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Posts posted by WalMan

  1. Not sure where you are, but you could try [url="http://www.amps-n-bits.com/"]Amps & Bits, Worthing[/url]. It really is like stepping back in time. I wandered round a while back thinking "had one of those....and those....and those...etc etc"

  2. [quote name='ARGH' post='83376' date='Nov 4 2007, 01:36 AM']JUST gigged in York...they loved us,fed us,bought our drinks,and paid over the usual rate,and booked us for more...several more.

    afterwards,it was the MOST genuine audience reaction Ive ever had,no just pissed up "you were great" ,it was said with heart..and a handshake,and a pat on the back.

    We were not super great,but functional,my achievement tonight,was that I did my 1st whole/entire gig on a 5 string,(and am now under direct orders to use it always from bandmembers) so thats a mountain climbed (my 1st fretted 5,bought 3 days ago!!).

    I floated back down the A64/A1 in sheer bliss.....Thankyou God,they dont come often,but when they do......![/quote]
    Nice one. Always good when that happens, and a new 5er as well. I still have to change back to the 4 for one number after 4 or 5 gigs. I shall get there one day.

    Of course now you won't be able to sleep for the adrenaline rush :) still who cares that's what its all about

  3. [quote name='gilmour' post='83121' date='Nov 3 2007, 01:12 PM']Hi All,

    Does anyone know where there is a music shop that Stocks Mark Bass equipment in the south east (not inside London) preferably in or near Berkshire?

    Well I was going to say GAK in Brighton, but that's a bit of a trek from Berks, still have that to be going on with. They do keep a fair selection of MB amps & combos normally

  4. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='82931' date='Nov 2 2007, 08:51 PM']I am not 100% sure but I don't think the [i]Bass PODxt[/i] can be upgraded with [i]FX Junkie[/i].[/quote]
    Unless I have missed an update I don't think the BOD xt can take any packs. It certainly doesn't seem so from the Line6 site. Shame

  5. I can heartily recommend the MarkBass CMD121H covered [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5484"]HERE[/url].

    Incredibly light, but a good solid sound and plenty loud enough for rehearsal / pub gigs in a "classic rock covers" situation even on its own.

  6. What is your ultimate goal having got the bass into the PC and what sort of cash were you thinking of?

    I know you are talking soundcard, but you might keep an eye out for a Line6 Bass Pod (XT) on fleabay. That gives you amp modelling, gets the bass into the PC by USB and is a headphone practice amp. It's a while since I had mine hooked up to the PC, but as I recall it doesn't work with the Guitarport or Gearbox (which allow you to play along to tracks all through the headphones), so as an alternate you could look for a Pod XT and use the DI patch with no amp models.

    Audacity has been mentioned already as cheap (as in free) but good software. I use it a lot for editing audio, and managed to add and mix a pair of harmony guitar ([i]sorry!!![/i]) lines to a live track from my band (on the MySpace) quite easily

  7. [quote name='Buzz' post='77801' date='Oct 22 2007, 05:55 PM']Walman chap, I feel sorry for you, normally HDD's are a piece of cake to install.

    Even if you have to bodge where they're sitting, normally just a case of:
    Remove case panels, set the jumpers to suit (normally slave if it's an extra IDE, if SATA no jumpers at all) fit and screw in HDD, attach cables + minor moving about, put case back together and bingo.

    S' a bit off you had to fettle with the BIOS though to get it to find the drive, I've never ever had that problem.[/quote]
    Precisely!! I have installed at least two HDD's previously no probs, this time it was just such a bloody fight.

    Actually I didn't have to change the BIOS in the end as the drive did eventually autodetect once the data cable was switched to a different socket

  8. [quote name='yanto' post='77554' date='Oct 21 2007, 10:59 PM']Hello
    A friend of mine's got a Wal-don't know what model.Lots of basses for sale in my area?Is there something I should know?
    There have been a few eBay items turning up in the Orkneys (including a Wal) but all seemed to be scams - no Paypal just bank transfer, sellers registered the day the bass was listed, suspiciously low starting prices considering the items offered, etc etc

    Anyway, welcome!!

