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GHS Pressurewound strings (SOLD)

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Another set of strings which I wanted to like so much, but just couldnā€™t get onĀ with, for some reason I just canā€™tĀ put my finger on they just donā€™t do it for me. Iā€™ve had them for about a year and they have been on and off and on and off several times, so whilst the silks are fairly worn, the strings themselves have had little use, however these things last for years anyway.

ive been holding onto them thinking that I would give them yet another go at some point, however Iā€™ve decided that itā€™s time to just settled with my labellas.

posted to your door for Ā£15

these are the set with the 104 E stringĀ 

Edited by Creeper
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