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alternate plucking


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I used to rake pretty much all the time, probably not very well, as my means of playing. However when it comes to string skipping (such as when i practice intervals like fifths and sixths, which i try to do) there's a problem. It doesn't seem natural: the finger rakes the string you don't want to play, even if it's (usually)naturally muted by the left hand, it's discernible and seems sloppy.
So i'm trying to learn alternate plucking but I find that when my right hand is relaxed it naturally feels sloppy. If i try to play more tidy the hand becomes more tense and curves more, like a claw, and the plucking action is more pronounced with the finger having more contact with the string and moving more when it comes off. I gather that's not correct, but neither way seems natural to me. Am I doing somethign wrong?
Given that both picking fingers index and middle, that is) are different lengths (assuming i don't have alien hands of course!) there is also a tendency to favour one finger regardless.
I dont' really know what to do here. I watched Scott Devine's excellent string skipping octave exercise, but i couldn't really see how he was actually picking the notes across the strings.

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It is difficult to get a sesne of what your problem is without seeing you play, my friend. What I can say os that many of these kinds of problems are sorted out by concerted pracice and experimentation. You use the term 'correct' when actually you shoudl be looking for something that is efficient. Correct is only ever one person's perpsective and the greatest players in the world are often playing incorrectly. String skipping always feels awkward when you start playing but it gets easier as you get more comfortable.

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I've been playing for years. I just haven't practised in a long time and am entirely self taught. I'm trying to sort out the problems I have, but for the reasons you mention it is very difficult to know what to do. It may be just practicing it but I don't want to spend time practicing something that's poor technique to begin with.

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You don't necessarily have to pick with your fingers in any particular order,sometimes different patterns or rhythms will work better if you just play them however your hands kind of want you to. DON'T OVERTHINK! In fact sometimes you don't want to think at all! Your mind is your biggest distraction.

If i'm playing straight 8th notes I might do something like 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ......

However if it's a faster pattern i might bring a 3rd finger in so it's more 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1.....

But then if i'm doing a 3 note gallop, rest, single note, rest it will be more 3 2 1 , 2 , 3 2 1 , 2 ....

And that's just on one string!

So with my rambling outta the way... Just do whatever is easiest, and most comfortable. You'll master it quicker and it won't seem like such a chore!:)

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