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Posts posted by alhbass

  1. Hi 2x18.

    Seems like I'm going to have to come and have a look at this one, since no one else has had the good sense to take it off you yet!

    I'm still using the Jap P I bought off you a while back as my principal gigging instrument - love it! But I've been looking for a "spare" for a while...

    Give me a call when convenient? Thanks. Al

    ps will pm my number in case you dont have it. Cheers.

  2. I use two New York 604 cabs stacked, and find contrary to expectations that the sound is actually warmer, fatter and richer (with a touch less of the famed clinical clarity of other MarkBass gear) than the MB 410/210 rig I used previously.

    It may be counter intuitive, but these small cabs really do produce a huge, fat sound. In fact I miss the super, crystal clear sound of the bigger cabs, and never imagined when I down-sized that my sound would get "bigger" (not louder, obviously, but definitely bigger).

    If I didn't love the fantastic convenience of the 604s so much I might sell them and go back to bigger cabs for the sound I'm after... But the 604s might serve you very well from the sounds of it.

  3. I've noticed a pretty clear difference in the tone colour I get from these cabs depending on whether I use one alone or two stacked.

    Below are two short sound files, recorded at band practices with the same gear in the same room, same eq settings etc - the only difference between the set ups is that on the first occasion I just used the one cab (on the floor, tilted up towards me), and the second time I stacked both.

    The slightly dirty, rough edge to the sound (that I liked) just seemed to disappear when I used both cabs, which is a concern because it's obviously the set up I'm more likely to use when gigging.

    I'm using a MarkBass LMK head, so have some tone controls available to try to recapture the sound I'm after, but I haven't succeeded so far. It really seems to be down to the difference between using a single cab or both. Has anyone else come across this? Maybe it's a well-known phenomenon?

    I'd welcome your comments, observations and advice anyway (about the sound issue, not particularly about the fluffed notes and other technical shortcomings of my playing, of which I'm already painfully aware!). Thanks for your help.

    [attachment=93900:1 cab.mp3][attachment=93901:2 cabs.mp3]

  4. Any owners of MarkBass LMK heads out there ever adjusted the effects loop jumper from parallel to series as it says can be done in the manual? Or had it done by someone else? Was it easy? Was it expensive to get someone else to do if it wasn't easy?!

    I'd like to do this to mine, but am very inexpert at the technical stuff (even more inexpert than I am at the musical stuff!)..

    Your thoughts, as ever, would be appreciated... Thanks.

  5. Apologies if this question has been raised already elsewhere, but I did have quite a good look around before posting, honest...

    It would appear that the subtitles for market place listings have been dispensed with in the new Site revamp (which is generally great I think - well done all round!).

    Personally I found these useful, both when listing items for sale and perhaps needing to update for a price drop etc, and even more so when browsing as a buyer, as people would often put price or other helpful information there (that isn't usually given in the Post title), thus saving the need to open every listing in order to find out whether I could afford to consider a purchase..

    Perhaps they are still there but I'm looking in the wrong place..?

    Perhaps no one else misses them?

    Your thoughts..?

  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1296830' date='Jul 8 2011, 09:31 AM']I'm on Bootham, I won't be about much today or tonight but I've got an OC-2 you could borrow if you could pick it up on Saturday.

    The footswitch is a bit unreliable (like many Boss footswitches it often double-switches when stomped) but I think I have a true-bypass loop pedal in the loft you could use to bypass it.

    Let me know if you want to use it. :)[/quote]

    Hey that would be fantastic - thank you very much.

    Sure I could drop by on Saturday - let me know when might be convenient for you?

    I'll PM you with my phone number.


  7. Hello - I'm looking for a helping hand here from any local BCers..

    I need an octave pedal for a gig that has come up at short notice in Leeds on Saturday night - I've been meaning to buy one for a while but the right thing at the right price hasn't come up since I've been looking - and I didn't expect to need one quite so soon -but I dont fancy my chances of getting lucky between now and the gig...

    So I was wondering whether anyone in the York/Leeds area might have one I could use? I'd be very happy to leave a deposit, and/or pay to hire it off you - and of course I can give you the details of where and when I'm playing (about 10.30 pm at Santiagos in Leeds with The Revelator Band) so you can check up I'm not trying some kind of scam!

    Happy to travel to collect at your convenience of course.

    I'd be very grateful for any help... Thanks.

  8. OK, I've done a couple of searches, and looked on the Wiki and can't find the answer to my query...

    I want to replace the tuners on my Jap Pbass because they're the only thing on the instrument I don't like. They're very un-user friendly (tiny movements of the peg shift the pitch wildly, and unpredictably), and they don't stay in tune particularly well once you've managed to get the intonation right either.

    I loved the tuners on a 2009 US Standard Pbass I had til last year, and am wondering whether I can fit a set of those instead?

    I'm aware that the lightweight ones now fitted to US Standard instruments are 3/8" size, rather than the chunky 1/2" old ones on my Jap instrument, but are there reliable ways of getting round the problem? I read elsewhere of someone suggesting rips of fag packet wrapped around the slimmer shafts to pack them out, but a) that sounds a bit Heath Robinson (not in a good way) to me, and b) I only smoke roll-ups, and I don't think bits of plastic Golden Virginia pouch or Rizlas would be up to it.

    If there isn't a good (affordable) solution to that problem, can you recommend better replacement tuners I could fit instead?

    All good advice would be appreciated. Thanks...

  9. As the title says - old tea chest to go. I always intended to make it into a tea chest bass (and did briefly), but that band wound up and it's now just taking up space.

    I don't want to get involved in any complicated arrangements for passing it on as I'm very busy at the moment, but if you're able to come and collect it from my house in York you're welcome to it.

    PM me.

    Cheers. Al

  10. I'm not much of a techie, so apologies in advance for this post not really offering the Help requested - but must thought I'd add that I've had problems with my BB nano too. It's fine when placed in the signal chain before the amp input, but makes loads of noise if I use it in the effects loop (which is where I want it really). Don't know whether this might have the same root cause as your problem, but i'm sure someone will be along shortly to put us right...

  11. [quote name='sussexbassman' post='1172825' date='Mar 23 2011, 12:43 AM']As a huge Beatle and McCartney fan, I bought a Hofner contemporary series violin bass. It sounds great in having the thump sound, but I'm not overly impressed with the bridge adjustment. I like a low action and I can't really get there with this bass.

    General build quality is good though. I use it for about 10% of live gig songs (mainly Beatles or 60's of course!)[/quote]

    Personally I'm not really interested in violin basses - I only asked about the Hofners because I thought the last one i looked at (kinda Jazz style) in a shop seemed pretty good and I wondered what the general thinking was about them. Now I know!

    Would still be happy to hear more about Danelectros tho.

  12. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='1171615' date='Mar 22 2011, 12:38 AM']One of my students has one of the chinese Hofners.
    The built quality is awesome especially considering the price point. It isn't a one off either, i've played another one of the hofners in a friends shop and it was also as good.

    For the cash i think they'd be hard to beat[/quote]

    Thanks guys - that's what I needed to know!

  13. Anyone have experience with Hofner basses? I've heard they're good value, given their low price, but would be interested to get some BC feedback on that one..

    Also / alternatively - I'm thinking of buying a Danelectro to have as a spare instrument (don't have a backup at all at the moment), and quite liked the second hand Longhorn I tried the other day - but can anyone out there tell me whether it's available in a longscale version? I know other Danos come in both long and short scale versions (eg the 63 RI), but I've not seen a Longhorn longscale so far....

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