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Everything posted by MarkusWarwick

  1. Thanks man, im the same, its an INSAAAAANELY good bass for the money, and a dream for those who love a slim neck!
  2. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1356013534' post='1905708'] Wasn't saying your Thumb doesn't have a lot of variety - poorly worded reply by me! Sorry if it came across like that. I find with my Thumb that I don't vary the sound much - I pick it up and play because it is perfect. I meant to say that I didn't feel the need to vary the tone. I hardly ever tinker with it, because it has a good standard sound. I love the Thumb so much and would never sell mine. I found the Streamer had so many sounds options I just couldn't decide which one to use!! If I had the money (and space) I would definitely buy your Thumb. I would love to have a dirty blonde and a bleached blonde! Again I think you are selling this limited edition bass at a great price. [/quote] No worries man, no offence meant or taken haha Yeah its a ridiculous price considering what i paid for it, and the condition of the bass as well. (Ye wud think itd been kept in a room o cotton balls!)
  3. Thanks man, yeah it is a beaut. Real nice wood pattern too, jus incredible to look at and play, but just (unfortunately) not working for me
  4. The sustain on nt's last a little longer, thats for sure
  5. Yeah im lettin it go for a steal if im honest, and its costin me a pack to let go considerin what i bought it for, but iv got my eye on a few things that could see this shifted sooner rather than later Really hate to get rid of it, but needing to free up space :/
  6. Not at all, the Thumb has amazing variety, its just that theres a slight dimensional difference between the Thumb and streamer necks, and again, depends on the woods as to the sound you get from them. Iv always been really comfortable with streamers and thinkin of addin one more custom to the collection!
  7. The main difference is the neck and 3 band eq. This has the typical thumb dimensions which mean its a little wider than a streamer but still really easy to play. The ss1 and ss2 also have the 3 band eq instead of the 2 band on the Thumb. Thats really the just of it mate, im really a streamer player, more than a thumb guy, thats all it comes down to if im honest
  8. Bump (Would consider trade with Ss1, ss2, buzzard, stryker)
  9. £1075 final drop peeps, decent day at the office means im ok to pass on a good saving! Go for it, £1075 (shippings only £20 or so)
  10. Well done on the sale loki, especially at this time o year, someones gettin a beautiful bass!!
  11. Its really incomparable. Keeps all the best attributes but really enhances everything with a cool clarity to go with the growl!
  12. Down to £525 but upto you for delivery for that Go ooooooonnnnnnnnnnn, its Chrrrrristmas!!!
  13. Beautiful, nice grain too. Shudnt last too long on here, even tho nothin seems to shift so close to Christmas :/
  14. Buuuuuuuuump Cmon peeps, its at a cheeky little £550!!
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