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Posts posted by WalMan

  1. Basically one of [url="http://www.thebuttkicker.com/musicians/products/bk_concert.htm"]THESE[/url] Manual [url="http://www.thebuttkicker.com/downloads/resources/ButtKicker_Concert_User_Guide.pdf"]HERE[/url]

    I bought it when I started using the Bass Pod straight to the desk with no amp onstage just monitors and my drummer was muttering about not being able to feel the bass. But then he did not want to attach it to his drum throne & we never really got around to mounting it on a board to sit the stool on.

    It definitely works as we did fire it up once attached to a board to stand on - a weird sensation, but useful for feeling bass, or the kick on an electronic kit perhaps.

    Probably not really for bass players, more for the drummer in your life :) but you could probably use it for gaming or home cinema - though that is not what this one was designed for.

    It does need an amp to power it, and is a weighty beast so collection might be better.

    Anyway I throw it out there for anyone interested as I have never got around to using it and now have the Markbass combo to shake the room so this is just sitting looking forlorn.

    Web prices I can only find in the US and this model works out around £90-100 so perhaps offers close to £50 plus postage if you cannot collect

  2. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='65086' date='Sep 24 2007, 11:32 PM']Also, at a couple of gigs I've had to plug straight into the PA when whoever was supplying the bass amp didn't show up. Thank f*ck I had active tone controls![/quote]
    Been there, done that :) Worked very nicely.

  3. Fretted 5 & fretless 4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GALVESTON-TWIN-NECK-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ270167124708QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]270167124708[/url]

    Looks interesting, but I'm not sure my knees, or indeed shoulder could take it

    Presumably this is Phil who posted the [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Galveston/Double+Neck+5-String+Fretted%2F4-String+Fretless/10/1"]Harmony review[/url] as a lot of the text is the same, but.....

  4. WAL Mach I Bass Guitar Geddy Lee model Mk 1 Mark One - Item number: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WAL-Mach-I-Bass-Guitar-Geddy-Lee-model-Mk-1-Mark-One_W0QQitemZ270167634302QQihZ017QQcategoryZ63853QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]270167634302[/url] - Listed in category: Clothing, Shoes & Accessories > Women's Clothing > Intimates > Bras, Bra Sets :)


    WAL Mach I Bass Guitar Geddy Lee model Mk 1 Mark One - Item number: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WAL-Mach-I-Bass-Guitar-Geddy-Lee-model-Mk-1-Mark-One_W0QQitemZ190154492936QQihZ009QQcategoryZ2228QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]190154492936[/url] - Listed in category: Books > Textbooks, Education :huh:

    Different eBayers, both registered a long time & loads of feedback, but registered in US while the bass is in the UK and listed in completely the wrong places. What is/are he/they trying to do? Phish email addresses? Seems bizarre!!

  5. Cheers Nik. Sorry you got cornered by Mrs Walman in the break! But just think you could walk away at the end of the night I had to take her home and she hasn't stopped talking yet :huh: Come to that I don't think she has stopped in 30 years :)

    PA :huh: hmmmm yes Hopefully a clean loud though & that was the small rig

    Plugs it depends what you want to spend I picked up a set that have interchangeable attenuators - so you can set how much or little you want to cut level - from the drum bit of GAK for about £20 and I think Lee in Lick has some slightly different ones for about £12-15.

  6. [quote name='BB2000' post='62307' date='Sep 18 2007, 08:06 PM']I 'won' the auction for the first one. The arsehole ran the same auction (different user name) in the summer. Hopefully I've saved someone being fleeced, at the expense of an ebay strike.[/quote]
    :) I was wondering at the level & number of bids. You got a bargain if its real.

    As for the other, what do I know - other than the levels some have been reaching recently scares me :huh:

  7. [quote name='Rich' post='62020' date='Sep 18 2007, 07:51 AM']1st one -- all the info is lifted completely verbatim from the Wal database... smells worse than a dead fish in the sun, if you ask me. Who the hell would describe their own bass as "it's [i]the[/i] PB1839" for god's sake?
    2nd one looks kosher.[/quote]
    Yup the second one looks OK, I am just not convinced the BIN & start prices are entirely realistic, but hey you never know

  8. Wal Bass MK I 1981 - Item number: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290159895214"]290159895214[/url][list]
    [*]No picture
    [*]Seller has no feedback and only registered in May 07
    [*]it's in Orkney so presumably no collection
    [*]payment by bank transfer
    [/list]I think I'd be inclined to steer clear, or am I too cynical?

    And then

    Wal Custom bass guitar 1984 - Item number: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170150303638"]170150303638[/url] - BIN £2,199 - Start £1,999 :huh:

    and it not in great nick, but he will trade for a Hohner headless (plus cash presumably unless prices on those have rocketed recently) :)

    If the 5er - which I thought looked really nice & despite what others thought of the diddy pick guard could probably have lived with that IF I had that sort of cash floating around - couldn't even make £1,800 I rather think this may be being relisted next Spring

    Actually there is no sublime, just ridiculous!! :wacko:

  9. [quote name='acidbass' post='50032' date='Aug 24 2007, 11:35 AM'][url="http://www.roqsolid.co.uk/phpNuke/index.php"]RoqSolid[/url] do a large selection of quality padded vinyl covers, I had a couple for my Ampeg cabinets. They also do custom orders if you send them the dimensions.

