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Posts posted by Delberthot

  1. Not the easiest board to master but the Boss GT6B is phenomenal. Once you get your head around it, there are some great sounds to be had. It can be bought realtively cheaply second hand. I bought mine on this very forum.

    The usual Boss setup with banks of sounds but as an added plus you also have dedicated pedals that you can assign and add an extra effect to your preset sound such as a flanger or the usual other stuff.

  2. Bearing in mind that I played only 5 and 6 string basses for around 6 years means that anything with 4 strings feels comfortable to me so I might not be the best judge

  3. I've never been able to get a cut through sound with a semi-acoustic bass. they tend not to lend themselves to that kind of sound IMO.

    But if it is the bass you want to keep and you like it then something in the Schroeder 1212L style would help you no end as they tend to have more pronounced mids.

    Case in point is that i used to run a couple of Ashdown ABM115s and they gave me a very indistinct wooly sound that only creatures at the bottom of the sea could hear clearly. I replaced them with a single Schroeder 1212L and I'm as happy as Larry. Haven't even came close to the cab's or my GK 700RBII's limits and that is even when it is being used as my out front sound.

    Not as much bottom end as the Ashdowns but perhaps that's a good thing in that it eliminates the wool from my sound

  4. Nope. Still loving both of mine.

    Incidentally both of mine have '54 bodies with jazz width necks and tele headstocks albeit with single coils. One's rear routed and one's front.

    They have a solidity about them that I never felt with other basses- especially Rics. Perhaps something to do with me choosing the woods and components and putting it together myself.

    I know I've taken the time to build it properly rather than owning a mass produced 'how many of these can we build this week?' bass which can vary wildly from bass to bass.

  5. I have a 2007 Vectra hatchback and can fit:

    Schroeder 1212L
    6u Rack
    Cab & Amp Stands
    Bass in a gig bag
    My bag of leads
    Change of clothes for the gig

    in the boot.

    If I fold the seats down I can fit all of that plus

    8U rack
    Bass in a hard case
    Bass Drum
    5 - count them, 5 Toms
    Drum hardware case - big long Hardcase fellow with the wheels
    Cymbal Bag
    Stick Bag
    Drum Rack
    Case with Drum Mics
    Drummer's monitor
    Drummer's change of clothes

    Plus the drummer of course.

    I've always loved Vauxhalls and the fact that i can get my gear for the rock band in the car without putting anything in the passenger area.

  6. John Deacon is the reason I play bass.

    Learned 'another one bites the dust' on acoustic and was proudly playing it when I was 12 years old.

    I have to begin by saying that there is no Queen without Dame Freddie Mercury and think even less since there is no JD.

    My first exposure to Queen was the 1986 Live Magic tour when they were at their most magnificantist. Totally sh*t hot to a 12 year old bassisst who's learning everyting under the sun

  7. [quote name='Protium' post='308085' date='Oct 16 2008, 07:17 PM']How exactly did you blow the speaker? Sounds like you did something wrong vs. there actually being anything wrong with the speaker...[/quote]

    It was only a couple of years ago and I've now been playing for 21 years so I'm confident it wasn't me.

    I was using it with an EVO II rackmount head at the time and one night it just started farting when I was playing.

    I was actually a bit sceptical about the Fane drivers as I know that the Celestion's are bomb proof and even emailed Ashdown prior to buying it to find out more.

  8. If it was the same as mine, your cab will have a Fane driver which I didn't rate very highly before buying and I was right, I managed to blow it relatively quickly. I put an Eminence Kappa driver in it as I had one sitting in its box. Sounded really good too.

    I swapped the original driver in a previous Trace cab i had. It ws the compact 1153. i can't remember the exact model but it was another celestion, albeit 300w instead of the original 200w and 4ohms instead of 8ohms. Sounded really good.

  9. The best thing to pack a bass with is a flat panel TV box cut to size. Normally a 40" one if its in a gig bag and a 46" one if its in a hard case.