    We now have a checking source for any new listings :)

  9. [quote name='Buzz' post='77490' date='Oct 21 2007, 09:38 PM']It took you half a day do fit a HDD?[/quote]
    Well half a day is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration including[list]
    [*]a number of "sod this" moments when I just walked away (including a "sod it I'll get an external box this is just too much hassle"),
    [*]eventually getting it installed - all right I looked at the manual again & realised the front had to come off the PC as well as the side (yes I know, RTFM, and don't even start on that male failing "I've done this before. Piece of **** I don't need the manual/map/instructions"), :huh:
    [*]in the process of inserting the drive it knocked the cable off the card reader in the slot above leading to another waste of time :huh:
    [*]getting the HD back out,
    [*]then the card reader,
    [*]then reattaching the cable to that
    [*]getting the HD back in making sure that it did not happen again
    [*]farting around trying to get it recognised in BIOS once it was in, and yes perhaps I would have had to with the Mac. That is/was never my point
    [*]eventually having to switch the data cable to a different socket on the MB,
    [*]not being entirely convinced that the power was getting through at one point so swapping power cables around, :)
    [*]then waiting for it to format - which I accept is not a problem of the machine, just a fact of life wherever the drive resides, but I had new software to install AND I WANTED TO PLAY!!! :huh:
    [/list]Bitter experience had already told me to get the drive in and attached, but not put the side back on until the machine fired up and recognised the drive as there were bound to be issues - and I was right (see BIOS & power above).

    [quote name='Buzz' post='77490' date='Oct 21 2007, 09:38 PM']What were you doing? Machining out a cradle?[/quote]
    Well almost as there was no proper second drive cradle, just a slot where the floppy drive could live, so it was a bit of a bodge , now you come to mention it.

    And again I say my point really was that with the Mac the side comes off, the drive slots in, you attach 2 cables to the drive, shut the side & there you go. No fighting through a sea of cables

    Again by way of pictorial reference I proffer

    PC [attachment=3045:PC_closeup.jpg] - Mac [attachment=3046:Mac_closeup.jpg]


    That is really all it was

  10. [quote name='bnt' post='77072' date='Oct 20 2007, 06:34 PM']The first post got it wrong on the hardware differences (there aren't many), and your post gives Apple credit they haven't earned and don't deserve.[/quote]
    Blimey I did start a storm didn't I :)

    I wasn't talking about hardware or software issues, but my moan seems to have blown into the usual polar opposite arguments between afficianados of PC's & Macs.

    The point of the original post was that the PC (indeed all PC's I have ever been inside to work on) have been a mess of cables and a right fiddle to work on, as compared to the inside of the Mac, which is a place of calm and on the face of it a breeze to get at & work on, hence the comparative pictures. That's all! It came after a sweaty, sweary 1/2 day trying to fit a new hard drive in the PC to dedicate to recording.

  11. Yes perhaps it is apples & pears, but I just know that for every PC I have had when I come to add a card, or drive it has always been a mass of cables and a right faff trying to slot stuff in whereas it was such a pleasure to open up the mac and find what appeared to be a well thought out interior with no clutter.

    This is the second mac in the house. Oldest son got himself an iMac when he was doing his graphic design course. The G5 is the bottom spec with a small(ish) HDD, loads of memory & a 21" screen (though sadly not flat). It was picked up s/h from my drummers firm when they were upgrading, so the cost (£400) seemed not unreasonable, and the spec adequate to run recording software for youngest son's recouding course.

  12. Ongoing from installing second drives for the Mac and PC.

    Never did find the Mac cables and ended up getting a firewire box to put the drive in, BUT I then came to install the new drive in the PC yesterday, and here is why I am more & more coming round to Mac's

    Inside the Mac G5 - [attachment=2963:mac.jpg]
    Inside the PC - [attachment=2964:PC.jpg]

    What a palaver installing the drive in the PC was, take the case side off, take the front off, make a new slot to put the drive through, fiddle around trying to make all the cables fit. As compared (if I had had the cables) to flip the switch on the back of the Mac, drop the side off, slide the drive in, fit the cables and close.

    Still we are there now & the Tracktion update installed, so now to watch the 4 hour Traction help file/movie lessons and get started

  13. [quote name='kevbass' post='75720' date='Oct 17 2007, 07:35 PM']Looks alright for £640 to me [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ernie-Ball-MusicMan-STINGRAY-bass-guitar-Music-Man-USA_W0QQitemZ290171541893QQihZ019QQcategoryZ101561QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ernie-Ball-MusicMan-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote]
    And a cheap BIN

  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='75293' date='Oct 16 2007, 10:18 PM']ebay have pulled it. Good work someone![/quote]
    Oh. No fair she was going to email me photos :)

    It was also having the p155 ripped on Walbassesnaturally Yahoo Group as well, so perhaps they got bored with knowing emails form people who were visiting family in the Orkney's and wanted COD

  15. [quote name='chris_b' post='74968' date='Oct 16 2007, 10:38 AM']There is a WAL owners forum somewhere on the web, don't know the name, where you might find more info.[/quote]
    There is a Yahoo Group - [email protected] and also a group at Dudepit

    Check the Yahoo Group as there was a chap in Harrow a while back who was going to see Peter everysooften & picking up parts ordered via him through the group

  16. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Wal-5-string-and-custom-made-case_W0QQitemZ300160340355QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]THIS[/url] is just not fair!!! Not to far away from me.