    Hope this helps :)[/quote]

    Just got one for the new Markbass combo. They quoted 10 days delivery. It arrived in 5. Not as heavily padded as the one I had made for the old Trace Elliot combo a few years back, but that was quite a bit more expensive. However there is some and it certainly looks up to the rigours of gigging

  10. [quote name='theosd' post='61411' date='Sep 16 2007, 10:17 PM']Where's the balanced one? on the back? I really ought to spend some time with it ...![/quote]
    The balanced in is on the front above the normal input.


    I ran the balanced line out (non model) from the Bass Pod into that Saturday & all seemed to go fine.

    [Edit] :) Hurrah I have just worked out attachments at loooooong last

  11. And relaaaaaaax!

    I owe Pete & Kevin at Strings & Things huge thanks & a pint or two I think.

    Still not got to the bottom of the correct size key(though I do have one that fits & works), [i][b][u]BUT[/u][/b][/i] in response to a first email they provided a couple of grub screws at the beginning of last week, and when I found the old screws would not come out a phone call yesterday lunchtime found a spare saddle which hit my door mat this morning (Saturday) and is now fitted and working. :)

    All hail S&T

  12. I definitely find that it is not until I have the bass line pretty much sorted, so that it just rolls without me having to think about it, that I can start to properly get the b vox going - but as silverfoxnik will find tomorrow that is a very moot point :)

  13. [quote name='richy316' post='60581' date='Sep 14 2007, 08:28 PM']Hey Walman, i had the same problem with my SUB when i wanted to adjust the saddle height. First i thought the screws were knackered so ordered some replacements, alas they did'nt work! Basically the 1/16" hex key they recommend on the EBMM site is incorrect information. Speak to Kevin at StringsandThings and request a hex key set, he sent me one for free! and yes i can now adjust my SUB saddles.[/quote]
    Funnily enough I spoke to him at lunchtime today. They had sent me a couple of replacement screws, but I cannot get the old one out. Had a quick word & I am hoping a replacement saddle will drop through the door tomorrow morning or Monday.

    So far as it goes it is set up sitting on a washer protem and is working fine - it will just be nice to sort it :)

  14. And I suppose I should add the scores on the doors
    [*][b]Features[/b] - 9[indent]A pair of inputs (including one balanced),
    gain with a clip light,
    EQ = low, low mid,mid high & high,
    VLE & VPF filters and master on the front (explained above & in the [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=3&vedi=40"]manual[/url]).
    On the back a second speaker out on a speakon,
    balanced line out & ground lift,
    effect loop & tuner out.
    300W on its own, but 500W with an extension cab @ 4 ohm.
    1 x 12" + 1" HF compression driver and a rear facing port on the cab
    Freq resp 45Hz - 20kHz & 99dB sensitivity

    There might be some control on the tweeter, but I have never had occasion to use such a control in the past and can see no great need with this combo. Could also have a compressor, but I have never really used one of those either so I was not too bothered. No level controls on the line out or loop, but again no biggie[/indent]
    [*][b]Sound[/b] - 10[indent]There seems to be plenty of range in tone shaping with the 4 way eq & 2 x filters, but that said both my basses into the front with the tone controls flat and filters off sound great.[/indent]
    [*][b]Reliability [/b]- No opinion, it's too soon
    [*][b]Customer Service[/b] - No opinion, I've had no need to call on them yet and hope I never will!
    [*][b]Overall [/b]- 10[indent]First impressions are of a cracking little amp that weighs next to nothing, but happily cranks out a good sound all night long - at least that is the impression gained on the first use in anger. Time will tell.

    I have marked it down slightly on features, but for me loads of bells & whistles are not necessarily a requirement. Far batter to achieve a good musical tone with the controls flat with the ability to tweak if needs be for a room, etc., and this combo does seem to do this well.[/indent]

  15. [quote name='theheed' post='59832' date='Sep 13 2007, 12:56 PM']There's also a guy raving about his new CMD121P combo, which looks incredibly small in the photo of him holding it - unless he's a dwarf of course! There's one of those going on ebay at the moment too.[/quote]
    If you mean me I'm 6'5" ish :)

    I shall post more after a gig tomorrow night, but it more than held its own at rehearsal last week. It's not incredibly tall, but is a;most as deep as high. That said there is no weight to it at all and it handled low B's on the 5 with no problem

    [quote name='theheed' post='59756' date='Sep 13 2007, 10:48 AM']I've ruled out a 1x12 combo. as I think it may 'fart' at the volumes needed.

    (As a rule we only fart in out band if the audience request it and the venue has the required ventilation.)[/quote]
    I think you might be surprised. It certainly seemed MUCH louder than my old Trace 122H 2x10 combo and, probably because of the rear port, was plenty deep enough and shook the hall we practice in.

  16. [quote name='paul, the' post='60458' date='Sep 14 2007, 04:23 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5484&hl=love+it!+great+buy"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...!+great+buy[/url]

    Then get the [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/mark_bass_traveler_121h.htm"]extension[/url] so it comes up to your shoulders[/quote]
    What he said :) and with your budget you would have enough for both straight away

    [quote name='Jazzman' post='60402' date='Sep 14 2007, 01:45 PM']Went to the Markbass CMD121P combo. I was blown away straight away! I bought it.[/quote]

    Oh wait. You've done the dirty already :huh:

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