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Disaster :(


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Hi all,

Not been around these parts in a while!

My project bass (STILL unfinished due to a variety of circumstances) is, I believe, cursed, and tonight the unthinkable happened. Whilst me and my dad were working on it (first time I've managed to get help with it in over a month), soldering an earth wire to the pickup cavity shielding, the soldering iron got a bit too close to the edge of the cavity and toasted the finish. My dad takes the blame for not paying attention but either way it's irrelevant - typically, the finish is (was) white and so although it could of been much worse, it's still noticeable.

All may not be lost as I did originally plan to surround the pickup with a chrome ring similar to those you would find on a Thunderbird. However, I never managed to locate anyone who would make these - can anyone help? This bass has been six months in the making and has just been problem after problem, I'm just dying to play it without something else going wrong, and I'm at my wits end now with it. Bearing in mind that being a recent graduate with seemingly zero prospects of a job and rapidly diminishing funds, I'd like to try and get fixed sooner rather than later...

Cheers :)

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[quote name='untune' post='1321842' date='Jul 30 2011, 11:45 PM']Haha yeah, not doing a bad job of making a relic of it before it's even been strung up....

Didn't think of the touch up route, [b]will it matter that it's finished with nitro?[/b][/quote]
It may... but you're kind of out of options. :)

Who painted it?

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[quote name='Johnston' post='1321838' date='Jul 30 2011, 11:40 PM']make it worse then Get an angle grinder and take the paint off in random places, gouge a few marks in it etc etc.

Put it up on ebay as Expertly reliced .

Failing that do what 'e said ^^^^^^^^^[/quote]
Ah yes the lucrative [s]bodger's[/s] builder's choice. :)

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[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1321847' date='Jul 30 2011, 11:52 PM']It may... but you're kind of out of options. :)

Who painted it?[/quote]

Yeah true... it was painted by the luthier who made the body, up in Carlisle

I'm still going to get a chrome surround made eventually, if I can find a way! It'll fit nicely with the control plate and the bridge

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[quote name='untune' post='1321872' date='Jul 31 2011, 12:25 AM']Yeah true... it was painted by the luthier who made the body, up in Carlisle

I'm still going to get a chrome surround made eventually, if I can find a way! It'll fit nicely with the control plate and the bridge[/quote]
It's a shame he's not more local, he'd probably do a basic touch up for the price of a couple of beers.

If you get a touch up pen, test it inside your control cavity first, leave it for a couple of days and see if it has reacted with the nitro - give it a good pick with your fingernail to see if it has gone hard.

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As a possible temporary solution or even permanent if it works out you can get chrome effect fablon (sticky back plastic). You can make dozen of mockups until making one you like the best, make a duplicate on card to give to a fabricating shop at a later date (call in at a few they might make you one for the cost of a few tea bags and biscuits, Ali or stainless would be easy for them, steel even easier but then chroming will be a pain). Even some black plastic from something out the shed cut up and shaped carefully held on with a few dots of adhesive would look pretty good.

Hope some of that helps? :)

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@Wazoo - Hehe yeah I know, the pickguard is designed to cutoff a la a telecaster (you can just about see the bottom edge in the photo)

@StingrayPete - Never seen that Fablon, sounds like a good idea! Nice cheap temporary solution... It'd let me get the dimensions bob on, then it could just be handed over like you say and used as a template at a later date to have a proper one fabricated... anywhere in particular that carries that stuff or is it an ebay job? :)

Cheers for the suggestion! :)

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[quote name='untune' post='1321957' date='Jul 31 2011, 09:04 AM']anywhere in particular that carries that stuff or is it an ebay job? :)[/quote]

Lots of art shops etc carry it.

or [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BLACK-GLOSS-D-C-FIX-STICKY-BACK-PLASTIC-3460010-2M-/400228819363?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Decorative_Accents_LE&hash=item5d2f7f21a3"]Ebay[/url] is always good :)

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