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Posts posted by JoeS

  1. [quote name='richy316' post='64165' date='Sep 22 2007, 08:11 PM']All the pictures i've seen and videos have shown him playing warwick.[/quote]
    Hmmm, the mind boggles. I've only ever seen him playing Fender or Godlyke. He was playing Fender at the [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC9Gl38qiGc"]VMAs[/url] as well, apparently.

  2. [quote name='richy316' post='63777' date='Sep 21 2007, 07:32 PM']Warwick! The guy from Mastodon plays one[/quote]
    He does? I thought he was back on Fenders :)

    Warwick all the way for me, I have the swamp ash version of that bass and I've yet to play anything better. I preferred it to the Spector I tried as well, but that was a lower model (a Performer, I think).

  3. [quote name='proghead' post='61843' date='Sep 17 2007, 07:15 PM']great movie but...

    have you noticed that this Bongo is a SIX STRING?!!!!

    As fas as I know this is a prototype, not yet in production... THE FIRST 6 STRING MUSICMAN BASS!

    Last I heard, the prototypes were unfinished and nowhere near production. Looks like they must be pretty close now, I think they're being officially unveiled at NAMM '08 but I could be wrong.

    Still got too many strings though :huh:

  4. [quote name='thumbo' post='61153' date='Sep 16 2007, 01:51 PM']They're absolute loop-pedal monsters, I didn't realise how much they looped stuff until I saw them kicking their Headrush's on and off all the time. That's where their massive sound comes from.[/quote]
    I thought exactly the same thing, I assumed that the recordings were simply layered and that live they'd be more "stripped down" but all the looping really added another element to the show IMO.

  5. I went to the Water Rats gig and I was absolutely blown away. After hearing the tracks on their MySpace I wasn't really prepared for them to be so heavy, especially with there only being three of them, but I was really impressed. Had a little chinwag with the guitarist afterwards and he seemed like a top bloke, I can't wish them enough success for the future. Definitely a band to keep your eye on over the coming months.

  6. Right, it's high time I got some new strings. Trouble is, the last set of D'Addario EXLs (long scale) I put on my Warwick weren't long enough so I had to raise the nut to get rid of all the buzz. Basically, because of the two-piece bridge the string starts to taper too soon at the headstock end, leaving the string nearly lying on the frets. I'm sure it will, but does anyone know for sure if using super long scale strings will solve the problem?


  7. I'd also like to add that my rig was all bought and paid for by me from money earned by doing either paper rounds or mind-numbing shop assistant-type jobs. It's good to see so many (supposedly lazy, good-for-nothing) young people here working hard for themselves rather than taking the easy route of simply relying on others.

  8. [quote name='Finbar' post='51091' date='Aug 26 2007, 11:49 PM']Mike was on Cash In The Attic!

    Hahaha, I remember watching that, classic daytime-TV viewing (I too was, at that time, on MX).

    Good to see you here, Mike.

  9. I've only ever been to SoundControl once (Oxford Street) and that was mainly to see Marcus Miller. I did have a quick browse after the clinic but there didn't seem to much in the way of a bass department (that said, a lot of the shop was roped off because of the clinic, so it's possible that there had been some stock hidden or even removed from the shop floor - they didn't exactly seem to be doing "business as usual"). If I was passing again I'd still pop in and have a look around, but I don't really go up to London all that much and there's not another branch anywhere round here.

  10. I've never got on with Jazz basses, something about them doesn't seem right. Also, no matter how many I play I can never get used to the pencil-thin necks on Ibanez SRs. A Ric 4003 is pretty much my dream bass (looks and sound-wise), but reading this thread has got me worried about trying one now...

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