    The worst packaging I ever had was with a 1979 Rickenbacker 4000. It arrived in an old gig bag with a burst zip that didn't fasten at all. the seller held the bass in the bag with brown tape wrapped round it. How it survived I will never know.

  10. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' post='304686' date='Oct 12 2008, 03:19 AM']I'm currently half way through building my first Warmoth, a 4 string Jazz with swamp ash body and maple/ebony neck. It currently has no pickups or electronics in it and does suffer neck dive. I'm hoping that fitting p.u's and circuitry will add enough body weight to balance things out. I enquired if Warmoth could fit graphite bars, instead of steel but they said they'd tried that and it resulted in dead spots so they decided to stick to steel. I find that a little strange as my Fender Jazz Deluxe 5 string has graphite bars and balances perfectly despite the extra neck mass and additional machine head and doesn't have a single dead spot anywhere.[/quote]

    My newest Warmoth also has a swamp ash body but maple neck and fretboard. I went for Gotoh Resolite tuners just in case there was going to be any neck dive. Happy to say that there isn't on this bass. It balances perfectly.

    The only reason I used the Gotohs was because they were reverse winding like the original Fender ones.

    Also, you don't mention if it is front or rear routed - if rear there is a lot of room in the cavity to add weight

  11. Me and a mate were doing a talent contest at primary school miming to Bruce Springstein of all people. Another mate of mine had an acoustic guitar and I thought it would be cool to hold the guitar pretending to play it. This was when i was 11.

    My mate agreed to let me have the acoustic for a fiver and i mucked about with it for a bit. I was a huge Queen fan at the time and tried hard to play along but I didn't understand the concept of chords or anything.

    Anyhoo it gets to Christmas and I'm asked what i want. I was leafing through the Littlewoods book and started looking at the guitars but spotted the bass alongside. Everyone wanted me to get the guitar so i picked the bass.

    Christmas morning comes along and I get my Marlin Slammer P bass copy which looked a bit like John Deacon's red P elite that he used on the One Vision video. I also got a curly guitar lead just like Brian May's and played it through a Squier 15w guitar combo.

    That was me until I was 16, same strings and everything.

    I did consider getting a guitar a couple of times but when i went to a music shop to try some out I always felt that there was something missing and that it was a bit light on the loafers compared to the power of the electric bass.

    I wouldn't be interested in any other instrument now

  12. Good bits:

    I've always been able to pick up a tune really quickly
    I can play most songs in any key
    After 20 years I have the best gear for my needs
    My gear is lightweight
    I wear earplugs at every gig
    I can slap & use a pick if I need to
    I'm still getting better all the time
    I'm always at a gig in plenty of time
    I maintain all my own gear
    I can sight read
    I got lightweight gear before I did my back in or got too old to lift it
    I can get all my gear in and out of a gig in 2 trips - 2 basses, gig bag, cabinet, amp & stands
    I'm good at improvising thanks in part to being in a dixieland jazz band when I was 17 where all you got were the chords, no dots
    I'm a typical bass player in that I carry a spare of everything: speaker cables, stands, straps etc
    I'm confident
    I'll try playing anything

    Bad bits:

    I never practice
    Since I began wearing earplugs I think I play louder than I used to
    I don't spend time sorting out the settings on my effects so don't use them as much as I would like to
    I react to the crowd - If they're being dull and uninterested then so am I; If they're up for a good night then so am I
    I would rather pack up and go home and donate my gig fee to charity than play 'sit down' by James. If that's such a bad thing

  13. Played the 'Inn Bred' pub in Brightons tonight. no that's not the name of it but cetainly fits the bill of many of the inbred, burberry wearing, schemie, chav, minkoids that were nuggets before we even got there.

    took a while to get into the gig and only really began enjoying it towards the end.

    Got held back by the obligatory 'I used to play in a band' punter.

    The best part of the night was when I was driving home with money in my pocket. Not had one of those gigs in a looooooooong time. I've had a lot of really good gigs this year and very rarely do I have one where I've felt like I'm just there for the money.

