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Posts posted by Alpha-Dave

  1. You could learn to use one of these?



  2. [quote name='nedsbeds' post='64456' date='Sep 23 2007, 07:33 PM']I think you got the wrong thread guys...[/quote]

    No, it got derailed when CK suggested someone build BFM cabs, I then suggested Thumper, CK then cast aspersions on his competency, and then Thumper's customers provided some positive feedback to the contrary.

    The flow of the tread has since been broken by the deleting of Thumper's comments (I don't know by which of them).

  3. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='64365' date='Sep 23 2007, 02:10 PM']I'm after a new stand for my bass, I'd really like one that grabs the neck, the only trouble is it's a 6 string, so it has quite a wide neck.

    I've tried Hercules in the past but they aren't wide enough.

    Cost isn't really important (within reason), it just needs to be good and reliable.[/quote]

    Hercules did do an extra wide one for 12 string acoustic guitars, have a hunt around.


  4. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='63931' date='Sep 22 2007, 09:37 AM']I was going to 'do' your Shuker as your surprise Christmas present :)[/quote]

    There are worse ideas*.

    Here's a 70 page tutorial on how to do it.


    The key seems to be to take it all to bits and do them individually (don't loose any of them now, unless that's part of the look), and also remember you're aiming to make it look like it's been held and loved for many years, not like it's been abused for the same length of time.


    * ok, not many, but there are some.

  5. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='64051' date='Sep 22 2007, 03:29 PM']If the customer said he wanted it relicing then surely the shop doing for him is just good customer service?[/quote]

    I partly agree, but the actual relicing process takes quite a while in itself: you need to soak the nickel parts in vinegar for a week if nothing else. They clearly offered a service that they had no idea how to do, which is very wrong.

  6. Any chance a root admin could check this out more? I'm seeing more threads with people using :) as the default emoticon, and I'm not wanting to keep asking 'did you mean that in a sarcastic way or do you not know what it means' as it would be quite rude.


  7. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='61761' date='Sep 17 2007, 04:42 PM']what happened to your ampegs? to be fair i guess ur pumping out just as much volume with those things![/quote]

    You might be thinking of Wizbat, the bassist for LimeShark, he uses 4 Ampeg 8*10s with 4 heads and a 7 string bass (amongst others).

  8. Just swap the bridge for a 4 string, and make a new nut (you may get away with using 4 of the original tuners, depending on how much friction they have).

    Then use the .135 gauge B string from a heavy 5 string set as the E on the 25.5" scale, then the .105 E string as the A string and so on.

    There was a guy on TB that did the same thing to convert an acoustic guitar to bass.

    If you're unsure how this will feel, put the BEAD strings on your 4 string and capo at the 5th fret: instant 25.5" scale bass tuned EADG!

  9. Just thought I'd add that I contacted the ebay-wood knob guy, and he said that he couldn't do it, so I guess the only way is to go with the THG ones if you want a wedge design (or paint one on yourself :) )

  10. Erm possible, I'm 90% sure that a couple of years ago I thought 'crazy Dutch guys', as they were in Holland. It's possible I could have been wrong, but also they look to have significantly expanded (there were just 2 guys in a garage IIRC), and I don't think that the 'company director' who is presenting in the video is the same guy who presented back then. I suspect that they have been bought out by a German company who has since taken the concept much further.

  11. Systems like these where it's just a few electric motors hooked up via a control system to a tuner (pitch sensor) have been round for years, there is a Dutch company that sells retrofit kits (can't recall the name).

    I think the biggest issue from the last discussion was that the torque required for bass machine-heads is significantly more than for a guitar, so the motors would have to be bigger, so really neck heavy.

    So I think bass ones are a few years away yet, but one day possibly ...

    Edit: Ah! it is actually the same Dutch company that has been licensed to Gibson.


    Great video demo too.

  12. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='58874' date='Sep 11 2007, 06:28 PM']Well if any of you would like to start doing them as a serious thing for other members let me know. We might be able to work something out on the site for you. :)[/quote]

    You could ask Thumper, he's a BFM approved builder.

  13. Schaller for me.

    There was a huge thread in 'Misc equipment' about the various straplocks and their pros and cons, it'd be worth finding.

    Edit: here you go.


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