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Techies help!!


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Hey there guys,

I seem to have a bit of a problem with my laptop and recording onto it. Whenever i take a line from my amp to my laptop i get a crackling sound through my cab speaker...? I dont use my laptop for proper recording, just putting little ditties down yaknow?

Anyway, i got a PODxt recently and even when thats hooked up via USB i get the same crackling noise...? :) Happened with my ashdown amp and warwick cabs aswell as my GK and schroeder now too.

Whats going on?!!

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[quote name='LukeFRC' post='163443' date='Mar 25 2008, 11:10 PM']my guess would be something wrong with the jack socket in the amp.

also try switching the ground lift switch on the line out, but you've possibly done that.[/quote]

Tried it with two amps. and various basses and cabs. Possible, but unlikely!

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[quote name='Huge Hands' post='163454' date='Mar 25 2008, 11:30 PM']Does it get worse when your hard drive is being worked hard?

I've had PC's that induce noise onto the line in, and when the hard drive is spinning hard, it gets worse.

It is a constant noise, or intermittent?[/quote]

that wouldnt surprise me. Its quite an old laptop, allbeit its just had a new hardrive put in. And its intermittant as in it will go from crackly to very crackly and back again! Its picked up on the recording.

Ive just recorded using the USB without hooking it up to my amp and its fine. but i cant hear myself play so its a bit of a bummer really!

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Problem solved!!

Thanks terry, Was indeed a grounding issue with the laptop. Works fine when the power supply is not plugged into the laptop. So a small isolator will fix the problem, but untill then i can just record in short bursts!

Again, Basschat saves the day :)

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I put a switch on the ac side of my laptop adaptor that cuts the earth cable, I switch the earth off whenever I'm plugged into my interface..... got the idea off a mate who uses the slightly more primitive 'sellotape' method NB: other adhesive tapes are available!


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