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Posts posted by davebass66

  1. I have had lots of PM's concerning the string spacing which I had written in as 18mm spacing. It is in fact adjustable string spacing. (clearly something I never used) so those who weren't sure about the string spacing maybe you could have your mind changed?! :)


  2. Let me clarify my original post now that I'm not in such a foul mood!!...

    I really have no problem with the guy who did the original work. I asked him to shield the bass to fix the hum...He did it and said he couldn't hear a hum when he plugged into to an amp. I understand why he should be paid.

    My issue with Ray Cooper was his attitude. There are much more professional ways to turn down work. He was just downright rude to me, which topped off a pretty annoying morning!

    Audere finally got back in touch with me. (no apology for the amount of time it took) and just told me to take the pickups wires out of the pre and see if it still hums. I haven't had a chance to do this yet, so i'll try when I get home.


  3. So.....

    I recently installed an Audere JZ3D pre into my Jazz bass.... I had problems with serious humming when either pickup was solo'd.

    Last week I spent £50 sending it to a tech to get the bass fully copper shielded and have the wiring checked. This did not fix the problem. Having spoken to him again today he has basically said he can't do anything else but is happy to keep my money having not fixed the problem (he will remain nameless)

    So this morning I called someone else, who will be named. Ray Cooper was one of the least helpful and un polite people I have ever had the displeasure to speak to. I asked him if I could bring the bass in for him to have a look at and he simply said he wasn't interested and no, I couldn't come in. (he is a professional guitar tech apparently). No 'sorry I don't think I can help' just 'I'm not interested'.

    Useless. I would recommend anyone on here to avoid Ray Cooper Guitars.

    On top of all of this I have sent Audere 4 emails regarding my problem. I have not had a reply to a single one.

    Poor customer service. I don't want to ring them as they are US based and it's a bloody expensive phone call. You would think with them being such a small company that relies on reputation that their customer service would be top notch, as opposed to non-existent, as I have found.

    Sorry to have to vent on here but I have had one of those morning where you wonder how any of these people manage to make a living from being so utterly unhelpful.

    Rant over.


  4. For sale is my Sei Jazz 5er

    In 9/10 condition, couple of very small surface marks but otherwise top condition. Quality Jazz tone, very deep neck pup (Kent Armstrongs with an Aguilar OBP-3 pre). Pretty light (scales won't weight it for some reason. about 9lbs I think). Ebony fretboard 1 piece ash body. Adjustable string spacing at the bridge. 35" scale length

    Have never been able to get attached to 5 strings for some reason and just feel ready to try something else.


  5. [quote]For that money you could have Aguilars or Bergs.[/quote]

    To be honest mate I tried the bergs as well...to my ears if you're looking for a 'hifi' clear sounding speaker the Vanderkleys are a little above the bergs IMHO.

    Never tried Aguilars...maybe next time!

    [quote]My only complaint was 15Kg for a 12" cab is too heavy in my opinion[/quote]

    This...I haven't found anything that's all that much lighter...Aguilars are heavier, Bergs are 1kg lighter and the mark is also about 1kg lighter...

    PLus with the neo thing goin on it's most likely that all cabs will get heavier again as the companies start having to go back to ceramics...thats a large reason why I decided to buy now instead of waiting..


  6. Couple days late on this but last thursday I picked up a new Vanderkley 112EXT from Bass Direct....I fell in love with it!

    Gigged with it on saturday and it sure filled a lot of space! seems cab design has come on a great deal since I bought my Mark rig about 5 years ago, the bottom end is incredible, even just with one.

    The tweeter seems much more effective than the Mark Bass ones as well.

    I liked it so much I'm gonna pick up another one from BigJim on here on Tuesday! that will be my rig, with a LMII head....good times!..see my 2 mark cabs for sale on the for sale forum :) very reasonably priced!.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147608"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147608[/url]

    also bought one of those little MarkBass things that angles the cab upwards about 30 degrees, this made a big difference when using one, as the sound isnt just flapping round my ankles!

    Haven't seen much love on here for Mark Vanderkleys work....what do you guys think of it? I know it's pretty dear, but they're seriously high quality speakers...


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