preamps (subject to change), maybe the Minitaur & MIDI bass pedals.

    10. Lozz196: US Precision, Ashdown ABM600 & Ashdown ABM PRO NEO 210s x2

    Ampeg SCR-DI, Sansamp BDDI v2

    11. Silverfoxnik: G&L SB1, BC Rich Eagle, Godin Shifter Classic 5, Sprackenbacker Ricky copy, Mesa Walkabout 15 combo, or Handbox R400 + Vanderkley 1156 MT.

    12. Happy Jack: an assortment of weird 5h1t that I can guarantee nobody else will bring

    13. WalMan (hopefully!): Wal, Status S1 & S2 & Zon Legacy Elite. One of the rigs (probably Mesa D800 & BF One10 or BBII as there's already One10's on the list) or Helix & Headrush. SkarBassOne pedal. May have an old case & 2U rack to sell/raffle



    • Like 1
  2. On 08/07/2022 at 15:11, silverfoxnik said:

    Indeed it was @Dood...


    I wrote this on another post about it a couple of years ago.. 


    "I remember having an absolutely hilarious road trip up there with @WalMan and @Merton

    It was a great day.... 😊

    Despite it being the Bash where a guy (who's name escapes me) played slap bass at max volume for about 4 hours non-stop..  How no one decked him that day, I'll never know! 

    Happy days 😁"


    Yup was a fun day. I probably have the photo's still somewhere in the house ... @Merton squashed in the back of my car under three lots of bass gear 😂

    • Haha 2
  3. Looks like I'll be running late, but should still make it. Tickets for Trading Boundaries the night before for wifey's birthday, which'll be a lateish one once I've driven home.


    If nothing else I need to be there in the hope of delivering @hen barn's 2019 raffle prize that we never managed to arrange to meet up to exchange!! Found it in the garage in a box of pedals when I was looking for something else this afternoon

    • Like 1
  4. On 01/06/2022 at 16:30, fretmeister said:

    I've seen various approaches for trade value.


    One that hasn't been mentioned is using the new price. So trading a used item that was £1000 new, for another used item that was also £1000 new. Obviously some items suffer more depreciation than others but that doesn't mean it's not a bad approach, if anything it's quite an honest approach as new prices are easily verifiable. 

    Probably wouldn't be considering that as an option if I were ever to consider selling my Wal - which before you ask will never happen 🤣

  5. Last night was a late one. We don't follow football, so the final didn't cross our minds until we arrived to set up at 7 to find the pub full & waiting for kick off, and told "Oh yes you'll be going on after the football". So we set up and settled in for a long night... and then that was delayed so we ended up going on. Eventually went on sometime after 10:30 and played through til midnight using the two sets as a guide and swapping stuff as we went. 


    Fair few stayed, but it certainly thinned out after the game ended as it did. Slightly harder work for me as we were a guitarist down, and I was in charge of the PA on my iPad - though that was pretty much a set and go affair.


    It has been quite funny seeing a couple a FB posts today from people who came to the pub for a band and were whizzed off that they got football 🤣


    Previous week was a blast with another outing with my first ever band from 44 years ago reliving our selection of punky power pop choons. Hells bells we used to play stuff fast. Seemed to go well generally, if confusing the heck out of some of the regulars of the venue more used to the more usual cover band fare

    • Like 7
  6. That depends.


    Someone I know well and trust not to be a Richard, then quite possibly, especially if I were at the gig, otherwise they might get the offer of the beaten up FPPR S1 (plays well, sounds great, looks like a piece of ****), otherwise it's unlikely.


    I have offered gear loan to an Italian prog band, but though I don't know the bass player personally I would be at the gig(s), have seen them before and trust him not to go mad with it. That said it's only a rig that'll probably be require as all my basses are active and (bar the Wal) 5 strings, and he prefers a Jazz type 4. More inclined in this instance as they're travelling light (fly in, gig, fly out) and I'm pretty sure the logistics of bringing in instruments post Brexit would be the straw that broke the camel's back



  7. 1 hour ago, Merton said:

    Great amps, simple to use but easy to get a decent sound. Loud as flip too.

    Which of your plethora of Barefaced cabs will you pair this with? 😁

    Indeed, I regretted p/xing with Nik for the Big Block 750 almost immediately, and then was on holiday & not quick enough when he later sold it on :(  Fired up the replacement this morning, put everything at 12 o'clock, no limiter or brite and it sounded great. Arrived in a functional 2u flight case, but I have got a better one kicking around somewhere & must dig that out.


    As for which cab...all of them? 🤣 Actually more likely the Super12t or Big Baby (unless I ever get round to selling the S12t to fund another BB2)

    • Like 1
  8. I regretted selling/swapping the Hartke LH500 I had a couple of years back.


    This week I ’fell’ and today a replacement arrived 😁


    Nice simple amp for this simple bass player, and sounds great (IMO anyway)


     I toyed with going for the LH1000 for bridge/biamp options, but I think It would be overkill for majority of my gigs.

    • Like 1
  9. Last Saturday, but still great fun. 

    Forty years on did a gig with my first real (second actual) band, well guitar, bass & drums with our roadie/manager on vocals.


    ”You’re all a bunch of punks, so why’s he got a ****** haircut?” Was the cry at a gig in Reading many years ago 😱 Well we were and we weren’t. Spiky new wave three piece (so plenty of scope for me to ‘overplay’ to fill space) but with odd time signatures, and influences from XTC, Joe Jackson & Elvis Costello through to Bebop Deluxe, Wishbone Ash, Yes, Camel, etc..


    Started with guitarist and drummer aged 17 in a country band playing WMC’s with an older guitarist and learnt our ‘trade’ then started on our own as a three piece playing originals on the pub circuit.


    Got together just before lockdown and did a short support set with my main band three days before the world stopped in 2020. Saturday was a longer set with another punky band joint headlining.


    Great fun, and like slipping on an old glove. Still so easy to get through songs, blag through covers, and get out of odd glitch with a knowing nod. 

    Hopefully we’ll do it all again, it’s just such fun to bash out catchy short power pop originals, though ‘Do The Static’ remained as true now as it was then 🤦‍♂️



    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  10. Depends what level of distortion you are after, but I love the SkarBassOne from Trondheim Audio that Dood demoed for BGM last October (my one from the original Kickstarter 😁) Two levels switchable, so you can set a mild grit and then kick in a bit/lot more. It's a constant for my sound gigging and recording now.


    Then again for utter filth the fuzz pedal my youngest built me for my birthday last year is pretty mental 🤣

  11. New EP launches Friday: The Alibi - Uncovered


    Pleased with the results for this, helped by mastering by Lewis Johns, but I am also pleased with the bass sound overall.


    IIRC basses used were as below, and all were recorded to two blended tracks, bass DI'd and a mildly gritty Helix patch Ashly/Pearce model 

    1. Zon Legacy Elite 5
    2. Wal
    3. Status S2S2 5
    4. Wal
    5. G&L L2500 fretless
    6. Status 5


    Just as everyone boycotts Spotify we hope for a 1000th of a penny somewhere in the future 🤣

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