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Posts posted by Merton

  1. [quote name='jono b' post='122441' date='Jan 17 2008, 09:12 PM']It went on ebay, and in a prickish feat of prickness decided not to mention it on here, and now it is mine. I know, I'm a prick.[/quote]
    Not at all. Glad you got it in the end after all the fun in the sale! :)

  2. [quote name='ped' post='121130' date='Jan 15 2008, 09:27 PM']That sounds like fun![/quote]
    Oh it will be :)

    [quote name='mr pablo' post='121131' date='Jan 15 2008, 09:29 PM']V6 by anychance ;) . . . . . . . .[/quote]
    If I could afford it, yes! ;) Wait and see :huh:

    Stephen, sorry for the thread hijack!

  3. [quote name='mr pablo' post='121113' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:50 PM']I am indeed my good man :)[/quote]
    Excellent :huh: Now I just need the damn Nemesis to sell on fleabay and my plans for world domination are in place.... Ahem, world domination with Trace Elliot valvey amps. Wait and see ;)

  4. [quote name='mr pablo' post='121084' date='Jan 15 2008, 07:54 PM']LOL ;)

    Its me who gets the DHA, someome gets my trace and ste gets someone elses cabs :) In all the deal is covering Scotland, England and Wales quite an effort methinks :huh:[/quote]
    Blimey you kept that Trace head for the same length of time I appear to be keeping her replacement!! Are you still requiring the 2x10?

  5. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='120598' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:59 AM']they've done that to me. they give you a load of cobblers about how it contravenes their listing policy, but there's actually nothing in their listing policy to that effect. I wrote to them and told them and they just fob you off until you put together a strong argument and then they ignore you. I was then sent a "how did we handle your communication" survey, which i filled in and ticked the last box that said, do you need to be contacted - of course nobody actually got back to me. I think i was just up for a bit of a row. They do credit your listing fee though.

    Sorry, back on topic. Good luck with the next auction[/quote]
    Cheers John, nice to know I get a credited listing fee if nothing else. Pain is that it was about to start taking off and I had 19 people watching it!! Ah well, we live and learn...

  6. [quote name='Toasted' post='119166' date='Jan 12 2008, 03:57 PM']It's just a case of being in the right place at the right time mert. There's some amazing bargains to be had by looking in the right places:

    Deep Impact £60, Unibass x 2 £50/each, Bass Whammy: £100, Mutron w/lindenberg mods £120, Animato Distortion: £80, I've bought about 5 Fulltone bassdrives for not more than £75.[/quote]
    Can I hang out with you for a while?


  7. Well the first ebay auction got pulled for no bloody good reason and less than a day to go, a**holes. :) It's up there again now....


  8. [quote name='jay249' post='117853' date='Jan 10 2008, 02:14 PM']I still don't want to post it
    Is this not the amp which you are offering plus postage on on ebay?


  9. [quote name='Moo' post='118186' date='Jan 10 2008, 09:44 PM']They are popular for Top End HiFi kit and are used in the classic Musical Fidelity A1 amp. This is low powered, sounds lovely, and you could fry eggs on top of it if you wanted to![/quote]
    I have that amp, it is gorgeous.

  10. The two main solid state power amp types are Bi-Polar and MOSFET. There's no "good2 or "bad" other than component selection and design, they're both good at their own thing. Higher power amps are almost always MOSFET I believe, earlier Trace stuff was BiPolar but I think they changed to MOSFET in the 90s as power levels increased. I think you'll find most solid state power amps are MOSFET thesedays.

    As for MOSFET sounds or behaving like valves, well.... In preamps that is kinda the case, but I think you'll find these are BiFET rather than MOSFET. Different sort of Field Effect Transistor, y'see :)


    Good :huh:

  11. [quote name='lowdown' post='117956' date='Jan 10 2008, 04:34 PM']Blue Peter website...
    Might be a good place for tips on making my own :)


    Sorry, highly unhelpful comment from me.! :huh: I could ask if she wants to make you some but I suspect you'll find them cheaper elsewhere..

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