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Jazz Bass - Adjustable Pole Pieces?


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Just lately I've been getting back into Jazz Bass mode and using my trusty old MIM relic for most things. I have noticed however that, particularly in a full band scenario, the E string comes out a lot louder than the other strings. I've done what i can with the pickups by lowering them on the E side and also raised the action of the E string a little but its still noticable.

Any thoughts on this? I'm guessing pole pieces on stock Jazz pups aren't adjustable in anyway - I do remember some replacement pups you used to be able to get that had allen key type adjustable pole pieces but can't seem to find anything about them - dimarzios/duncans were they? not that i have any money for new pups at the mo really :-(



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I've never understood why there aren't more adjustable pole piece p/ups for bass. One of the reasons I prefer a P to a J is that you can get a better string to string balance because you're only ever tilting the p/up between 2 strings (assuming a 4 string bass). Quite like the indicated tonal characteristics DiMarzio reckon those Model Js have.

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[quote name='ezbass' post='594918' date='Sep 10 2009, 06:16 PM']I've never understood why there aren't more adjustable pole piece p/ups for bass. One of the reasons I prefer a P to a J is that you can get a better string to string balance because you're only ever tilting the p/up between 2 strings (assuming a 4 string bass). Quite like the indicated tonal characteristics DiMarzio reckon those Model Js have.[/quote]

I've just looked at the DiMarzio on my Precision - I never bothered with the adjustable pole pieces but looking at the angle between the two coils, I'm not surprised a J pickup would benefit, especially in the neck position.

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