    Better luck next week hopefully. We're playing in Hicksville where most people's cousin's are also their mothers etc.

    Tune in next week for more 'Keep it in the family'.

    Take me drunk, I'm home.

  14. I don't have a backup.

    I usually take goldie and oldie to gigs and change between them during the night for no other reason than for a change.

    Im still learning to play these basses. It normally takes about a year for me to become totally familiar with a bass. After changing basses every week or two when I was experimenting its really good to have 2 definite basses that are keepers.

  15. I've been using one of those brooklyn gear straps - bit similar to the comfort straps - for a couple of years now and they really do work.

    My gold bass is one of the heaviest I have ever played with the Mahogany body, Wenge neck and Ebony fretboard but I never get back or shoulder pain when playing. I remember back to the bad old days of playing my Stingray 5 string with a standard leather strap with no padding and halfway through the night I would actually take the strap off and put it over my other shoulder.

    I also find that I move my bass around quite a bit as well: if I'm playing mainly on the bottom 5 frets then I'll slide the bass to the right and vice versa for high bits.

    I even find myself shifting the bass mid song for certain bits.

    They say that you should adjust your strap so that when you are sitting down practicing, when you stand up your bass should still be in the same position. But then again I don't practice which is something I really need to address but that's another story.

    If none of this works then a lighter bass such as a P bass lyte as previously mentioned, a Bass Collection which are featherweight basses but pack a mean punch or, if you want something made, one of those hollow jazz bodies that warmoth do.

    If you get a lightweight wood body done this way with a light neck and lightweight tuners such as Hipshot Ultralights or the rarer to find Gotoh Resolites that i have on my '54 P bass then you'll be laughing

  16. Back to the topic in hand:

    A lot of the more muso players I have heard fall into the 'who framed roger rabbit?' category.

    Lets go back to 1988 - There was a lot of fuss made over this new film with Bob Hoskins and an animated rabbit. It was meant to be the best thing sinced sliced bread. everywhere you went you couldn't get away from it.

    Enter 12 year old me buying all the hype. I went to see the film and have to say that it was the worst tripe I had ever seen in my life (and was until I saw or rather slept through LOTR). Since then I gererally stay away from anything overhyped so that i can go and watch it and judge it for myself so that I'm not as let down if it turns out to stink worse than a smelly cheese sandwich made with pumpernickel bread containing real pumps.

    Anyway, I digress. Or do I?

    I used to frequent Talkbs a lot and they always went on about Jaco, the bass of doom, all these great things he was meant to have done. I asked what a good album to listen to first would be. Can't remember what it was (something by Weather Report) but I bought it and absolutely hated the 'music'

    I'm pretty open when it comes to music and try and look for new stuff but this was just hellish. I have since tried to listen to it again but just can't. It got filed under B for bin.

    The point I'm trying to make, if I have a point, is that I am so tired and losing my concentration.

    I really don't like 'bass players' as the main attraction in a band. It should be about the music rather than them doing the proverbial ham shank.

    I can listen to some Stanley Clarke as he has some good songs but I have trouble listening to the other ones. You know,the short guy that plays the Aria 6 string fretless, Marcus Miller and that bloke with the piccolo Fodera bass with the Yin yang thing on it. I do know their names but, you know, tired and stuff.

    I like Thin Lizzy - Phil was the main attraction but as a singer. Same goes for Guys like Sting and the guy from Del Amitri.

    I like bands with good bass players such as: Yes, Chilis, Zeppelin, the Who, Deep Purple (esp glenn Hughes), etc but if the song stinks then it stinks. it doesn't matter how well the bass is played.

    As always this is IMHO and AFAIK and I'm going to bed.

  17. Siberian Khatru ranks as one of my favourite bass lines to both listen to and to play along to as well.

    Incidentaly, I was compared to Stanley Clarke on several occasions.

    Apparently compared to Stanley Clarke I'm rubbish. :)

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