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Posts posted by Dandelion

  1. Why do I find them so awful to listen too? Ok for heavy overdriven sounds perhaps, but no better than single coils. The tone they produce is muffled and indistinct. All low fidelity middle with woolly bass. For lead work they sound ok too, but for rhythm they just sound like a vacuum cleaner. I don't get it. I read about the humbucker tone, the apparent 'creamyness', and the harmonic richness. But I just don't hear it. In fact it makes me cross when I hear them. Why use humbuckers on a guitar when single coils sound so much better. I realise this could be a personal taste thing, I am no guitar player myself, but I must be missing something, Or perhaps the guitarists in my band need to alter their eq?

  2. Ok..

    Personally, I prefer the Bass Maniac to all the basses which I have ever owned. That includes Fender, Status and Sandberg.

    These are monstrously good.

    The Bass Collection basses are based on these, but the Tunes are regarded as superior.

    If you are undecided then check out the love for these basses on the interweb, however there is not load of info out there as they predated the net when new.

    I would buy this bass myself if I had the funds. But Christmas is here.

  3. I am fairly musical, I can recognise a duff note when I hear one. I have a voice, I can speak, so why can't I sing? I can hold a tune in my head and my head can talk to my mouth, but what comes out is awful. Why does my voice not listen to what it is told to do? I am not tone deaf either.

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