    I need some cash and I need it now, that or another cunning plan!! :)

  17. [quote name='nedsbeds' post='73097' date='Oct 11 2007, 11:00 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-25-to-2-x-Serial-ATA-SATA-Power-Splitter-Molex-Cable_W0QQitemZ270174625066QQihZ017QQcategoryZ74941QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-25-to-2-x-Serial-A...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
    is that the sort of thing?[/quote]
    Not quite. It does not need the 4 pin plug in the middle.

    More like [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-2m-4ft-External-SATA-Power-Cable-Lead_W0QQitemZ110179081570QQihZ001QQcategoryZ45342QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]THIS[/url] but about 6 inches long max, not 1.2 metres

  18. Yes I sort of think the PC data cable will be OK and for the power it is 15 pin both ends so I think the Maplin cable should be OK. Just wondered really.

    I do have to say though that the mac is both sleek inside as well as out. One lever and the side is off and everything is so easily laid out & accessible!!! No cramped case & faffing around trying to get something to fit like the PC

  19. Anyone use a Mac who can help with this?

    Acquired a 500Gb SATA II for the G5 at the weekend and it [i]should [/i]be a piece of **** to install [u][b]BUT[/b][/u] looking inside the case I can see sockets for the power and data cables but have no cables.

    Now the manual says "use the proper mac cables supplied" but can I find where to get them? No, not even when I went into a dedicated Apple store on Sunday.

    I found [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ModuleNo=96890&doy=11m10#overview"]THIS[/url] SATA to SATA power cable in Maplins on Sunday & have a standard PC SATA data cable, but am just a little wary of diving in with these. Stupid I know, because I am happy adding stuff to the PC but the MAC is a new thing to be dedicated to recording & I really do not want to screw up the G5 or new HDD with the wrong cables!!

    I gave up in the Apple store when, having explained I am sure quite clearly a couple of times that I had a a new HDD I wanted to install internally but needed the cables, I was told firstly to contact the HD manufacturer because it would be a dedicated cable and then asked "does it have a 3 pin kettle socket?" :) GOOD GRIEF!!!

    So any suggestions where I might try to source the cables chaps?

  20. He's doing a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1973-Fender-Stratocaster_W0QQitemZ260168936789QQihZ016QQcategoryZ33039QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]73 Strat[/url] as well.

    Anyone recognise this back garden?

  21. Off the top of my head & some have gone from the set now

    Wild Frontier - Gary Moore
    Paradise - Dave Lee Roth
    Free World - Neil Young
    All the Young Doods - Mott the Hoople
    Over the Hills - Gary Moore (how apt for a bunch of old f@rts)
    White Punks on Dope - The Tubes
    White Room - Cream
    I Want It All - Queen
    God Gave R'n'R To You - Kiss
    Funky Music - Wild Cherry
    White Wedding
    Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
    Schools Out
    Feed My Frankenstein
    Elected - Alice Cooper
    All Your Love Tonight
    Fool For Your Lovin'
    Cryin' in the Rain - Whitesnake
    That Cameo song

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer there's more but my addled brain has gone blank

    I rather think Valhods would hate us too :)

  22. [quote name='ZPQ' post='71355' date='Oct 8 2007, 11:33 PM']zero feedback but otherwise might be real?

    What do we think?[/quote]

    Mmmmmmmm stinky

    Would that it were real but I think not. Registers 8/10/07 & immediately lists a Wal with a £300 start price.

  23. I certainly hope not as I have used Elixirs for 3 or 4 years now & love them. I use a pick most of the time now (because of this damn RA and picking hand fingers falling over each other) and have never noticed any shedding of the coating. I find that each set stays on until I realise that they are looking a bit skanky (actually thinking about it now perhaps that is the coating shedding) and whilst there may be some small improvement in tone on a change it is not necessarily as great as I might have expected.

    I bought a box of 5 sets at the Guitar show 2 1/2 years ago and [i][u]still[/u][/i] have one set left.

    Bought a 5er set from Dr Clucks Music Emporium on eBay [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/DrClucks-Music-Emporium"]HERE[/url]. The price was OK and delivery swift, though I would worried that a bigger order might end up getting screwed with input VAT coming through Customs.

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