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You might have seen this in the gear porn thread. I bought it not long back to cheer myself up after failing to love a jazz I put together.

Here's a link so you can see it - specs etc.

In a short space of time it's become my bass of choice. It plays better than my '73 , and the poor Shuker and Status have been staying home in their cases.

I didn't have myself down as a 'retro' type gear wise , but the simplicity and basic tone of this instrument have floored me. Just can't put it down.

Maybe I am a dinosaur after all.

I feel a bit odd now - thousands of pounds worth of bassery sitting at home and I get all I want for less than 300 spots. There's got to be a lesson there - and partic for younger players who can't afford some of the expensive instruments some of us on here are fortunate enough to own.

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There is a most certainly a lesson to be learnt here. One that is also hinted at by the amount of £1000 plus basses that end up for sale or trade on this very forum.

In my personal experience, every single time I have gone into a guitar shop with a wad of cash I have always come away with a cheaper (read value for money) bass instead of spending the full whack. In 25 years of playing I have yet to play a bass that really, really made me think the extra cash was warranted.

Saying that, I have still not found "the" bass.

Hopefully when I do it will be in the sub £300 category. And not have dice knobs! :)


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Since being reunited with my Spector I'm finding that I'm playing it much more than my MTD's, it is considerably cheaper, not in quality far from it, but I'll have a quick play on eithe rof the other 2 and within 10-20 minutes I'm back on my Spector and then I'm on it for a good hour. After the slightest tweak it plays exactly how I want a bass to play, the MTD's are the same but there's just something about the Spector that I can't shake off.

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My basses are getting progressively cheaper as the years roll along - I used to have a pair of £1400 (secondhand) sei basses, both my current basses combined cost less than one of those and I'm far happier.

The £450 CIJ '75 reissue jazz I had was probably the best 4 string I've ever played, and I only sold it to get as close to a 5 string equivalent as I could.

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