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Yamaha BB 424 pickup/bridge upgrade


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Hi all,

I need some advice about upgrading the 'precision style pickup' on a BB 424. From wjat Iv read the blade type pickup found in the 1024 model is a decent improvement on the standard 'pole' type that comes with the 424.
I have asked Yamaha and can get hold of the replacement pickup, but, I was wondering if there would be any issue with switching the standard factory pickup for the 1024 version and if I can use all the same screws and fittings?

Also I was wondering if swapping the upgraded bridge for the 1024 version would make any difference?

Finally, is the precesion style pickup sold as two seperate parts or so both chunks of plastic come together?

If anyone can help with any of the above id be very grateful!


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I don't own a 424 or 1024 so can't compare in the flesh but the pickup mountings look very similar to me.

[attachment=125794:Yamaha 424 + 1024.jpg]

I reckon it's a reasonable bet that they'd be a straight swap. The two halves of the pickup will be separate (to allow separate adjustment). The 424 bridge has a 5 screw mounting and the 1024 looks to have a 3 screw mounting so that may involve some drilling and positioning.

Edited by ikay
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Tree fiddy? That's a great deal!

Apparently the 1025 and 2025 use the same pickups but have different part numbers and prices when I contacted Yamaha about getting some for my BB415. I didn't reply to get to the bottom of it as I'm considering just upgrading to a 1025X/2025X to get all the other improvements to the neck/body/bridge. Gonna go to Bass Direct to try some out at some point!

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